

Turns out no one wanted to split up. Not even part way for the night. Artemis' mom had a spare bedroom but that would leave Artemis cut off for the stay. Instead they opted to board at Wayne Manor, Robin's house… mansion. There were plenty of rooms, plenty of food, and it was only a short drive from the center of Gotham. It was the ideal place to crash. Their first night there, introductions were made at dinner -damn was Robin's dad tall- then the butler, Alfred, showed them to their rooms.

Zatanna rather liked the big mansion, fascinated by the never-ending halls and the floor to ceiling windows, the old painting and strange, antique furniture. Robin gave her a tour while the others sprawls out on their assigned beds. When she moved to hold his hand, however, Robin awkwardly brushed her off. Zatanna frowned, then spotted his dad waiting for him at the end of the hall. Oh, she thought, quickly scurrying to her room to get dressed.

"Zee! We're going to play card games!" Wally' voice ran into the hall; Zatanna smiled.

"What kind of card games?"

"Strip poker!"

"Wallace!" Artemis reprimanded, and Zatanna giggled. "Come on Zatanna, we're not playing poker." Zatanna rolled her eyes and pulled a tanktop over her shoulders. She had planned for this trip when it came to clothes (she had to, as she usually slept without pants) so she exited her room wearing a pair of shorts and her tanktop, linking arms with Artemis before heading to Wally's room where the games were happening.

Turned out, Zatanna was the only one would couldn't play poker, so they did end up playing the gambling game, using coins and bottle caps for bets. Artemis was adamant, thankfully, that no one remove clothes. Wally relented but only after almost an hour of lewd jokes and fake fluttering eyelashes-both on his part. In the end, Artemis ended up tackling him, which Zatanna took her as her cue to leave and head to bed.

What is it? 12:00? She yawned, covering her face with a hand hand, and crossed the hall. No goodnight from Robin, but she didn't mind. If he was nervous about being affectionate when his dad was around, she could understand that. After all, she'd be nervous around her own dad. She smiled at him and waved, and that was enough for her.

Stretching her arms above her head, Zatanna nearly jumped out of her skin when she bumped into someone. "Oh, hey Conner." She offered, obviously tired.

Conner almost smiled, from what she could see, which made Zatanna smile in return. "Wally and Artemis are visiting her mom tomorrow, huh?"

"Told you," Zatanna said, shrugging.

Conner glanced behind her, the direction Robin had left down, letting her knowhe had caught their awkward, impersonal and not at all couple-like exchange. "So I'm stuck with you?"

"Hopefully." That was not the appropriate response to the boy you had sucked face with if he asked if your boyfriend wouldn't be around. But Conner didn't respond, so she quickly moved on before he could call her on it. 'Goodnight!"

Conner nodded but didn't move, and Zatanna blinked. Had he always been standing this close to me? Then he left her, without a word, just as Robin had. Strangely enough, Zatanna felt Conner's goodbye was more… sentimental.

God, she really needed to get some sleep.