
One step ahead.

As I completed writing my sample draft for 'The virtue magazine' , I sent it to them with my info. I knew that I was going on a blind path as I hadn't received any special coaching for it, all I had was my love for writing.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt fresh and new as an infant. It felt just like the old saying that, behind every successful day there is a good night sleep.

On checking my emails I found an email from the virtue magazine, saying that they'd like to meet me today in the afternoon. Well that was really fast in my perspective as the other companies in which I had applied took months to respond me and some others never did...

I got ready and attended other scheduled interviews and finally reached on the informed venue by virtue magazine. I had a talk with its manager and told him that I didn't have any experience in this field. He thought for a while and told me that, ''we'll let you know, if there's a concern regarding this.'' And then he ended our meeting without any further questions, greeted me and left. This interview was the best one I've ever attended.

After a few days, I received 2 emails, one from 'The virtue magazine ' and the other from ' I - Tech commercial '. Both those emails said that I've been selected and I've been called to discuss the necessary terms and conditions. I was called on the same day for both of them with their timings almost clashing, so it was like either I live my dream or give it another try living someone else's dream. I was really tensed about deciding which way to choose. I didn't do anything after that, I just went to my room and slept.