
Fool's Errand

The world has never been fair to Ronan and bad luck seems to be his middle name. Going about his business, he is suddenly transported to another world which seems to be very familiar to him, yet the ride to the destination was anything but desirable. Rather than endure and give up, why not laugh? "HAHAHAHAAHA! Nothing ever goes my way!" PS. This is for fun. This is my first book so there might be grammar mistakes or mistakes in general, but I hope to learn. Summary might be changed but I don't want to put too much into it since I like surprises. Thanks for reading!

ChainedTime · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 12

In the middle of the road, an absurd situation was occurring. Bodies were littered all over the place and 20 assassins were standing wearily of a strange human they have never seen or heard of before. 

'He is a mad man' was what every one of them was thinking as the man just knocked out his own allies/employers after saying that he would save them. 

"Why did you knock out your only support, are you stupid?" said the assassin commander, flabbergasted at what just happened. 

"Well, I guess to most people, it is absurd but what would be the fun of dealing with you guys if I had help? That and I did say no witnesses, no?" I replied in a matter-of-fact manner, feeling fairly relaxed and excited at the same time. 

'Crazy' everyone thought.

"Forget that I still think it's unfair. Not for me of course. So, let's do this," I said as cards started flowing out of my pocket, blocking the assassins light of sight and encircling me to make a pillar of cards. The cards then proceeded to enlarge, and a cage was formed. 

Startled about the change, the assassins attempted to fall back when they saw the cards forming, but it was a barrier that none of them were capable of destroying after they continuously used their attacks. 

The assassin commander kept slashing all the cards as hard as he could, using all the skills in his arsenal to no avail. As he was about to continue trying, he heard a voice from the man. 

"I'm curious but you guys are all friends, right?" I said with an innocent looking grin as my body was projected in the pillar of cards. 

The moment the projection appeared, one assassin went to stab Ronan swiftly only to be met with a card falling down and slicing his head off. 

It all happened so swiftly that everyone was left speechless at just how easily the assassin was killed. It was not until that moment that they realized that they messed up.

"Hey, so are you guys?" I asked again, snapping the assassins out of their stupor. 

All of the assassins looked at one another, not sure what the man meant by that statement.

"We'll let me tell you that the way to getting out is quite simple really." I said as I was shuffling cards, all of them not daring to look away.

From the projection, 19 cards could be seen flowing out and descending in front of the remaining assassins. They were curious about what was happening but after seeing their ally get sliced, they opted to just listen for now. 

"Now all of these cards are the gateway to a bright future!!!" I said while making a popping noise and firework hand gestures.

Suddenly, I made my face to look a little sad.


"But alas, to get out of this predicament, all of the cards in front of you need to be combined to break through the barrier. To that end, one of you lucky fellas, with garnered support of your peers, can have all the cards and give yourself a permanent buff!!!"

Everyone started looking to at the cards in front of them, wary of what the man said but at the same time, curious about it.

A brave soul then grabbed one of the cards in front of him, willing to stake that the man wasn't lying and to his surprise, the moment he grabbed it, he felt a surge of stamina and magical energy. It was felt across the whole card cage. 

The rest followed suit, grabbing them, resulting in everyone getting a buff. 

"EVERYONE, USE YOUR STRONGEST ATTACK AT THE WALL NOW!!!" The assassin commander said loudly, everyone complying with his order, beginning their skill chants. 

'Smart' I thought as I heard the quick order that the commander gave.

'But predictable'

The moment all the attacks hit; the barrier remained unchanged.

"I respect the quick thinking, but I already told you what you need to do so... yeah" I said smiling.

The assassin commander brow creased, thinking how he was helpless in front of this random looking bandit. His pride was hurt and realized that he had no choice but to follow the rules. He lived for so long and this was the first time in his career that he didn't know what to do. His intuition was top notch, yet it was helpless in front of this guy. 

'Whatever, I'll play your stupid game' he said looking at the projection and faced everyone in his platoon. 

"Everyone give me your cards so I can get us out of here," he exclaimed loudly, extending his had to all of them.

All the assassins took a hold of their cards and were about to hand them over to their commander seeing as they were insignificant compared to him when they were interrupted. 

"Oh... One more thing." I said clumsily as if I forgot to say something, lifting up my pointer finger "Everyone here has different buffs and the weaker you are, the stronger the buffs, " I grinned.

Everyone looked at each other and cards surprised at what he just said. 

'Oh no,' the commanders' instincts flared realizing what the man just said. 

"So... this is an equal playing field :)" I remarked, having an even wider grin. 

As if time stopped, bloodlust eyes can be felt all around the room. Everyone was eyeing one another's cards, thinking about how this power can change their lives. 

"Enjoy" as the projection disappeared. 

"EVERYONE, GIVE ME YOUR DAMN CARDS!!!!!!!" The commander exclaimed panicked as he reached for the cards. It wasn't about getting buffs anymore; it was about getting out alive. As a long time commander of the assassin's guild, he knew assassins were loyal to the guild however, if given the chance to climb, it didn't matter.

"Hey, why should you get it?" asked one assassin as he jumped back.

"Give all the cards to me, I'll get us out of here no problem" another exclaimed.

"Shut up and just give it to me" others continued. 

As if a light was put under each one of them, the arguing started escalating.


'idiots' Although the commander wanted to take the cards, he knew that it would only escalate the situation, exactly what the mad man wanted. 

Glancing inside the cage, I knew the outcome that will be reached. Afterall, who would want to give up their chance at a better life much less, give it to someone else. Not in this ruthless world.

Although the cards did give them buffs, what I failed to mention is that it also heightens emotions. The exchange of rationality for the buff.

It wasn't too harsh.

I revealed a card from the top of the deck, an ace of hearts.

"I wonder.... who has a heart?" I laughed in amusement.

As the noise escalated, the room got dark.

Instant silence.

It was only for 3 seconds and the lights returned. 

Everyone saw a pool of blood staining white card floor. A guy was standing on top of the person with his dagger drawn, the blood glistening in his sharpened knife.

The assassin leader was breathing heavily with a smile strewn across his face. 

"Hahahaha. This is it, the power I was seeking!!!!!!!" he cackled looking over his body, a sense of renewal washing over him. 

Then he turned to look at all of them.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?!!?!?!?!?" said the commander feeling anger welling up inside him, taking out his dagger, everyone following suit. 

The light turned off again.

The previous silence that engulfed the cage was now filled with the noise of metal clashing with one another. 

'I failed' was the only thing popping up inside the commander's head.

It was pandemonium. 




The lights kept flashing on and off, each time more bodies piled up. Each time, the white card flooring turning redder. 

At the end, two people remained. The commander and the leader. 

One can chalk it up to experience, others to the buffs. Either way, both made it to the end.

"Oh... the two commanders remained till the end." I said as my projection appeared inside the cage. 

"Killing your subordinates is truly crazy but I guess power is power in the end." I said shrugging at both people panting heavily, facing one another and paying no mind to what I said. 

If they looked away, who knows who would get killed first. 

The leader obtained 11 cards and the commander obtained 8 cards. 

"Give me your cards, and I'll let this slide," the commander attempted to reason with the leader. 

"Don't make me laugh David. I have more strength than you now and you just want me to give it to you?" the leader snickered. "Just hand me yours," as he raised out his hand.

"OHHH, will friendship prevail?????" I asked with a grin, tilting my head to the side.

The commander didn't mind giving his cards away, but he knew he would get killed in his weakest moment.

"I guess there is no way around this" grimaced David as both of them got ready to strike.

The light turned off. 

The dance of death began, the daggers colliding with one another, producing a melodic rhythm. 

Every minute increased the fatigue of both parties. The leader had buffs, but the David seemed to have much more experience which balanced the fight.

The dark helped with disengaging while the light was used for clashing.

As I sat their spectating with one hand on chin, I smiled as I got to see a real-life fight amongst humans. They didn't have to, but they chose to. I admired the different tactics that David had while I got to see the extent of the buffs on the leader.

David learned dagger techniques, using his blood as a catalyst for more attacks while the leader used his body to tank hits and forcing David to dodge Not the most assassin thing to do but it was working, somewhat. David was slowly losing Afterall. 

Also, they seem to have seen that they couldn't use skill for the last fight as this would take into account skill rarities and power. This was to keep it fair. Mind you, previously I allowed it but that was boring to see a full-on battle-royale brawl without skills. With a one on one, it was different. It seemed the battle was about to end when...

"HAHAHHAHA, no way!!" I shouted with glee. 

As the leader was slashing down while clashing, David opted to not dodge but instead redirect the slash using his left arm as a shield. The cost of taking the impact was his whole left arm. Completely wide open, David thrusted his dagger right to his heart.

The leader proceeded to go limp as he came crashing forward to the floor, the dagger ringing across the cage as it touched the floor. A card come out of his body demonstrating David's victory.

'I won' though David as he panted heavily, and blood gushed out from his missing arm. 

David was kneeling and picked up the card and felt a tremendous amount of power surging within him. That did not take away his fatigue, however. He was bleeding fast.

He then slashed the cage and he saw the light of day after what felt like an eternity. Looking directly at him, was Ronan. 

"Hey you won!!!" I exclaimed as I clapped it up for him. "Screw friendship I guess." I shrugged with a hit of laughter in my voice as I saw the kneeling David. 

'I can't win' David looked with horror at the person who destroyed his squad. 'He gave us so much power and yet, it's for nothing. We never stood a chance.'

'I should have never taken this mission. We got greedy.' he said with regret filling up his mind. 'I survived for so long based on intuition alone yet, this man showed nothing.'

"Just kill me" said David as he stared at the smiling Devil. 

"Well, the person who you are trying to kill is right next to you, isn't that your mission? " I said, acting confused.

He looked to the right and realized; the target 'Amber' was within his grasp. It was all so easy yet, he didn't care.

"HAha" he giggled softly. "You crazy bastard."

'Did he even care about saving the person in the first place?' He looked at the sky with hopelessness.

"What's the point...."

David had lost completely, in front of an unimaginable devil, everything lost meaning. He was smaller than an ant. Still as he was in front of him, he felt like nothing. 

"Who knows but keep laughing and you will find something in life." I said gazing at the man who lost everything.

"Yeah, whatever, I'll think about it in the next life." he spoked softly, slowly losing consciousness.

"No point in thinking of the next life if you are going to live, no?" I chuckled.

David snapped awake and noticed his arm was back and had no visible injuries around his body.

"What?????? You aren't going to kill me?"

He was positive he was going to and yet, the devil did nothing. He just healed him and gave him monstrous strength. 

"Meh, what's the point" reiterating mockingly as I shrugged and went towards amber and the gang, passing by the stunned man.

I continued to move all the things (including the people) to the lavish carriage and left, leaving the man in his stupor.

"Wonder what your story will be" as I started up the carriage with the horse, for some reason, still there.

After about an hour passed, he 'woke up' from his thoughts.

"HOW ABSURD HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA" David laughed hysterically. 

Lifting himself up, he saw a card on the ground showing a strange mask.

He recalled the mask from a book that told a story from centuries ago about a man with a mask who killed multiple people and died at the hands of the great heroes, after lots of struggle. The enemy of the world. The Fool.

The price the heroes paid was that they all went to a comatose state, all lying dormant inside each respective kingdom.

"So that was you" he talked to himself chuckling. 

"Who would have guessed that was true" he looked at the empty road with a smiling face.

"Killed my ass. HAHAHAHAA!" he laughed maniacally.

"It seems I have not seen much of the world yet." he sighed as he saw the strewn bodies across the land. 

"The Fool, huh.....Thanks for the newfound power and words of advice " he said as he checked his body which was completely fine. 

"Perhaps dedicating my life to helping you might not be so bad." He said looking off into the distance. 

"Laugh he said, haha." he whispered as he looked at his dagger.

"Hopefully, we meet again," David said before he disappeared.