
Fool's Errand

The world has never been fair to Ronan and bad luck seems to be his middle name. Going about his business, he is suddenly transported to another world which seems to be very familiar to him, yet the ride to the destination was anything but desirable. Rather than endure and give up, why not laugh? "HAHAHAHAAHA! Nothing ever goes my way!" PS. This is for fun. This is my first book so there might be grammar mistakes or mistakes in general, but I hope to learn. Summary might be changed but I don't want to put too much into it since I like surprises. Thanks for reading!

ChainedTime · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Now the question in everyone's mind might be, "How can you reach the conclusion that you recognize this setting as the one from your book you wrote?"

If I am to speak bluntly, well let's just say that I fell in love with my own book and re-read it far too many times even though I am the creator. The broad setting is engraved onto my head along with the multiple characters that live inside the world.

"Couldn't the names be a coincidence?" one might ask and to that I say, very unlikely.

Two of the characters standing in front of me have 'coincidently' the same name as the characters in the book and are 'coincidentally' the same as the descriptions which make up both characters. Demons also seem to exist in this world and the goddess is worrying about them as if there is some sort of conflict. Hell no. Coincidence my ass. I refuse to deny reality and won't make up some lame other reasoning. Especially when what I need most right now is information of what is happening to me and how to avoid other unforeseen circumstances.

As I laid on the ground thinking to myself, Michael's frown continued to worsen and as if he had enough of my silence yelled,

"Who are you and how did you get here! Are you a demon? There should be no possible way you should have been able to get here. Now answer or else I won't be as patient as I have been so far!"

Holding his spear and pointing it at me, he stayed back in the altar next to Aria without moving.

'Damn it, if you want me to speak, let me speak damn it! I used everything I had to speak earlier. This pressure is suffocating me and I can't seem to speak. This unreasonable angel! I though he was supposed to be a fairly decent person! Am I really in the world I created?'

If I remember correctly, the place I am currently is 'Heaven' or in other words, the Goddess' domain. Although I don't think I elaborated too much on her character, she was in charge of helping out the hero by giving him different sorts of skills and abilities during his quest. Not to mention she heavily favored him because he was your typical do-gooder who helped everyone in need. Even so, Aria regarded demons as entities that encompassed evil with no redeeming qualities about them. This was not limited to her, however. Every race disliked them.

Which I guess then brings us to why I am almost being squished like a bug. If I am labeled as a demon, I kick the bucket right here and now. Truly absurd.

'Move lips! Move!!!!'

Aria noticed my trembling lips and grasp Michaels left shoulder as if telling him to stop emitting so much pressure onto my body.

He looked at Aria hesitantly before looking back at me in which he then proceeded to lower the amount of pressure that was slamming onto me.

Finally able to move my lips, I lifted my head and proceeded to speak.

"My name is Ronan and like I said earlier, I have no idea how I got here. I am also not a demon you guys speak of."

"As if we are so dumb to believe that! You just 'coincidentally' stumbled upon heaven and so happen to be teleported right in front of the Goddess when we are in the middle of fighting the demon army! Don't be absurd!! You knew that the Goddess would be without most of her army and decided it was the perfect chance to strike. You DARE blatantly lie in front of Goddess Aria's face!!!"

Michael then immediately reapplied the pressure he took of earlier which further put my head straight to the ground creating more cracks on the floor.

At this rate, I will surely die here. All I did was answer his question and this is how I am treated? At this rate no matter what I say, I will not be believed. What can I do?

Aria overseeing the situation, was fairly calm throughout the whole ordeal. She looked over to where I was and with a gentle smile said,

"Ronan, was it? You see, we are at a turning point in the war where the stakes are rather high and filled with uncertainty. Being a Goddess, I play a big part in leading and assisting all the citizens in this world to live a happier and peaceful life. Some may even say that there are lots of beings that place their beliefs onto me to help achieve that goal," as she was speaking, she slowly started making her way towards my direction.

"Please Goddess! Stay back, we don't know what he is capable of!" Michael exclaimed as he followed closely behind the goddess.

Aria then raised her hand halfway as to stop him from speaking any further.

Looking at me she continued.

"As my loyal subordinate stated earlier, it is quite unbelievable to say that you have no idea how you got here at such a crucial point in history. Now you say you are not a demon, so that begs the question, what are you? A monster perhaps?"

'What???? What the hell screams to you that I am a monster or a demon!?' Luckily, I did not have to wait very long for the answer.

"That appearance of yours is rather vexing and not at all seen in this world. It is not very appealing in the slightest not to mention I can't seem to read you. Why is that?"

'Ouch. Well, I was always below average in looks in my old world but getting told this outright and by a Goddess no less still stings a bit. Also, what about reading me? Like mind reading? How the hell am I supposed to know!'

Pressure was then toned back as if Michael was telling me to answer the Goddess. It seems there is really no way to avoid answering.

Lifting my head, I answered.

"I am not a monster and being labeled as one just by the way I look is a new low. Also, what do you mean by you can't 'read' me? Not to mention not knowing what that means, how that hell am I supposed to answer that?"

At this point, I was very pissed off. Not only did they keep my body slammed onto the ground for no reason, but they also insulted me with no provocation. I am being labeled a monster or a demon so it's quite obvious what they think of me. If that is the case, well I am dead. Simple as that.

Michael then lifted up his spear immediately after the words came out of my mouth as to strike me down in a single blow. His anger was boiling at this point, and I could practically see the fumes that came out of his head the moment I responded.

To my surprise though, Michael spear suddenly bounced off as if it hit a sort of magical wall that prevented him from harming me.

"Michael, stop with your actions! Do not harm him! Do I make myself clear?" Aria demanded while looking at him.

Michael sudden anger subsided and then proceeded to kneel on one leg with his hand on his chest and head bowed down.

"I'm sorry! I let my anger get the best of me. I will do as you command."

"We need to find out how he got here in the first place and make countermeasures against this. If the demons or monsters have a way of teleporting here, disaster is sure to befall us and I cannot let this happen. This unknown magic we have never seen before is even capable of blocking my power. We cannot let this 'thing' in front of us die without knowing all the information he possesses. This concerns the whole world!"

She then looked at me as if I was only an object.

I felt a cold shiver go down my spine.

With a smile on her face, she demanded "Please, do tell me what you used to get here and who sent you here. While you are at it, I would be grateful if you show us what magic you used."

"I repeated my information time and time again, yet I am treated as a liar. GREAT!! JUST GREAT! From what I gather, it seems I can't say anything to change your mind."

Even if I did tell them about how I came from a different world, they wouldn't believe me. They even think I used some magic.

"Michael, please take him away someplace more comfortable." She said as she started to walk away from where I stood.

"As you wish."

Michael stood up and then proceeded to lift me up by the neck of my hoodie.

I seem to have been transported to my own novel and instead of being able to enjoy it or at the very least be left alone, I get harassed by a Goddess and an angel. As if that is not enough, it seems that all that awaits me is death or endless torture.

As I was lifted up into the air, I began to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA, I am truly cursed aren't I, HAHAHHAAHAHA!!

Michael looked at me as if I had a screw loose but still showed cold eyes.

"There is no need for you to stay awake to see where you are going, [Sleep]."

The tip of the spear all of a sudden illuminated with magic circles and then it touched me.

Out of nowhere my body started aching like the feeling I had when I first entered the world but it was not as bad as the first time. Michael all of a sudden dropped me onto the ground without warning in which I landed on my back.

"WHAT'S GOING ON??? My body just stopped working?!?" Michael was visibly shocked and stunned for a moment.

'Damn, that hurts!!'

I then looked at my body that emitted static squares around my body appearing as if I was glitching in real life. It looked unreal.

'What is happening? Wait! No time to think! This is my chance!! I need to find a way out!'

"Don't move!!" Michael screamed angrily.

I then stood up and started running away.