
Fool's Errand

The world has never been fair to Ronan and bad luck seems to be his middle name. Going about his business, he is suddenly transported to another world which seems to be very familiar to him, yet the ride to the destination was anything but desirable. Rather than endure and give up, why not laugh? "HAHAHAHAAHA! Nothing ever goes my way!" PS. This is for fun. This is my first book so there might be grammar mistakes or mistakes in general, but I hope to learn. Summary might be changed but I don't want to put too much into it since I like surprises. Thanks for reading!

ChainedTime · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

'I need to wake up.'

I kept repeating to myself, my eyes remained shut, refusing to open. Every time I would try, it would feel like my body told me to go back to sleep, or not yet.

Yet no matter how many times this happened, I would always try to open my eyes. I wanted to know where I was, what was happening to me, and what I needed to do. My senses were numb, but my thoughts remained.

As if answering my thoughts, a chilling breeze brushed my face, and a warm feeling engulfed my body. Leaves could be heard rustling as the breeze passed by while water could be heard smashing against the rocks.

Just like always, I opened my eyes. This time though, I was welcomed by a ray of sunlight beaming right to my face.

Lifting my arm up to cover my face and sitting upright, I was greeted by a lush green forest full of creatures that were unfamiliar to me yet at the same time, familiar.

A green deer with unusually large antlers looked at me with curiosity only to be suddenly scared off by me trying to get up.

"Interesting" I said, taking in all my surroundings.

Insects could be seen grappling onto the trees, blending to it as if was part of the tree. They were freakishly large though so I could still see them but they looked harmless albeit a bit scary.

'Where the hell am I? If I remember correctly, I was fighting a whole army and now all of a sudden I am in a forest?'

Realizing this, I quickly examined my body which was previously riddled with holes only to find that all of the wounds disappeared.

Lifting my hands, I slapped myself in the face to see if I was just dreaming or dead.

"Well, it doesn't hurt" My cheeks were now flushed red for the amount of force applied.

"I might be dead, but I smell things, so I don't think so," as I took a whiff of the grassy smell surrounding me."

Getting right back on track.

I need information right now.

'Looking at my surroundings, I can roughly guess that it is approximately noon but other than that, I don't really know much else.'

Assuming this is the world from my novel, I should know a lot but I don't think I was really a fan of world building so not every creature or scenario was described in my novel. There was multiple fill the blanks so I am left in the dark what took its place.

For all I know, something as simple as 'he died' could be chalked up to some grand death by explosion or something menial like choking on a gum.

It would be foolish to assume that everything is the way it was written. There are simply too many variables to be able to predict the outcome of the story as of now. Hopefully, the bigger part of the story will remain unchanged as long as nothing drastic happens.

Recalling all the events that happened, I chuckled.

"Well, hopefully, me killing a bunch of random people from every race shouldn't change things. haha."

'Now that I think about it, if the war that happened in the background story is where I 'spawned', then doesn't that mean I am far into the past of the events of the main story? Thinking about it logically, I don't think I'll get to meet the characters I created.'

I was a saddened by the news, but I guess I was still in a Fantasy world, so it was not all that bad.

'Also, I wonder if I will be hunted since I did kill a shit ton of people in my quest to learn the 'controls' of the game. Gathering all the information I heard about from others, it seems I cannot be 'read' using magic meaning that at the very least, tracking me should be difficult and although I am worried people will recognize my face, I think the static squares pretty much covered my face.'

Glancing at my body once again, I realized that there were no static squares anywhere around my body.

"What is that anyway and what does it do? I pretty much accepted that it is me, but I should at the very least try to understand it's capabilities. Speaking of which, the abilities I get from the cards are overpowered."

As I reached into my pocket, I was able to find the deck of cards that I had previously used in the battle.

All of the cards were present except the joker card, which was obviously me.

I was in a relatively safe location seeing as I wasn't immediately attacked, so I decided it was a perfect chance to test out my capabilities.

Taking out a clover, spade, heart, and diamond card from the deck, I spread them around me.

"First thing is first, I want to teleport," recalling the fight I had with Barlas.

The moment the thought appeared in my mind; I was teleported 2 meters in front of me. Looking for the spade on the floor, it seemed to have disappeared.

"Well, I think that solves which card was used. Looking at the deck of cards in my pocket, it seems that some other spade cards disappeared, so teleportation required some power."

"Let's test something else out," as I teleported a couple of times to use all the spade cards.

'Teleport,' I said internally and to my surprise, I still teleported.

There was no difference whether I was using a certain type of card or not. It seemed that the constraint that I thought was there, was nothing more than me thinking that was a rule.

After that happened, I tested out what I can do and to my surprise, there was basically nothing I couldn't do. The cards essentially served as a means of activating my power and depending on what I wanted to happen, it would require a different amount of 'card' cost.

The most effective way to use the cards seemed to be using them individually as weapons though since they were strong and didn't really consume anything.

I was a Jack of all trades which I guess made sense.

When I put on the suit, other than it looking goofy, basically anything I did was amplified tremendously and the cost for the powers was not as much. Even if it was powerful, it was a very tiresome ability and assuming a lot of people know this version, well... I might be recognized. That wouldn't stop me from using it though.

The cards also seem to recuperate overtime but depending on the situation, this could limit what I can do. Perhaps there was other ways of doing but I am not sure as of yet.

For the drawback, well...

"I can't really heal..." I sighed as I looked finger that was wrapped in leaves, obscuring the cut I made myself with a nearby branch, feeling nothing from the injury.

'I know I can heal since I tested it out early with a huge bunny that was injured but apparently, I am exception to this rule.'

"DAMN IT!!!! I'M A GLASS CANNON!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs out of frustration.

'I guess I will have to play it quite safe if I want to survive in this world. I'll just find a way to prevent me from getting life threatening injuries. If it's that much, I should be able to survive. Also, who knows, I might regenerate quicker than a normal human from earth.'

Then there was the King, Queen, and Jack cards.

It seemed I couldn't figure out what they do. They worked like any other card, but I had a feeling they weren't utilized to their full potential.

Other than that, it seems I also inherited game-like abilities like a dimensional storage and info gathering ability like the main character.

I thought about getting information about myself and something appeared.


{Title} The Fool

Able to retain information regarding the world.


(Passive) Fool's Indifference:

Unable to comprehend the common laws of the world. A Fool doesn't abide by the rules as they don't know what rules are. The Fool brings uncertainty. Immune to mental attacks. Unperceivable.


The skill in of itself is a strange thing. It's definitely powerful but also brings a bunch uncertainty. If I am to compare the skill, then the skill is like an aura a person has that is expressed through strength. An extreme example of this is how people exude killing intent and the people around the said person would feel fear. The fear can be overwhelming and can cause other living being to pass out. On the other side of the scale, someone that exudes charisma, will increase the morale and overall strength of those around them.

Which brings me to my skill [Fool's Indifference].

The feeling I would give off would be that as if I was nothing but something. That's where the uncertainty is. Most people would shrug of their uncertainty if it doesn't directly affect them. Which would be useful when I meet people as I would seem as nothing special.

However, if emotions are high, that uncertainty inevitably ends up popping up in that person's mind. Therefore, what ends up happening is that the uncertainty will attempt to be filled with information that the being already possesses which can bring out all kinds of misconception and feelings that seem unordinary. Hell, even love and hatred can appear. Like when you feel a weird feeling next to a person (when you are a kid) and accidentally mistake that weird feeling for love because other's say it is so. It is based on the info you possess at the given time.

In other words, it's a double edge sword. For the most part, I feel like it will be beneficial since I will most likely be ignored by everyone and I am immune to mental attacks. It might bring lots of unforeseen consequences though. At the very least, most people won't do anything if they are uncertain. Excluding some weirdos.

I sighed as I thought about how I was attacked relentlessly by every race without any provocation.

"It does explain why the Goddess couldn't read me and why everyone took me lightly in the beginning. "

As for the 'ruling' part goes in the text, well I don't understand that too much it since I don't know what 'rules' entail. Although one obvious thing was my lack of healing. "Unable to comprehend the common laws of the world" also seems concerning.

"Oh well, that's for another time," I said as I picked myself up.

It was getting late, and I didn't really feel like staying in the wilderness, although it seems that is exactly what was going to happen.

"Right now, I need to find a way to get out of the forest. I remember the forest is typically not a place you would want to be due to monsters appearing frequently at night. Let's go this way. " I uttered as I started walking towards a random direction.