

"Having fun?" Robin asked, smiling down at her.

Zatanna bit on her lip gently and then grinned back at him, well aware she was flushed and had been laughing a bit too loud all evening. It wasn't her fault, heavens no, but Wally did that to her, and Robin had the bright idea to accept the redhead's invitation to a hockey game in Metropolis. Of course, Robin had bought the tickets, but Wally had still suggested they all go together.

So it was a double date, and Zatanna didn't mind one bit. The constant presence of Artemis and Wally next to her took the heavy weight off her shoulders and let her relax. A date, Robin had said the day before, obviously pleased with himself for thinking of it. Not that Zatanna particularly liked hockey, hell, neither did Robin, but they hadn't been on a date in nearly three weeks and even Robin knew that needed to be amended.

Zatanna still wasn't sure how to act around the techie, not in light of recent events. Was she supposed to act like she used to, all shy smiles and sweet words? Was that what girlfriends did for their… boyfriends? Did Robin want her as his girlfriend? Did he want her attention? What was the line between polite concern and intrusion? She found she had no idea.

Then there was Conner, with his cantankerous words and frowns. He had smiles reserved for her now, ones that crept into his eyes whenever she said something snarky and earned a laugh from the others, or when she outsmarted Wally and the redhead had no idea what to say in return. To her, those looks held pride, and good god did she want to see them more often.

However, she was unsure if she had permission to pull such looks out of him. It had been what, four days since he had kissed her in the library? Four days of her having no idea how to act around him either, only guessing and second guessing and overthinking in her usual way.

But he seemed casual, not acting out of the ordinary in any way, and his words came back to her often. When you need me. Zatanna had paused the first time, thinking it over as she stared down at her math homework. It was an awfully Conner thing to do, and she had smiled.

I don't need you know, do I? She thought to herself, knowing Conner would be there to comfort her again when she did need it and whatever Robin was doing didn't seem to be enough. The fact his ways of comforting her included kissing didn't faze Zatanna in the slightest. Should it?

For now, she had Robin, and that was enough, and Conner had Megan, and that was enough. Zatanna had no idea if this comfort relationship went both ways, if he would accept her help when he was the one needing it. Conner could be emotional, after all, angry and pent up with nothing to lay waste to.

Zatanna turned back to game, moving her eyes away from Robin's. "Yes, thank you for taking me." And she saw his smile in the corner of her eye.

Everything was well, she didn't need Conner's presence in her life constantly, but it was certainly good to know she could have it at any point and time.

Little did she know, Conner might be needing her sooner.