
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
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17 Chs

A Sudden Emergency

Yashi greeted Ivan with a warm smile, "Ivan, it's so nice to see you here. I wasn't expecting you until next month."

Ivan smiled back and replied, "I wanted to surprise you. Plus, I couldn't miss the fashion show."

"My pleasure. So, what did you think of the designs?" she asked.

Ivan said, "They were all very well done, especially the designs by E-phen. Though, I have to say, I was expecting a little more from YB 7."

Yashi acknowledged the shortcomings and said, "We'll be sure to improve for next time."

Ivan felt little uncomfortable and said, "Let's not talk about it now."

Ivan looked at Yashi with eager anticipation and said, "I've been craving the noodles we used to have at Uncle Zen's. Would you be willing to join me for dinner tonight?" His eyes sparkled with excitement as he awaited her response, hoping to relive some of their old memories over a meal together.

"Uncle Zen hasn't been doing well lately. His son, Giovanni has taken over the restaurant. I actually invited my team for dinner there tonight and I think it would be great if you could join us. Would you mind?" Yashi asked Ivan.

Ivan's expression saddened at the news of Uncle Zen. He replied, "I am sad to hear about Uncle Zen. I would love to join you and your team for dinner at their restaurant."

Warta approached the place where Ivan and Yashi were standing, with a worried expression on her face. She stood beside Ivan avoiding Yashi and touched his arm to get his attention. "Ivan," she said, trying to sound as calm as possible, "I need your help. I've got into some trouble and I really need you to come with me." She looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would agree to help her. Ivan looked at her, surprised by her sudden request, and then glanced at Yashi, who seemed to sense that something was wrong. "What kind of trouble are you in, Warta?" Ivan asked, his tone serious. Warta hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'd rather not say," she replied, lowering her voice. "But it's important and I really need your help."

Ivan considered her request for a moment and then looked back at Yashi. "I'm sorry, Yashi. I will me you at the restaurant." Yashi nodded understandingly. "Of course," she said. "Take care." Ivan followed Warta as she led the way, leaving Yashi behind.

Dexter suddenly popped up in front of Yashi giving her a scare, she hardly saved herself from spilling over a drink she had in her hand. "What happened to Warta?" he asked.

Yashi, finding her lost balance and checking if her dress was alright replied, "She needed help with something, so she asked Ivan to come with her."

Dexter's expression brightened slightly at the thought of Ivan leaving, but then he scowled as he thought of Warta. "She's unreasonable," he said. "I was following her closely and she was laughing a moment ago. How could she have encountered a problem so suddenly?"

"Excuse me, Dexter," a voice called out, interrupting their conversation. It was Keysha. "I need your help. Can you come with me for a minute?" She asked.

Dexter turned to Yashi. "I'll be back in a bit," he said.

Dexter shook his head in frustration thinking about Warta. "She's always causing trouble," he said before hurrying off to assist Keysha.

Yashi couldn't understand what was he implying.

She barely took a sip when Naisargi appeared in front of her.

"I've been overhearing some of the designers talking," she began, "Everyone seems to be praising E-phen's designs. It's really frustrating that we still don't know who leaked the designs." Naisargi's tone was filled with frustration and disappointment.

"I know," Yashi responded sympathetically, "But we'll find out who did it. We just need to keep our heads up and keep looking for clues."

Naisargi asked, "Do you know where Ivan is?"

Yashi replied, "He went with Warta."

Just as Yashi was about to take another sip from her glass, Dexter rushed in with a look of urgency on his face. "Yashi, Macy has just collapsed," he said urgently. Yashi and Naisargi immediately sprang into action and rushed to the spot. "Have you called an ambulance?" Yashi asked, her voice filled with worry. Dexter nodded in affirmation.

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