
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 5

[Alfred POV]

"Okay, I'll just make a simple egg fried rice for us both using the tamagoyaki" Rin says with a smile on his face.

"What?" I look at him with surprised eyes whilst he prepares the ingredients.

'It's been so long since I saw him like this. I can't even remember the last time I saw him with a genuine smile on his face' lost in my own thoughts, I wasn't aware of the big grin on his face.

"Well, let's dig in"

Woken up from my daze, I look at Rin and then look back at the dish.

Although it's such a simple dish, it seems more sophisticated than a simple rice dish.

'It's just egg fried rice, right?' I ask myself, then proceed to pick up a clump of rice with the egg.


I close my eyes as the world goes blank…


I find myself nude in a field next to a red, American-style barn.


The barn doors burst open and a wave of pigs and chickens stampede through the field.

'Must be the pork fat and the tamagoyaki'.

blitz-like rain of fire hails down on the field.

'SO HOTT! ''The chilli!!'

The spice of the crushed chilli hits me, resulting in a fiery flavour. I open my eyes and find myself captured by a ring of fire.


The slight crunch of the onion, chive and peanut oil makes its way into the fire tornado and blows a fresh wave of spring air cooling my surroundings…,

[Rin POV]

I take a bite of my dish

'Mm, this dish isn't bad. I have to give it to the person who made the tamagoyaki'

'I think I did well. There are multiple layers of flavour in this dish... the saltiness of the pig fat, soy sauce and MSG hit first, resulting in a rich flavour. Then the fieriness of the chilli along with the nuttiness of the oil which decorates the onion compliments the dish well.

"So, what do you think? Not too bad for someone who hasn't cooked in a while?"

I look across the table towards Alfred. "The world is over the top" I murmur.

I see Alfred has a euphoric expression on his face, and his state of blissfulness makes me cringe.


'Judging from the world shown in the anime, he's mid-foodgasm '.

I carry on eating my meal but when I next look up towards Alfred, who has a wide smile on his face.

I see him with an empty dish and a big smile on his face.


"Master Rin, that was one hell of a meal you made" he says whilst smiling, still panting from the foodgasm

"Alfred, I can't take credit for the meal. I only made the rice compliment the original dish"

'I shouldn't take the credit for the meal; after all, the tamagoyaki pulled the dish through'

Smiling back at him, I see his eyes glaze over, holding back tears.

"Are you okay Alfred?"

"Yes, master Rin" *sniff* "Don't worry" *sniff* "It's just that it's been so long since I've seen a genuine smile from you."

I get up, walk over to him and give him a big hug

"Thank you, Alfred. I'm sorry for making it difficult for you over the past few years."

We hug for a while, staying silent as there were no words that could convey our emotions.

"So, I know I've neglected any responsibilities that I was supposed to have after my parents died. What are the circumstances with dad's business and mother's restaurant?"

'I should pull the rein in on my assets.'

Alfred regains control of his emotions, then looks at me with a serious expression.

'I don't think I can take him seriously with his eyes puffed up like that' I comment inwardly as I look at his expression and his eyes that are puffed up because of the crying.

"To be honest master Rin, I'm not too knowledgeable about your father's business because of the secrecy and security of its information."


"But master Rin shouldn't have too many responsibilities regarding this" he explains.

"Ah, okay I understand. I guess I'll have to visit Switzerland myself and talk to the appropriate people. Although I don't have any goals regarding my father's business, I won't neglect anything anymore."

"I can organise this. Regarding your mother's restaurant, the restaurant's reputation hasn't suffered because of the competence of the managers and staff" he gives me a nod and answers.

"Nevertheless, I'll get into contact with the head manager and organise a visit. It's only in Tokyo, so I think it will be easy to organise."

I nod in acknowledgment. "Okay, regarding the visit to father's business, try to organise it for next month. I plan to focus on cooking for the next month.

"If it's possible, organise a visit to the restaurant next week."

"Master Rin, I'm glad you've decided to take more responsibility but make sure to not push yourself too much" Alfred looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry Alfred, if anything I've never had so much energy in my life. I plan to pursue the route that my mother took and become a chef" I assure him with a bright smile on my a face.

"Alfred, will you organise dinner plans at all the major restaurants in Osaka? I need inspiration again after not cooking for so long."

"Master Rin, is there anything you want to do tomorrow?" Alfred asks.

"No, there's nothing specific. I do plan to explore the city a bit, seen as I've not done much in the past few years. I think it'll be good to get some fresh air and walk around."

"Okay master Rin, I'll organise a car for you and assign a bodyguard to accompany you whilst you are out" he nods and takes his phone out.

After continuing our conversation for a couple more hours, we decide to call it a night.