
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 6

[Beep! Beep! Beep!] an alarm-like noise rings through my head.

'I swear I didn't set an alarm'


[Amara to Rin. ghzzzt] the voice says, imitating a walkie talkie transmission.

[Can you hear me?]


Realising who woke me up,

"Can I put you on mute?"

[Well, good morning to you too]

[Yeah, it's me, the one and only. Hope you didn't miss me too much! I was busy creating a present for you.]

"Present? what did you get me?" I say whilst keeping a poker face.

[Hey Rin, you know we can communicate telepathically, right? Not that it would increase too much, but your chances of being admitted into a mental institute dramatically increases if you explain you're talking to a goddess in your head.]

"You have a point. Wait, what do you mean 'not increase much? I'll let you know I've been stable for a whole 12 hours"

'Hey Amara, can you hear me?' I try to communicate telepathically.

[Hahaha] she laughs.

[You learned it quickly. I'm impressed!]

'So, as I was saying… You said something about a present'

[Hehe, well impress me first and then I'll give it to you]

'Ugh, as if I have to share my thoughts with an otaku.'

[Hey! you know I can hear you right?? And being an otaku is something to be proud of!]

Hearing this, I can only imagine a loli with her chest perked out proudly.

'Yes, my goddess' I say, rolling my eyes.

'l can I ask you a question?' I ask whilst taking my clothes off as I get ready for a shower.

[AIIEEEEE] A high pitch scream rings through my head

[Hey what are you doing!! You dare expose yourself to this goddess.]

'Hey! You can turn off the vision at any point you know' I say in retaliation.

[*Sigh* I still don't have a grip on all the features of this. All of this is new to me too!]

"Ugh okay. Well, look away if you're so bothered by it" I mumble.

[Nice cock]


'I have to admit that I'm pretty impressive down there'


'Anyway, I feel uncomfortable that a loli is commenting on my cock, so please refrain from that in the future' I say telepathically to her.

[Hehe I'll let you know my actual body isn't what you came into contact with. That old man's kink is getting with MILFs so me and Cynthia make ourselves that way on purpose so he doesn't hit on us.]

'Wait, I thought you and Cynthia were Eros' women?'

[Ugh no… there's no way this goddess would ever get with that pervert.[

'So I've been meaning to ask Amara, who and what are you?'

Amara must have realised that she hadn't introduced herself to him all this time, clear by the panicked tone in her telepathic voice.

[I'm sorry! I will do an anime introduction; I've seen this many times. Hajimemashite! Watashi no namae wa Amara desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!]

[Wait. Let me do it again! I haven't practiced my anime voice in a while.]

'Ugh calm down... give an introduction which I won't cringe at.'

[Well anyway, I'm Amara and I'm the daughter of Aergia, so I'm Gaia's granddaughter and Eros' cousin in-law] she replies, disappointed by my lack of interest in her anime introduction.

'Well, at least she isn't his stepsister… Eros (AN: a man of culture) would definitely snatch at the chance'

[What did you say?]

*cough* 'nothing Amara' I reply to her quickly, trying to quench the conversation.

'Hmm, Aergia… the god of laziness, right? guess that explains how there is an otaku goddess' I connect the dots which lead to an otaku goddess.

'So Eros is your cousin in-law... why were you with him?' I ask Amara, changing the subject.

[My cousin is pregnant with that pervert's child again, so I went to visit her and just happened to run into you. Well, it's turned out pretty interesting so far.]

'Well, I'm glad you've found something interesting' I roll my eyes. 'So what do I need to do for this present?

[Show me food!!!!]

'I'm planning to go on a restaurant sprawl today anyway. Before we go out, I need your word that you won't compare everything to anime whilst we're out.'

[I swear I'll be on my best behaviour]

'Somehow I don't believe you' I say telepathically whilst imagining the goddess with her fingers crossed.

'Whatever... I'll believe you for now'.

I continue to dry myself and walk to the wardrobe and grab a plain white t-shirt, a grey overcoat and some black jeans.

"I still can't believe how I've reincarnated into such a good body" I say to myself, admiring my well-built figure through a mirror.

"Good morning, Alfred."

I walk into the living room and see Alfred sipping on tea whilst sat the sofa.

"Good morning master Rin" he smiles at me

"May I ask if Master Rin will be needing any breakfast this morning?"

"No need Alfred. I will look for a cafe in Umeda for breakfast. Is everything sorted regarding the car and bodyguard"

"As you wish master Rin. Your bodyguard for the day is downstairs" Alfred takes out a mobile phone and calls the bodyguard.

"Master Rin, everything should be ready in 5 minutes. The bodyguard will be in the private parking area. Will you be needing me to accompany on your travels?" Alfred asks after finishing the call.

"Theres no need for that Alfred, take the day off and relax" I say.

Before going out, I don't forget to glance at my figure, then take the elevator to the private parking spot.

'Ah, it's going to feel good to explore Osaka again...'