
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

Hinako Inui

Back at Totsuki academy.

"Please!! you have to help me, Eizn-sama" One dark-haired boy with glasses was begging for the man in front of him to help him.

"Our partnership is over. Why should I help you and wast my time?" Eizan was looking at the boy with bored eyes as he adjusted his glasses.

The boy is Mayuri Jintaro, after his crushing defeat he promised to take his revenge in any possible way, that boy will have to go down with me, he thought.

Jintaro gritted his teeth at Eizan's words, after being defeated by one hour, Eizan already called to cut ties with him making Jintaro feel betrayed, even if their relationship is that of interest, this boy in front of him didn't do much to help him. It's like he wasn't interested in him.

"What are you talking about, Eizan..." Jintaro decided to drop the Honorifics, he is older than this platinum dude anyway. But that actually made Eizan look at him with an annoyed look " All of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for your advice...Shouldn't you take responsibility?" Said Jintaro.


Eizan slammed his hand hard on the table as he stood up sharply " What did you say!!" He shouted out loud scarring the weak-willed Jintaro making him take a few steps back. But he already lost everything, so why should he stop now.

"It is true, the boy wouldn't have caused me that much trouble if it wasn't for your words. All I did was ask you for advice in accordance with our deal. Technically, you're the one who made my restaurant go down the hill." Jintaro spook with a shaky voice, he knows that Eizan can make him regret his words right now and here. But he already lost too much so at least he wanted to take the risk.

Eizan went into a silent mode for a few moments but his eyes never left Jintaro's. He sat back slowly on his chair. He sighed deeply and gestured for Jintaro to come closer " Alright...I will help you get him out of school. If I remember clearly, you said he was a first year. Right?" Asked Eizan causing Jintaro to node.

"Give me his name, I will make sure he is expelled from the Training Camp."

Jintaro's mood went from low to high up to the sky, he smiled with an evil grin thinking that the boy was done for " His name is Saiba Alexander. Eizan-San" he said.

Eizan took off his glasses to clean them " Alright, I will contact my new first-year boys, he will be expelled in the next 6 days." He said. Eizan had a feeling that he heard the name Saiba Alexander somewhere. He tried to remember but he failed. Maybe It's my imagination, he thought.

Jintaro bowed for Eizan and turned to leave, but he was stopped by Eizan " Wait! come back here for a moment." Jintaro went back in front of Eizan with a confused expression.

"What is w--"Before he could finish he was caught from his color by Eizan. He pressed and slammed his head on the table hard. " It Eizan-SAMA!!!...You call me with something else than that. I will make sure you follow that kid too." Jintaro felt a sharp pain on the side of his head and cheek, he was scared from Eizan at the moment, he knows that this man can do it. This is the last thing he got, if he is expelled from Totsuki, his father wouldn't even glance at him after that.

"Now leave..." Eizan released Jintaro causing him to run away from the room like an abused dog.

Totsuki's Hellish Training Camp. At Hall number 7, all the students who are under Chef Inui gathered inside the kitchen waiting for her orders.

"Alright, everyone. For my assignment...I'll have you form pairs. I want you to be with the person you were with at teacher Chapelle's class." Chef Inui took the microphone and spoke with the students in front of here " Each pair must go to their designated kitchen."

Students started forming pairs with each other, it seems most of these guys had classes with teacher Chapelle, unfortunately, Alexander didn't have the chance to take his class yet.

Takumi and Isami are with each other of course, Twins can't be separated. Alex looked at his brother and saw him paired with the blue haired girl. And Alexander was paired with....No one??!!

It seems that Alexander was an odd number, he was the only student without any partner.

"Chef Inui!" Alexander called getting her attention " I don't have anyone to pair with..." he said.

Inui looked at him with a confused expression, she made a thinking pose before she came up with an idea " Then you'll work lone." she said. What was all that thinking for then?!! thought Alexander.

"Alright.." he accepted his fate easily, normally at this moment anyone would freak out. Their judge made them form pairs meaning that the assignment will need two people to accomplish. Some are already sympathizing with Alex from now. Poor kid, he didn't get to even fight fairly, they thought.

"Are you alright about this??" Takumi came near Alexander and asked.

"Shouldn't you ask here to get you in some other group, there is still enough time before the others start."Said Isami.

"Don't worry. I can do this." Said Alexander. But most importantly he was thinking about his little brother. Soma seems to be taking this lightly than necessary which made Alexander a little worried for him. According to Alice, Natasha, and Teacher Jun, this training isn't as simple as just cooking the best dish you could. There is always a twist to every assignment that can eliminate half of each group in the whole camp.

"Takumi can you do me a favor?" Alexander tapped Takumi's shoulder " How about you go challenge my brother there to a match?" he said. for now and according to what he witnessed about Soma, Takumi is the best rival Soma could get.

"Why should I??" said Takumi with an uninterested tone " I was planning on challenging you but since you have this disadvantage I decided against it. I have no interest in someone else even if it's your brother!" Said Takumi making Alexander smile a little at him.

"C' mon don't be like that...And by the way, didn't Soma say the exact thing I said that made you challenge me and get me to swallow my words back. " Said Alexander " This is your chance to prove that your restaurant is better than his."

Takumi then remembered Soma's speech [...I don't plan on losing against some bunch that has never stood in front of a client.].

"Let's go Isami!!" Shouted Takumi "We'll show that red-hair what Aldini is capable off."

" Good luck to you, Alex-san" Isami bowed to Alexander before following his brother who was already stepping on Soma's foot.

'I am depending on you, Takumi.' Alexander thought.

After a few minutes, Chef Inui spoke again after she prepared her tea and snacks " Ok, then everyone, I will be sitting here. If there is anything that you don't understand about this assignment, please do tell me." she said.

'You didn't even tell us the assignment.' Thought Alexander. The other students thought the same and they were surprised0

"Chef Inui...What assignment?" one girl took the lead and asked. Inui looked at here and remembered something, she stood up and pointed to the window.

"My assignment is... use the ingrediants you can find here to make any Japanese cuisine dish!"

The student looked around and found nothing in the kitchen aside from some seasoning and hunting materials.

"But there are no ingredients in here..." Someone said.

Chef Inui laughed at that " But there are, the nature outside is a wonderful treasury of ingrediants. Go to the nature outside, gather whatever you want, but don't go over the fence you'll be immediately disqualified. The room had seasonings, oil, and cookware. You can also freely use the tools that you can find in here." she said shocking all students to the point of freezing in their places.

She clapped her hand to wake them " The time limit is two hours. You can start at any moment now." She said before sitting back.

The students woke from their daze and started rushing outside with scared faces. Takumi went to chef Inui to propose to her to be the hudge for his match between him and Soma.

'Alright!...a Japanese dish, huh?' Alex took a little tour inside the kitchen as he thought what to make, it is not guaranteed that all ingrediants can be found, so something simple and easy to make, he tough ' The only thing that comes to my mind now is Yakitori.'

'First, I need something like a charcoal grill or something like that' Alex hoped to find it here in the kitchen but to his disappointment, he didn't find it.

'Then I will just make it from rocks and other things' he thought, he can make something like a campfire to replace the charcoal grill but the charcoal is necessary. he can't use wood as it may give the Yakitori some unpleasant flavor and he can't wood can't keep heating the dish for long as he will need to keep feeding the fire woods multiple time. Thankfully there was a big bag full of charcoal, so he took it out carried it around with him, he will need it later on.

Alex took a look at the tools inside ' Thank god there are thin iron rods. I can use them to make the campfire.' he thought. ' I just hope there is chicken out there.' He also looked around for something like a platform he can use to use a platform for his campfire to carry around. Just like mini grilling charcoal. And there was one, it was an iron box that was used for containing other tools such as additional knives, spoons, and dishes. ' This will do...'

After confirming most things he needs to do, he looked at the seasoning and oil ingrediants. ' For seasoning Should I go with the "Shio" Or " Tare"? ' Alex thought for a moment before he decided on the "Tare"

He looked for soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar and mixed to make it, after being done he took a container from his kitchen and poured the sauce in it.

"Alright, everything is done here, let's go look for a chicken and some bamboo for making skewers," he said.

When Alexander looked around him he didn't find anyone, no one was there aside from chef Inui who was sipping her tea and eating snacks

*Siiiip* that was the only sound in the whole room " You should hurry up if you're going to make a Yakitori dish. Chickens are hard to catch or even find in here " Chef Inui said with a smile. She liked this boy. When she heard him talk back to Shinomiya without any fear she felt really happy. She finally found something new to tease her Senpai with.

"Don't worry about that..." Before he leaves, Alex filled a large bottle of water and put it in the box too. Alex went to the window and jumped through, not minding the fact that Inui knew what he will be making from just seeing the stuff he was gathering. After all, he is not surprised, any skilled chef would find out after seeing the sauce and charcoal in his hands.

This land has various species of animals that are running around in places that simulate their natural habitat. Birds, fish and even sheep are here too. Of course, sheep are out of the questions because more valuable so the academy won't allow them to go for the sheep, something like chicken and other animals that can reproduce in short terms of time is allowed.

'Let's go for the bamboo forest first..' Alex ran as far as he could, he ran past some students who were hunting fishes in the river. He saw his brother there too as he ran further he spotted Takumi and Isami cornering some Aigamo, his athletic body helped him a lot in running for long distances. On his way, he found some scallion and picked it up. He reached the bamboo forest he broke one branch with a long knife and cut it and shaped it like small skewers.

He looked around for any sight of chicken. All he needs is one chicken, thankfully he still got one hour and a half, so there is enough time.

About 15 minutes of looking around, he found a small group of chickens eating near the fields. he walked stealthily near them and tried to not make any noise.

'Shit!! I will need to chase one of them.' Alexander decided to chase after the male one, he seems good and healthy. It will be hard to catch him but if he can keep up with him, the Rooster will run out of stamina eventually and he will be able to catch him.

But before that, he needs to sit the campfire. Alex quickly gathered enough small rocks and put them inside the iron box in a circle. he set the charcoals and used lighter cubes to speed up the prosses. He then left the water to boil up.

After that. Getting enough distance he stormed as hard as can toward the chickens, they noticed him and scattered around. The Rooster ran as hard as he can for about 15 minutes.

Alex was able to catch it after a long time but the cost for that was him running out of breath and getting tired, ' This will be a long journey back to the hall.' he thought

Alex didn't wast any time and slaughtered the Rooster and skinned it with the boiling water. Cleaning the rooster nicely and getting it liver and heart out and cutting in it into nicely cut parts.

He boiled the scallion in the sauce that he mixed earlier and Cut the white and light green part of scallions into small pieces. and then he pierced the chicken and scallions with the skewers.

He Greased the iron bars he brought with him to avoid the chicken sticking on it. He then placed the skewers on the mini grill he made to be cooked nicely.

Being done with that part. He took off his shirt and ripped it off and wrapped it around his hand. He carried the mini grill with the Yakitori still being cooked and made his way to the Hall. There is still like over 30 minutes.

After 10 minutes, Alex reached the hall's window that he came out from and entered, he found many students came back including his brother. Takumi was cooking his dish and he seems to be about to finish.

The Aroma of his Yakitori filled the room as all students sniffed the air greedily trying to sniff as much as they can.

Just when he entered the hall, all the females looked away because he was shirtless and his abs are showing. He didn't mind them and took his grill to his kitchen and put it on a white plate before adding the final touches. The Yakitori is still hot.

Chef Inui noticed Alexander jumping from the window and was surprised at what she saw ' He cooked his dish while traveling...' She said in her mind ' That's why he took more time to leave the kitchen!'

After finishing his dish and making sure everything in place. Alexander made his way to Chef Inui and presented her with the Yakitori dish.

"You're the first to finish."

"Chef Inui...Please, taste my hard work." He gave her the dish with a smile that is so cheerful.

Inui smiled as she sniffed the air and her smelling senses were screaming with pleasure.

" I will take your offer gladly." She said as she took a bite and whet a bite!! Immediately the scenery around her changed and her expression turned to that of immense pleasure. Her clothes are scattering around.

Chef Inui felt as if she was experiencing a journey. She felt like she was watching a movie of a boy running around the perfect chicken in the world.

Her mouth leaked noises of pleasure. She couldn't get enough of the Yakitori and in a matter of a minute, the plate was clean.

"Excuse my unmannered eating," she said as she cleaned her lips. " You passe," she said

Alexander smiled at her lightly and turned to Soma " Try to beat that!" He said to Soma and Takumi who were looking at him seriously.

"Although I am very happy with your dish..."Inui said suddenly making Alexander turn at her sharply thinking she will point something bad about his dish. He is dead sure his dish is perfect and doesn't need any additions " I would appreciate it if you wore some clothes." she said Giving Alexander a sigh of relief.

After Alexander Takumi presented his Aigmo grilled with spices and passed, Soma thought of some Idea and ran out with Megumi, In the time he was out many students tried and failed to pass. After Soma came back and made his dish of fish coated with kaki seeds and then he passed. He was the last to pass actually.

"That is enough, the assignment is now over." Inui clapped her hands as her words sent despair into the students who couldn't pass.

"Chef Inui... Please tell us, who's dish is better, Me, Yukihira...Or Alexander?" Takumi asked

"EH?? Me too??!!" Alexander didn't expect Takumi would include him too.

"Yes, please tell us, Inui-senpai!" Said Soma with determined eyes.

"Yes...The Winner is..." Inui made a thinking position, Takumo and Soma were seriously thinking about whose dish is better. But Inui was just trolling them.

One time she will say it's Takumi's dish and other time she would say Alexander's and then she would say it's Soma's. Actually, she wasn't planning on choosing anyway.

At that moment her phone rang. She answered and a loud shout came [] What're you doing Hinako!!? It's time your group comes back!] Chef Shinomiya's ear piercing voice came out. Inui tried to use this opportunity to flee from deciding but she was stopped by Takumi and Soma.

"Please, tell us whos dish is better without any sugar-coat." Said Takumi. He and Soma wanted to know badly. Even Inui now can't escape after seeing their eyes.

"Sigh~You don't really need to do this to yourself." Said Inui, she doesn't want to announce the victor so the losers won't feel down and affect their next performances. This is only the first day.

"Just tell them. Chef Inui, they want to know...Let them know." Alex who wore some spare white uniform told Inui with a sigh, the women had the best interest for them but they just had to force her.

"Alright then..." Inui turned serious and pointed at Alex " Its the Yakitori dish. Even you too know that, once he entered the room, The aroma of his dish overpowered any other dish that was being made. The taste itself was a mix between the tender feeling of the grilled chicken and sweet sauce."

"Now that I told you what you want...Everyone... to the bus!" Inui ended the conversation there and left to guide the students out.

"Damn it... Again!!" Takumi hit his hand on the table as Soma just stayed silent and looking at his brother who was still cleaning his face from the little drops of sweat as a little smirk crept on his face.

Each of these two's partner was worried for them, both Megumi and Isami looked at their partner with a worried look. But it was for nothing.

Both of Takumi and Soma went to Alexander and looked at him in the face scaring him since they were so close and popped out suddenly " This is not over Alexander/Aniki!!" They shouted both at the same time making Alexander back off from them, the almost made him deaf.

"Huh!! What do you want Yukihira?!"

"Same to you?!"

Takumi and Soma glared at each other with fire making Alexander look at them with a tired expression " Was telling Inui to decide a wide decision?!" He already started to regret his choice now.

"Quite you too. If we don't hurry we will be late." Alexander left to the door as The rest noticed they were alone here.

"Wait for me Alexander/Aniki!!"

After that, the Bus for their group left the area and went back to the hotel for another assignment for today.

The Hellish Traning is a long 6 days period training.


Chapter 21 is out on patre on.

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