
Food Master of the Underworld

Wang Ming and his father lost everything when his father got cheated by his wife Wang Ming's stepmom. Follow him going from owning a food stand to step after step, opening up a restaurant chain and entertainment empire. He realizes that to stay on top. You need to be the top dog. Tags: Harem, R-18, Comedy, Action, Weak to Strong, Hard Working MC, Cooking, Graphical scenes.

Goham · Urban
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259 Chs

Fu Ya's Experience

After Zheng Nianzu stabbed Wang Ming, Fu Ya felt a sharp pain in her heart, like if he had stabbed her instead of Wang Ming. The pain of seeing her man sacrificing his life to save her, it's just too much. Fu Ya wasn't stupid. She realized that the only reason he got stabbed was because of her. He didn't dodge the knife as it would hit her instead, since she can't move.

Wang Ming and Zheng Nianzu both collapsed after he stabbed Wang Ming, the poison proved effective as Zheng Nianzu lost control over his body, the poison and the pain sent his body into a shock, one that he didn't recover from his body kept shaking on the ground. His brothers tried to help him, by giving him CPR, but everything was futile. Zhen Nianzu died just a minute later from heart failure.