
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 8

'All they serve is waffles...'

I look at the menu, surprised by the lack of variation.

"What would you have done if I didn't like waffles?" I look at her with a fake serious expression.

"Oh god! I forgot that they only serve waffles! We can always go to another café if you don't like what you see though" Miyuki replies worriedly.

'I think I'll have fun messing with her. Still, how do you forget a place that only serves waffles?'

"No, it's fine" I chuckle. Realizing that I was messing with her, she puffs her cheeks out with a childlike expression on her face.

"Ahem. So Miyuki, what do you recommend?"

"The strawberry one is great, so you should try it. If you don't like strawberries, then the Belgian chocolate waffle is also good."

"Okay strawberry it is" I close the menu with a smile.

20 minutes later, the food arrives and we both eat.

[Hey Rin.. aren't you supposed to react like they do on the show?]

'Amara, not everyone is going to react like they did on the show'

"Mnhhh" I hear Miyuki moan

'FOR FUCKS SAKE!' I scream in my head.

[3rd person POV of Miyuki]

A black-haired Japanese lady can be seen standing on a waffle in the middle of a chocolate lake



Suddenly, the lady's clothes evaporate, revealing her slim hourglass figure.

"So tasty!" She dives into the chocolate, drowning her previously exposed figure.

"So Sweet!" Taking a big bite of the waffle boat she creams in ecstasy.


Back to the real world....

"Rin-san are you okay?" Miyuki asks as she looks at Rin who is staring at her with a dull expression.

[Rin POV]

'I don't even know what to think anymore...' I question my sanity upon seeing Miyuki's expression.

'But I have to admit that she looks unbelievably sexy when she pulls that expression. I guess I need to take her to eat with me more' I look at Miyuki's seductive face and cannot help but compliment her beauty.

'The food is good, but why did she feel the need to react like that''

[I think you're the weird one for not reacting like this. You have yet to prove that this is not a normal reaction.]

I look around and see people with similar expressions on their face

'I hope people don't react like this every time. It's fucking weird'

'or maybe I'm the weird one...' I begin to doubt myself.

"Rin-san are you okay?" she says as I cringe and look at Miyuki who asked the question.

"I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute" I say and then walk hastily to the bathroom.

'Still the food was fantastic.. I wonder what they put in it.' I ask myself upon entering the bathroom.

[Hehe] Amara chuckles.

[Rin, do you want my gift now or later?]

I hear Amara's laugh and worry about what the gift is

'It's nothing weird, right?' I ask, still not trusting the otaku goddess.

[*Hmph* I can't believe that you think this goddess would create something weird.]

'I'm sorry Amara, please bless me with your gift' shaking my head, i appease the goddess.

[Sure... but only because you apologised. Next time, you'll have to grovel to get anything from me. I'll give it to you.. close your eyes]

I close my eyes for half a minute before opening them again.

'Hey Amara, so when are you going to give it to me?' I ask, expecting something dramatic to happen.

[Hmph, I've already given it to you. Are you doubting this goddess' capabilities?

'I'm sorry Amara, I was just expecting something big to happen'

[Go back to your seat and you'll see how good my gift is] Amara says with clear cockiness.

'Fine' I roll my eyes and walk back to Miyuki.

[Focus on your dish and say "analyse".]

"Analyse!" I say in a doubtful tone.

"Sorry what?" Miyuki questions as she looks at me.

'What the fuck? Nothing even happened'

*Cough* "It's nothing hahaha… Should I pay now? Or do you want to order something else?" I cough and change the direction of the conversation.

"Ah really.." she tilts her head cutely with doubt written on her face.

"No, I'm fine. Let's pay now!" She shakes her head with a smile on her face.

[Hehe, that's what you get for doubting me.You have to concentrate and say it telepathically, just like how you're talking to me.]


[Hey! there's no need for that]

I notice one customer getting up from their seat to go to the bathroom.

'Okay, I'll try it on his dish' I focus on the dish left by the customer.

'Okay! Analyse'

An interface appears in front of my eyes


> Dish - Hapje Belgian waffle with matcha ice cream

> Dish quality - 7/10

~ Ingredient and method interface for this dish is not accessible ~


I look around 'Amara no one can see this, right?'

[Of course, you can only see the screen. Now thank this goddess for giving you such a magnificent gift.]

'Hai Hai! thankyou for this great gift.' I roll my eyes at her comment.

'Amara, how come the ingredients and method interface aren't accessible? don't tell me you've given me a half finished gift.]

[*Hmph* are you doubting me again?] I hear Amara say angrily at me.

'Sorry, i wasn't doubting you. But why isn't it accessible?' I ask the goddess gently.

[Because your cooking level isn't high enough to access a 7/10 level dish, now pay for your meal and we'll talk about it later]

"Hey Miyuki, I'm looking to get my haircut so you can do whatever you want whilst I'm getting it done. Let's swap contacts and I'll call you when I'm done"

I smile at Miyuki whilst searching for a place nearby to get a haircut.

"Mmm,, No! I'll be following you. I'll let you know that I'm quite the professional when it comes to my job.

'Amara, please talk to me already'

[Only if you promise not to doubt the greatness of this goddess.]

'Yes! I don't dare to doubt you again, my goddess'

[So, as you noticed, the Analysis Interface, or AI for short, displays 3 sets of information. The name of the dish, the quality of the dish, and then the ingredients and method to make the dish.]

[The quality of the dish is self explanatory. It displays the level the dish is in comparison to the general food quality of this world.#

'Wait? general food quality of the world? how does that work?' I ask, perplexed by this information.

[*Hmph* don't doubt my greatness. I am capable of things beyond your comprehension.]

[*Cough* Actually, I needed help from Grandma (Gaia) so I don't fully understand it myself]

'.....' I keep myself from saying something that would upset the narcissistic loli.

[Anyway, don't doubt the system. Grandma personally helped me with it.]

'What did you mean that my level is not high enough to view the ingredients and method? How do I see my level?'

[The analysis function also works on people. I'm surprised you didn't figure that one out by yourself] I imagine Amara smirking with arrogance written on her face.



Name - Rin Yamashita

> Cooking level - 5/10

> Gastronomy level - 4/10

> Management level - 6/10
