
The Gap is Too Large!

Hayama was immersed in his cooking, his eyes were full of dedication, there was no room for weakness. Everything depends on this dish. He has to protect Jun as she protected him when he was young.

Hayama would have never joined hands with Central if it wasn't for Jun and her dreams. To reclaim the closed Seminar and Jun's position as a teacher in Totsuki; Hayama accepted to step this low and become an enemy of his friends.

'I am sorry Alexander...and to all of the North Star, this is my choice now...' Hayama was boiling inside, no matter how much he cared tough in front of Alexander, he was still right about him.

Alexander's words at the beginning of the match were true and even Hayama couldn't deny, if the positions were reversed and a friend of him gave up on struggling, he too wouldn't accept a challenge from him.

Jun tried to convince him to leave Central but he put her interest first than his. In the end, Hayama decided to do as Azami commanded and defeat Alexander.

"Please...Be my first guest to my french bear meat... [piège à ours

]!" Alexander presented his dish to the judges.

And at that moment, Hayama too finished his dish and made the final touches. Hayama had made his dish; fried bear which he utilized his most powerful spices and techniques to create.

He follows behind Alexander and waited for his turn.

With the judges...Soe looked at the plate of Alexander in front of him. The twins were sniffing the dish with drool on their lips.

"*sniff* *sniff* This sweet scent! i can't smell the usual bear meat smell at all..." Betra dipped her little finger in the sauce and tasted it. Betra's eyes shot open wide as she felt like she was a hugged by a fluffy bear in the cold winter 'So comfy~!!' She thought.

Soe saw Betra's reaction and nodded 'This much should be expected...' His eyes shifted to Alexander who was arguing with Hayama who was waiting for his turn.

"Then, without any further ado..." Soe took his fork and knife as did Betra and Sheila.

Soe touched the piece of the bear meat and his fork sank in it as a man does in his luxurious bed. Meat juice started leaking from the insides of the meat (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■).

Soe and the twins took their first bite and with no other warning, their faces twisted in the pleasure that is assaulting their taste buds.

"This taste?!!" Soe closed his eyes as he imagined the rich flavors in front of him. He pictured a large bear sitting in a hill with a jar of honey that he is eating with pleasure.

"Honey?!!" Soe asked.

"Isn't it obvious...The bear meat you provided us with is the meat of the black bear...Those bad boys love honey, so I cooked him with what he loves." Alexander said innocently as his words say that there was no special reason behind adding honey.

But Soe and the twins know better than that. Honey is used to draw the rich and mellow flavor of the bear meat.

Knowing this, Soe and the twins could taste an ever higher flavor of pleasure from this dish as their clothes were ripped apart allowing the flavors to reach every inch of their body.

"Absolutely Gourmet!!!" Soe shouted.

"So Wild!!" The twins shouted

Alexander was shocked 'Again!!!' Alexander felt a level of second-handed embarrassment for the people he cooks for whenever this happens 'Just what is wrong with this world...?' All Alexander can do is shake his head. His understanding abilities are far below the required level to explain such phenomena.

After being done with Alexander's dish and wiping the plate clean from any trace of food. Soe and the twins finally looked at Hayama so he can present his dish.

"Hayama Akira, please step forward," Dojima commanded.

"Do your best Hayama-kun~" Alexander cheered from the back as Hayama presented his fried beat dish which pissed Hayama even more than he is right now.

"Shut up!!" Hayama wasn't deaf to miss the mocking tone in Alexander's voice.

"Hmm~..." Soe looked at the dish of Hayama. And truth must be told, he has no appetite left to eat anything else, his body is refusing to mix the previous taste with another one so he can enjoy the after taste even more. 'I have no choice...' Soe thought.

"Now, let's judge Hayama-Kun's dish..." Soe commanded the twins as he saw that they were reluctant.

This didn't escape Hayama's eyes as he felt fear and discouraged. Just a second ago he was confident in himself and he was sure to beat Alexander, but now seeing the judges' faces...' Have I already lost?!...with no fight?!' Hayama thought.

Doujima smirked. He had anticipated this outcome but surely even he didn't expect that the difference in power to be this huge 'Joechiro...You were right...he might be far more powerful than his mother.'

Doujima knew that Alexander is stronger than his mother the moment he was able to pull off a french cuisine dish out of bear meat.

Soe and the twins took a bite off the dish and the strong flavor of the spices assaulted their senses making them a little lightheaded. But sadly there was no strong reaction from them like Alexander.

Hayama looked shocked as his eyes trembled, in his head, he could hear and see Jun crying at her lost project and dreams because of his failure here.

Soe closed his eyes as he made his judgment "If the two of you made your choices, then let us give the results..." Soe spoke to the twins who nodded slowly. They felt bad seeing Hayama in such a situation. but this is their job

"Wait a moment please! the sauce! you still haven't tried the sauce!!" Hayama called, his voice was shaling. Jun!! I must win for Jun!! his heart was beating with such thought.

Soe lowered his head at the pitiful sight of the boy in front of him 'Azami...is this what you desired? breaking such talents in such a cruel way...?'

The twins too lowered their heads, they felt like crying when they saw Hayama's red eyes that were begging and still holding tight for that spider-thread.

Soe had to step in and speak "Young Hayama...That will make no difference..." he said.

"what?" Hayama said, "What are you talking about?"

"Now, the gap between your dish and Alexander's is as if the two dishes are placed at a mountain, Alexander's dish would be at the peak while yours is barely at the quatre the distance. No matter how good the sauce you've made, it would never boost your fried bear meat to the peak, much less surpass it." Soe's words were cruel, unforgiving, and heartless.

"But if you are insisting, we can give it a try..." Soe looked at the girls and they nodded. Hayama already lost hope. These three were people who walk in the front lines of the culinary world. Even without tasting, they can judges his dish.

At a certain balcony, a short woman with brown hair that is made in a pony-tail. Under her glasses, her eyes couldn't stop crying 'Akira-kun...' She couldn't bear to see Hayama in such a situation. For a second, she regretted accepting Doujima's invitation to watch the match.

Having had enough, she ran out to the stairs to go where Hayama is...

After using the sauce to taste the dish one more time. Soe and the twins put down the last remaining piece of Hayama's fried bear meat.

The three judges raised up one of the two signs that have Alexander and Hayama's names on them. And the one they choose was...Saiba Alexander!

'If only you had served first...' Doujima thought.

Alexandr looked at his friend who has lost all of his will. He wanted to comfort him but that would probably make it worse.

In the corner of his eye, he could see a short woman running. She made her way in front of Hayama.

"...Jun!" Hayama saw Jun in front of him "How did come here?" he asked.

"I have invited her, i thought she deserved to witness you Shokugeki..." Doujima spoke. Soe and the twins stood up from their seats as they have completed their jobs.

"Yeah..." Hayama said mockingly "...Don't you mean she came to witness my humiliation?" he chuckled.

As soon as he spoke these words, his head was spined by a hard slap from Jun making him fall to the ground. "What was that for?!!" Hayama stood up with his face red.

"I told you that you don't need to do such a thing..." Jun's voice was filled with pain and fear "Why did you disobey me? you didn't have to shoulder my responsibilities!"

"Jun...?!" Hayama looked in shock. Did he just make Jun cry?

"But...your researches, your seminar, and the patrons have all been blocked from you by Azami..."

"I no longer need such a thing, What I want is for you to be around friends of your age that care about you. The seminar and my projects don't even equal a fraction of that!" Jun said.

Hayama looked back at Alexander who was grinning at him from ear to ear while holding a phone which he is clearly recording with 'I have seen something interesting!' Alexander thought.

Hayama sighed "Friends...I don't have the right to have such a thing when i have betrayed them at the first problem we have faced...I even doubt that they can forgive." He couldn't even bring himself to be angry at Alexander at the moment.

"That is not true...!" Jun said as she looked at Alexander who was still recording. The guy didn't even bother to hide it "...Alexander-kun, will you forgive Hayama-kun? I apologize for his behavior as his parent!! please don't hate him for such a thing." Jun spoke as she was about to beg Alexander even further.

"Ah! don't worry about that, mistakes can happen..." Alexander dismissed the idea "...I understand his situation and I am sure the others will do." Alexander laughed.

'But we will make sure to squeeze this to the fullest kukuku...' Alexander thought. Hayama felt a shiver run down his spine.

Alexander closed his phone as he got the video he wanted. "Well, I won the match, so us forgiving you should be the last thing on your mind...Come back soon...I still have not defeated you in the Uno's championship!" Alexander said as he left the arena. Hayama looked at Alexander's back and then he looked down and chuckled lightly.

"Let us go, Hayama-kun." Jun extended her hand for Hayama so he can stand up.

Hayama looked at her and smiled "Yeah...let us go." The pair of parent and child left the arena together.

"Ah!!" Soe snapped from his thought as he was watching this event take place "Alexander wait!! I still have to speak to you about my cute Alice, I need to tell you my conditions as a parent before your marriage!" Soe ran behind Alexander trying to catch him.

"GEH!!...conditions?!!" Alexander spoke, "Like hell!" He took off running away from Soe.

"Oi! Alexander! wait! I SAID WAIT, YOU BITCH!!!"

The first battle between the rebels has ended with Alexander win...And just shortly after that, the other rebels have ended their battles too and the results were surprising!

Just who has won? and who has been defeated?


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