
Football : Start Copying Prime Messi Attributes

In 2012, Lucas traveled back in time and became Pep Guardiola's adopted son Lucas Guardiola. Initially a midfielder, he gained the extraordinary abilities of peak Messi through the "Football King System." That year marked the pinnacle for both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Messi set a record with 91 goals, while Ronaldo scored 63 goals. They both dominated the football world, leaving no room for a third contender. However, this marked the beginning of a three-way rivalry among the exceptional talents.

R9ThePhenomenon · Sports
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Leaving Barcelona

Loan me to play in the Bundesliga?"

Enrique emerged from the office at the conclusion of the training match.

Upon stepping out, he found Lucas wearing a serious expression and directly informed him about the club's plans.

"Indeed, I agree with the other members of the coaching staff that you need to experience high-level competitions to develop faster!" Enrique said solemnly.

"There is no place for you in the first team, so the only option is to loan you to play in other leagues."

Perhaps sensing that his explanation wasn't convincing enough, he added, "Positions in the youth team are also highly valuable. We need to continue promoting new young players from the academy to provide them with opportunities for growth."

"You know, this has been a longstanding tradition at Barcelona. We prioritize youth development more than any other club!"

Naturally, Lucas was repulsed by Enrique's empty talk. He didn't believe a word of it.

Rosell had just talked to Enrique and he had already seen it, and Enrique was already preparing to loan him out. If there wasn't something fishy going on, Lucas would write his name upside down.

However, Lucas didn't object to Enrique's loan arrangement.

Enrique was right about one thing—Lucas truly needed to play high-level games to further improve his skills.

The recent training match with the team had already demonstrated that after attaining attributes similar to peak Messi, the competition at the youth team level didn't provide much value in terms of training.

If he didn't want his progress to stagnate or even regress, he needed to play in a top league as soon as possible.

The Bundesliga had a less intensive schedule and placed significant emphasis on nurturing and training young players, making it an ideal environment for rising talents to level up.

Therefore, Lucas was very satisfied with this arrangement.


However, he wouldn't easily allow Enrique's scheme to succeed. Deliberately, he stated, "I'm staying in Barcelona very well, I'm not going anywhere!"

Upon hearing this, Enrique became immediately anxious.

Rosell had asked Enrique to drive Lucas away, and he had promised to handle the matter effectively. If Lucas refused the loan at this moment, it would put him in an awkward position. With a serious expression, he resorted to a threat, saying, "This is the club's decision. If you disagree, we have the right to terminate your contract!"

Facing Enrique's threat, Lucas fearlessly asked, "Mr. Enrique, is this the club's intention or your personal decision?"

Enrique replied, "Of course, it's the club's intention!"

"Oh, is that so? My father just resigned, and the club seems to be burning bridges. Is that the case?" Lucas retorted.

"If that were the case, I could go back and inform my father about what the club truly means," Lucas added.

Enrique hurriedly clarified, "No, no! The club doesn't have any such intentions. Your father is a respected coach, and the club would never treat him disrespectfully."

"Oh? So, if it's not the club's intention, then it must be solely your personal decision as the coach, correct?" Lucas responded, keenly observing the coach's cunning expression. Enrique's heart skipped a beat, a wave of unease washing over him, as if he were being manipulated or deceived.

The mention of mistreatment towards Guardiola's family members struck a nerve. If this matter were to leak, the media would undoubtedly seize upon it, causing an uproar. Guardiola's standing within the Barcelona club was far greater than Enrique's. Many believed that Guardiola's departure was temporary and that he would return in the future.

If the fans discovered that a coach from the youth training team dared to treat a club legend in such a manner, and if Guardiola were to be completely provoked, refusing to ever return, the Barcelona fans would figuratively scold him.

At that moment, even if he explained that this was the club's order from Chairman Rosell, it would be futile. It could potentially even offend Rosell, leading to dire consequences. Enrique's forehead was already sweating from nervousness as he realized how challenging it was to deal with a sixteen-year-old kid.

"Ahem, this isn't an order. It's just my personal suggestion. It doesn't mean you have to go out on loan. Please don't misunderstand. Let's not bother Coach Guardiola with this matter. He must be exhausted at the moment and deserves some rest..."

Enrique had to relent and dared not push any further. The consequences of doing so were already evident before him, and he couldn't bear such a responsibility.

Observing the other party's deflated demeanor, Lucas let out a sigh of relief and immediately felt better. With a smile, he changed his tone:

"Well, thank you, coach, for your kind consideration. Actually, I also believe it's a good idea to go out on loan and play high-level games!"

"Huh?" Enrique was a little perplexed. Lucas had vehemently opposed the idea just moments ago, expressing a desire to stay in Barcelona. Why the sudden change of heart? Enrique found himself puzzled, unable to discern the other party's thoughts.

"Personally, I agree to go out on loan, but I'm still young and not capable of making such an important decision on my own. I need to discuss it with my father and seek his opinion. What do you think, coach?"

Enrique started panicking once again, blurting out, "No, no, there's no need for that. You can simply stay in Barcelona. It's unnecessary to trouble Coach Guardiola with such a trivial matter. Let's pretend that the previous conversation never happened!"

Deep down, he feared that Lucas might seek revenge by reporting him to Guardiola. He desperately tried to dissuade Lucas, but how easily could someone change their decision?

"How could that be? It's rare for you, coach, to propose such a great suggestion. I must express my heartfelt gratitude to you. Otherwise, being young as I am, I might not be able to explain this situation clearly when I return. Misunderstandings might arise, or it could trouble you. Why don't you personally meet my father and explain your proposal?"

Lucas emphasized the words 'misunderstanding,' and Enrique truly panicked upon hearing them.

"No, no, no, I have something to attend to, so I won't go!"

He had already begun to regret it; how could he be so unfortunate as to provoke such a challenging child?

Should he go to Guardiola's house and inform him that the club has expelled his adopted son? He wasn't foolish enough to engage in such mocking behavior by approaching Guardiola directly.

Upon finishing his statement, he turned his head and fled, too afraid to continue conversing with Lucas.



Observing Enrique hastily running away, Lucas shrugged, unable to bear watching him escape.

Shaking his head, he returned to the locker room and took a shower. After changing his clothes, he packed his belongings and left the training base promptly.

From that moment on, he severed ties with La Masia youth training camp and the Barcelona club.



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