
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

Let Me Tell You What is Going To Happen

The next chapter... We cook again!!


This Chapter is a recreation of my favorite scene in TV as a whole. I hope I was able to do it justice with this chapter.


This chapter still needs to be edited, I used grammarly for the spelling mistakes, but I will edit it later, but for now, I sleep.


Having decided their course of action, Eizan left the Red Cloud HQ to carry on his duties and try to get a meeting with Twagata for Alexander

Having calmed down, Alexander turned to look at his girls

"Ladies....welcome to my humble home," he said with a bright smile. Vlad and Keanu left the room to let the Boss have some privacy with his girls...And also to check on Alfie, the man had suffered too much cold

In the room, Alexander was getting lectured by Alice about his actions in Totsuki previously and how she won't allow it to happen a second time

Alexander could only shut up and let her frustration out

Rindo was munching on some candy she found on Alexander's office and totally ignored the scene of Alexander being lectured by Alice

"Oh yeah, Rindo, your father gave you a set of keys for the villa before he left, right?" Alexander asked

"Yeah, he did, he left one for me and one for the chief of the workers back at the villa." Rindo looked at Alexander as she pulled the keys from her pocket "you need them?" She asked


Without any hesitation, Rindo throw the keys to Alexander, he grabbed them and put them in his pocket

He then shifted his gaze at the confused Alice and pulled her down making her sit on his lap

"How many dates did we have?" He asked in hope of distracting Alice

And it worked like a charm as Alice blushed "One...just one, it when I...confessed" she said cutely

"Then, should we go to another one?" Said Alexander as he kissed Alice, she returned his affection with her tongue

Rindo looked back to see the two in a deep kiss, she could only shake her head and return to her food

After separating from their kiss for air, Alexander looked at Rindo who was busy with her food, he looked at Alice and hinted for her

"What about you Rindo...?" Said Alexander "...do you want to come too?" He asked

Rindo looked back in surprise "what?!"

"I asked you if you want to go on a date together? the three of us." Said Alexander

"Nah! I don't want to disturb both of you..." Rindo laughed as she ate more

"You should come too..." Said Alice with a frown " Although I don't like you...you're still Alexander's fiancée, just like me, and I don't to be the evil 1st wife"

Rindo froze in her place, not knowing what she can say

Alexander took Alice off his lap and stood up "I have things to do after I am done with the meeting, we should go in a date, it will be fun." He winked at Rindo as he left. He intends to let the girls sort out their relationship.

What he wants is not the girls loving each other. If they can live with each other peacefully without hatred going in between, that alone is enough for Alexander to be satisfied


After one day, Alexander received a call from Eizan saying that he was able to arrange for a meeting between the two.

The meeting will take place today at 8 PM

Alexander prepared himself and grabbed a few documents

He called for Keanu to come to his office

"You called...?" Said Keanu as he entered quietly finding Alexander organizing his papers

"Yeah...the meeting will be held in 10 hours from now..." He raised his eyes and continued "Clean his place from anything, if he has a gun hidden, empty the bullets, if he has a knife, switch it with a dull one...you know what you do."

Keanu didn't answer and just left the room, his mission is his top priority now.

Alexander sat down on his chair and called for Vlad

"Send this to the Etsuya company," Alexander ordered Vlad who took the documents from the table and left to do his duty

Alexander waited for the time to pass, he did some paperwork, played with his two fiancées as they came to visit him, visited his uncle who was healing up his cold legs under the care of Dr.Murphy

And then the time comes and Alexander departed. He met with Keanu who had already finished his mission and followed Alexander for am extra protection

Alexander's car entered the Etsuya company's garage, Keanu immediately disappeared as Alexander met with a man in a suit who guided him to the elevator

"Mr.Twagata is waiting for you." said the man as he knocked on the large door

Once the door was opened, Twagata stood up from his chair and walked to the middle of his office

"Mr. Twagata, this is Mr.Krutz, from Berlin." The man introduced Alexander as he retreated outside leaving the two alone

'Krutz from Berlin...?' Thought Alexander, that was the fake ID Eizan presented him with to his brother

"I heard you want to do business..." Twagata's voice was low and harsh as he talked

"...it's good to see you too." Alexander walked slowly to the round meeting table and sat on one of the two head chairs

"You just came from Berlin?" Asked Twagata, his eyes were like a hawk scanning each move of Alexander as he walked to the other head chair of the table

"...What do You know about Berlin?" Asked Alexander

"..." Twagata didn't answer as he clearly had no idea "I heard you are German?"

"..." Alexander looked at Twagata slightly, all this fake ID thing is not his thing, so he decided to not play along anymore "Well, I came here from Berlin, but that does not mean I am German..." A light chuckle escapes Alexander's mouth as he continued "...Guess where I am from?" He asked

"..." Twagata took out a cigarette and light it on "Okay, in Kyoto, I met several men, they were Russian mobs. They sound like you..."

The room was quiet and cold, every step the men took it could be heard clearly, even when they move, the sound of their clothes rubbing against could be heard

Alexander frowned slightly buy not to the extent where Twagata could pick it up

"...And...?" He asked quietly

"...you came in a car, a very young man, your clothes are clean, your suit is not branded...." Said Twagata "...Where did you get your suit made?" He asked

"...My grandmother, back home... She likes to make things..." Alexander touched the fabric of his black suit "...When I wear this...I can feel like my entire family is with me, I feel their love and protection..." Alexander shifted his gaze to Twagata "...where did you get yours made?" He asked

"..." Twagata sneered quietly, he looked at the window and pointed at one of the buildings below "...From that store, it is very close and. Very luxurious too... Mr.Helmet..."

Alexander didn't seem to be fazed by the fact that the man knew about his identity, after all, this much is expected from the man who dared to attack his men

"...." Alexander's smile started growing slowly as he began to chuckle "...I am surprised at how easy it was to get into a room with you..." He said

Twagata reached behind him and pulled out a gun, he pointed at Alexander with a smile "...And now?" He asked mockingly

Alexander smiled and raised his arms slowly "And now I should tell you that during the time you were sweating while waiting for my arrival, I sent someone here..." He made a gun with his hand and pointed at Twagata "...He found you gun...and unloaded it." Those words hit Twagata very hard as he checked his gun which was already empty and useless now

Twagata looked at Alexander who took out several bullets from his inside pocket

Twagata looked at Alexander and clenched his hands

Alexander took one bullet and placed it on the table


"Masaki Sakurai..."

*bam* another bullet

"Tashiki Shishi..."

*bam* another one was placed beside them

"Araragi Junbi..."

Alexander was naming Twagata's top officers, each name made Twagata feel like he was naked in front of Alexander


"Sasumi Akaino..."

Alexander took one last bullet and looked at it carefully

*bam* he placed it gently as if afraid that it will break

"And finally... Etsuya Twagata." He smiled as he saw Twagata's face turn a little red from anger and shame

Alexander stood up slowly "None of you will survive..." He made his goal very clear for Twagata "...Your level of security is pitiful, while we are a giant organization, the men you took out in Kyoto are just the tip of the iceberg..." Alexander was not joking, the red Blinders are far strong, their forces are equal to a national army

Alexander looked at the pale Twagata "...I could have killed you when I walked through the door, or let him kill you when he came to your office..." Alexander pointed behind Twagata

Twagata looked behind him slowly as he saw a man coming out of secret chamber he had built himself, it was designed to be his escape route.

Keanu found this room and used it to come and leave this building easily

No words can describe the fear Twagata is experiencing now

"Instead of killing you while you are unaware..." Alexander stepped forward and came closer to Twagata "...But I wanted you to know, I wanted you to know who you are dealing with, who you are thinking you're playing with...I want you to see everything you worked for fall apart in front of you..."

Alexander sneered at the man in front of him, looks like his plans were just a joke after all

"Three days..." Alexander said to Twagata " that is the time until you will die... I am going to tell you what is going to happen to you, so let me see if you can change your fate..."

Alexander turned towards the door and walked slowly, Keanu followed him and opened the door "The first day, all of your business will fall apart, your company will have not a single partner anymore...The second day, all of your operation bases will be destroyed... The third day, my men will attack this place and kill anything that moves and you will be the last person to witness that..."

Before he leaves and closes the door, Alexander looked at Twagata for one last moment

"...Just like the others, you will know why we are called The Red Blinders..."


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