
Folterod of Death and Magic

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT AND CRASS LANGUAGE Please only read if you can handle this Darkness. It's the only thing Kairo can see as he wakes up in a cave, unsure how he got there and left with nothing but his name. Emerging from the cave, he is quickly introduced to the violent and bloody world he's now in. A dark system, a new threat to the continent, and never ending conflict. With only one way to save those he loves and avenge everyone he's lost, will Kairo be able to become what's he needs to, or will he helplessly watch as the continent is overtaken by destruction?

RedPhoenix28 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Day Off

<Part 3: Suicide Mission>

***Kairo's POV***

The rest of the day was spent moving in and getting stuff for the apartment.

We finished up shopping and putting groceries away, then Natalia made a delicious stew for dinner.

Now, I'm laying in my bed.

Alcon and Matt are fast asleep, different levels of snores coming from them.

I can't stop thinking about the battle, and the first night here in Folterod.

Eventually, I fall into a troubled sleep, trauma filled dreams haunting me.

When we all wake up in the morning, a vote for a day off is unanimous.

We eat breakfast together, then each go our separate ways.

***Alcon's POV***

The boat underneath me bobs in the water.

For once I can sit relaxed, calmly waiting for the line on my fishing rod to go rigid.

The lake surrounding me is crystal clear. A stray breeze sends ripples travel across the surface.

The distant roar of a waterfall and the song of birds singing to each other surrounds me.

Right as I'm about to reel in the line and recast, I felt a slight tug on the line.

With a grin, I get ready. A few small tugs later, there's a larger one and I with all my strength.

After a few seconds of struggle, a massive fish erupts from the lake.

Laughing loudly in victory, I started rowing to shore, mouth already watering thinking about the meal I'm about to have.

***Natalia's POV***

I let out a short breath, glad that I had managed to finish up the lake before the boat had moved away. Now I can turn my attention to the rest of the scene.

The cliff I'm sitting on overlooks a lake and the dense forest. From here, I can see a waterfall crashing into the river that empties into the lake.

After taking a deep breath of the clean air, I dip my brush into the paint on my Palette.

Taking my time, I mix short strokes with longer ones, thin with broad, and gradually put the full scene together.

In the end, the canvas sitting in front of me has an image identical to the one I'm looking out at.

(Hmm...there's something missing…)

After a second, it clicks.

Using the picture in my memory, I paint a small figure holding a fishing pole, sitting in the boat floating on the lake.

With a smile full of satisfaction, I start cleaning up the painting materials.

***Matt's POV***

It's incredibly quiet. After all, that's how a library should be.

A mountain of books is stacked precariously around me as I flip though book after book.

The one in my hands right now is "The Detailed and Unbiased History of Halkan". The cover was faded but you can still clearly read the title written in gold letters.

As I read through the book, my head nods along.

"How interesting."

I unconsciously mutter under my breath.

"So the fourth king was an imposter for five years until the actual one escaped from prison and toppled the tyrannous imposter. Intriguing."

I flip to the next page and my eyes bulge.

"That's preposterous!"

After apologizing to the people around my for my outburst, I get back to the rest of the book.

When I'm finished, I gingerly set it in the read pile and reach for another book.

[read 'read' like red.]

***Third Person POV***

A cat meows cutely, then turns a corner down an alley.

A girl no older than eighteen sneaks after it, stealthily peeking around the corner.

As she steps into the alley, two drunk men burst out of a side door.

They stumble around trying to support each other, their bright red faces lit up with smiles.

When they see this beautiful young girl, lewd thoughts creep into their heads.

One of them approach her while his friend stands back to watch.

"Hey, do you work at a sandwich shop? Cause you give me-"

"No, I don't work at a sandwich shop."

She interrupts the man before he can finish his sentence.

The other guy could see that his friend was flustered, so he steps up.

"Hey, we could give you a good time. What do you say?"

The girl looks back and forth between the two men before walking past them.

"Sorry, I'm following this kitty. Maybe another time."

'How dare she ignore me!'

The man grabs her wrist and pulls her back with all her strength.

At least, he had tried to pull her back, but found that she didn't budge an inch.

"I said I'm following the kitty."

She glares at him icily before slamming her fist into the top of his head.

His friend was unable to catch his crumpling body as Bernadette turned around and ran to catch up to the cats waving tail.

***Kairo's POV***

"So it's not that. What else could it be!"

I'm sitting at a table, a variety of tools and liquids scattered across the surface.

The map is laid out in front of me.

(Maybe there's nothing more to it? Maybe it's just a shitty map? But what about this?)

I hold up the slip of paper with orcish written across it. I already translated it.

'This attack is the first of many. You're just starting the war! If you must return home, wait for the night of cursed wolves. Good luck Chief Ghal. Hail King Grag!'

I've read over it multiple times, and only one thing really stands out.

Books about goblin festivals and holidays are stacked next to me, already read through, but I found nothing about the night of cursed wolves.

Looking outside, I can see the sun setting, which means it's about time for us to meet up.

"Well, guess I'll get this out away."

I quickly clean up the table, putting everything back into the case I brought from Rogue Mansion.

Going to the small attached bathroom in our apartment, I wash my face and clean up my hair.

I was headed out the door before I paused to remember the restaurant Alcon wanted to meet at.

(He said it was...the Wyvern's Head?)

By the way, Halkan is the kingdom of humans, the one they're in now. I realized that I didn't tell you guys earlier and felt kinda bad. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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