
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

The Training Camp But...

After that hellish and that cruel assignment of the breakfast buffet. Many students failed, the numbers were in tens. Each hall lost from 7 to 9 students. Those who passed were happy beyond anything but all of that happiness was crushed by their judges in each hall when they announced that the next assignment will be after 4 hours.

The students who finished rushed to their rooms to rest and relax their mind before going through the next assignment Or else many will go crazy.

Alexander and the rest were shuffled again each day.

On the next day, Alexander was in the same group with Alice, they were paired together to make Spaghetti at an Italian Alumni chef. Alice was really helpful as she made things easy for Alexander because of his broken arm. All Alexander had to do is say what she needed to do and he did the minimum job.

The two of them passed with flying colors. Alice said that she enjoyed the time she spent with him even though it was just an assignment, she enjoyed it.

And so the two of them continued to be on the same group for the whole day.

At night time, Alexander would take advantage of Takumi's guilt and order him around, he even created a scene of him as a pharaoh and Takumi moving a giant fan to give cold breeze at Hayama's room. The group was laughing their asses off at how ridiculous Takumi is. But he wasn't enjoying that in the slightest as he vowed to take revenge.

As for the 4th day, he was paired with Hayama, their group had Chef Hitoshi as their judge. They had to make a Curry dish but the twist is they had to make the dish by mixing the Indian and Japanese way of making a curry to come up with something now. Half of the group was lost that day.

With Hayama's nose and a good sense of spices he managed to pass easily, and the same for Alexander, although he finished last because of his arm and slow pace.

For the fourth day was the most tragic day for Alexander and Hayama's group, by the end of the day, the two of them were the only survivors that day.

As for the fifth day. Alexander's whole group was lucky that they were in the same group. Their judge was Chef Donato who made them form a group of 6.

They had to make a full course meal for the Hotel's guest. Each Group was tasked with a hall and a kitchen to cook for 20 tables of people.

Basically, they were working as professional chefs temporarily.

At first, there was some fighting between Takumi, Ryo, Alice and Hayama who couldn't coordinate with each other perfectly. After all, this is their first group work together, they all tried to leave their presence on the plates.

Thus leaving Isami and Alexander doing most of the work while they fight.

"I swear to God, these four are annoying as hell." Alexander flipped a pan with a fire going up. He was speaking to himself while Ryo is screaming behind him at Hayama and Takumi.

"We just have to work things out until they figure out how to work together." Isami passed a bottle of oil to Alexander, unlike Alexander he wasn't annoyed or even disturbed at the mess behind them.

"Lucky you, your as calm as the day we met." Alexander took the bottle and started mixing a bowl of sauce. He was really impressed at how calm Isami is, he was very unlike him. Alexander is the kind of man who will explode when he is irritated.

"When you work in a restaurant where people shout and talk loudly, this becomes the norm for you," Alexander remembered that Isami and Takumi used to work in a dinner before.

"That's really impressive, unlike the upper-class who speak low in order to keep their conversation a secret, your dinner seems like a nice place to live in!"

Isami smiled at that and agreed.

"YOU IDIOTS!!! COME AND HELP ME HERE!!!" Alexander shouted behind him with anger "RYO! THE TUNA ISN'T GOING TO COOKE ITSELF!!"

"OKAY, YOU BASTARD!!" Ryo left the group fight and came back to make the tuna dish with an angry face.

Alexander took the dishes and called for the waiter that was assigned for them. "Here take this to table 2 and this for table 11." The waiter was an employee in the hotel. he and his co-workers were scattered to various halls for this assignment. He took the dishes and presented them for the customers and retreated waiting for any order or any arising situation.

Things started to calm down in the kitchen and the group started to work together after seeing Alexander about lash out at them. His dark aura was cold they could feel their feet giving up. He looked back at them and said with a cold and smileless face "Get back to work."

As the group was working their last ticket. The old lady from the nearest table came up with her vegetable dish and walked to the kitchen.

"Young ones...Can you...Remove these from my dish." the old lady said with a shaky voice.

Alexander noticed her and looked at where the waiter is but he saw him busy with another table so he had to take this in his hand "What do you want to remove?" he asked.

The old lady looked up "Huh? what... did you ...say?"

"I. Said. What .Do. You. Want. To. Remove"


"..." Alexander looked at the old lady with a deadpan face "Ryo take the wheel." He then left to do his last dish and handed the mater to Ryo

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO REMOVE???" He screamed at her face.

"Oh! the carrots honey, I can't eat them." The lady gave her dish to Ryo who took the carrots out and gave it to her. After she left, Ryo ate the carrots.

After a few minutes, the group was done and they completed their assignment. Chef Donato walked inside the hall and came to the kitchen "You pass.." he smiled at them and gave a thumbs up

The group cheered after that, but Alexander wasn't happy as he wasted too much energy in making these idiots work together.

"After you rest for a while, please head to the lobby at 4 PM. Chef Doujima has something to announce."

"Yeah!" they all said with one voice. The only thing they did together without fighting first

Donato left after that.

The group went to Hayama's room and after being lectured by Alexander about their behavior they rested before they head to the lobby, they still can feel the heat from the kitchen from before.

2 hours later, Alexander, Alice, Ryo, Takumi Isami, and Hayama headed to the lobby. In their way, they met Soma and his group, the lot of them become noisy on their way down.

As they reached the lobby, the view in front was about students lying around in exhaustion and anxiety. They don't know what this could be about, the last time they were told to regroup nothing good happened.

"I wonder why we're called here?" asked Takumi.

"Who knows?" Said Alice

"There is nothing on the schedule." Said Kyoko,

"Geh!!! Is it another assignment like THAT one!!" said Yuuki with a grim face reminding everyone about the breakfast assignment.

"Oh! bring it on!" Takumi said with an excited face

"Probably, this set is just like it, but maybe this time it will be a dinner buffet, not a breakfast one." Said Alexander.

everyone felt shocked except Alexander's group and Soma who was the same as Takumi.

The door was opened and Doujima entered with serious mood, he took the stage and said through the mic [Ladies and Gentleman! let me first congratulate you for surviving till this day. The number of students who were fired until now is 352 students]

Doujima's words sent shivers to everyone.

It is really true that half of each first-year students drop out at this stage!!! They all thought the same

Doujima continued [It may seem cruel but the cooking profession is much crueler than this to survive in the front lines you must muster all your skills at once. Living as a cook is like roaming inside a dark sandstorm. But you must not forget that on this camp you made comrades that left their footprints together with you on the same sandstorm because that's what will encourage you on your lonely travel inside the storm.] Doujima's speech was hitting home for many students [I really wish you the best of luck!] He said with an honest expression and tone. Students felt like they were giving a valuable lesson that they shouldn't mess

[Then...For the next program] All Doujima's needed to bring the students from their enlightened mood is those few words.

"Oh my God!!"

"I can't...!!"

"Why did he need to say it!!!"

As the students were in despair, the lobby's door was opened with the hotel's staff gesturing inside



"What is this!?"

[This a message to all the surviving 627 students, Congratulations on clearing all the assignments of this camp The last program is a modest celebration banquet for a banquet, please enjoy it with all your hearts!!] Doujima smiled at the students earnestly, he knows how it feels. The students jumped from happiness as they cheered with all their voices

"So it ends here, ey?" Alexander said and sighed, it was an enjoyable moment while it lasted

[Now everyone, take a seat, we'll have you enjoy a full course meal made by Totsuki's Alumni themselves]

If the cheering from before was loud then this is far beyond, those shoutings came from their hearts

"A meal made by an Alumni, now this is something that doesn't happen often!" Alice said as she sat down on a table with the gang.

The Alumni was presenting them with various dishes to choose from

Shinomiya gave his nine vegetables dish to Alexander's table "Please enjoy."

"Isn't this what you almost dropped me out for! And you even said " please"!! WOW! " said Alexander with an exaggerated disbelieve

"Keep it down will ya!!" Shinomya wanted to punch Alexander's face at his remark but he was pulled by Hitoshi, his gang was at disbelieve, This guy was making fun of an Alumni!!!

The banquet was a moment the students will never forget, some of them will have the chance to attend it again but they will be the ones serving the food.

The training camp is over and all that is left is going back to Totsuki to see what that school has in store for them.


Chapter 36 is out on Pare on.

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