
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 9


Name - Rin Yamashita

> Cooking level - 5/10

> Gastronomy level - 4/10

> Management level - 7/10


I look at my stats and cannot help but be surprised by the level of distribution. After assessing it, I ask 'So how do I increase my level Amara?'

[Well, raising the cooking level is pretty straightforward. Keep advancing your knowledge and skills and it advance in a natural way. Gastronomy, on the other hand, requires you to develop your level of understanding concerning the food rather than the cooking method].

'Wait Amara, before you continue please could you go into more detail concerning gastronomy?'

[Hai! Kohai-kun!] I imagine a haughty expression on the face of the goddess as she replies in a proud tone, loving the chance to act superior.

[You should know the basics as you studied culinary arts for a bit, but I'll skim over the basics again. Whereas culinary science refers to the study of cooking food, gastronomy looks at eating food and developing an understanding of the deeper relationship between food and culture. This will also develop naturally as I'm sure you'll be eating quite a lot of original foods].

'Is there anything in specific I need to do in order to raise this?' I ask after hearing her explanation.

[There are many ways you can develop this faster. For example, not only the taste but also the design of the dish, the ingredients used as well as the methods used all transmit a story through the dish. But in most cases, this can only be displayed by food that has achieved a certain level… anyway, I am sure you will notice this in the future]

'Ah, I understand. Please could you continue with your explanation of the levels' I ask politely.

[So management refers to your ability to manage information as well as manage situations.]

[You have had a lot of experience in managerial positions so your current level portrays your ability]

[This can only be risen through situations that require you to act in a managerial role, or through acts that require you to take many responsibilities or manage large quantities of information]

'Ah.. seems straight forward enough'

[Your current level concerning management is quite high, considering your current age. Don't worry about this and focus on increasing your cooking and gastronomy levels.]

[I don't want to give you too much information but I have prepared another gift once you achieve level 6 in both cooking and gastronomy.]

'Okay! well I'll get started on that this week. I'm going to be visiting many restaurants so I'll try to increase my understanding through this.' After hearing that there will be another gift, I get motivated.

[I should note that you have to get a real understanding of the dish. Eating a dish is not enough for you to increase your gastronomy level.]

'But still Amara, this is one hell of a cheat. I'm not sure if I should feel happy or guilty that I have this'

[Hey! I put a lot of effort into this so it should already satisfy you.]

'No no! don't get me wrong... I'm grateful and will use it but I can't help feel a sense of guilt for all the chef's who put in a lot of hard work to get to their position'

[It's not like other people don't have similar traits in this world. Take Erina's case as an example. She has the god tongue and has the best upbringing a chef can ask for…]

[She can pretty much do what you can do concerning the ingredients and it's easy to figure the method out from this if you have enough knowledge.]

'Hey Amara, how come you suddenly became so knowledgeable about cooking?' Remembering what she has explained about gastronomy, I cannot help but be surprised by her knowledge.

[Let's just say I've done a lot of preparation for our future adventures hehe]

[And what do you mean?! are you suggesting that this goddess wouldn't know about cooking?] she says again in an angry tone.

'Fuck! She's too touchy about these things..'

'Well I guess I was biased against you, I'm sorry' I apologize, feeling guilty because of her otaku tendencies.

After following an online map I arrive in front of the barber shop. I enter "Irasshaimase!" I am greeted by several barbers, "what can I do for you today" a man with long brown hair approaches me and asks.

I show him a picture "this hairstyle please," I ask politely.

"Hai! wakarimashita!"


I look into a mirror before leaving the barber. 'Damn, these looks are a cheat!' I praise myself.

I can see a 180cm man in a grey overcoat with silver hair in a curtain hairstyle. The man was unbelievably handsome with a well shaped face, chiseled jaw line and deep blue eyes.

(A.N: His hair is like Levi's hair in AOT but silver instead of black)

After the haircut, I explore the city with Mizuki, visiting various stores and restaurants as we pass by.

"Miyuki-san, do you want some ice-cream? I want to rest for a bit seen as we've been walking around for so long" I look towards an ice cream stand and then ask whilst turning my head towards the black haired beauty.

"Sure, I could also do with a rest. Any flavour is fine for me. I'll go find a seat and wait for you."

'This is a date isn't it!' As Rin was buying an ice cream, he didn't know the various thoughts that are running through Miyuki's head.

'No, he's only 15. Get a grip on yourself!'

'He's also my boss! Surely he doesn't see it that way.'




> Dish - Matcha ice cream

> Dish quality - 5/10

~ Ingredients - (Matcha green tea powder) (Sugar) (Egg yolks) (Milk) (Double cream)

~ Method - can be accessed through the system download function


'Amara, how do I access the system download function'

[Easy! Just focus on the recipe and say "system download recipe"]

I focus on the ice cream again 'System download recipe'

It instantly transmitted information to my head, giving me the recipe down to specifics.

'Amara, this function is going to be so OP!'