
Fnaf:mrs. Lin, the unknown hero.

Writer_Wright · Teen
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4 Chs

Prologue:Before she came.

Rio De Vincent Renning was in his office. he looked at all the information he collected over the years about Fazbear Entertainment and the incidents at the many locations of Fazbear Entertainment. Mr. Renning skin was pale, his hair was faded but still kept it rich black color, and his eyes were faded blue from the years. He was reading one of various reports of an incident with reading glasses. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a black tie, dark blue pants, and black dress shoes.

Rio De Vincent Renning:*sighs*this can't go on forever, some point this has to stop, they can't just keep covering up these things.

Rio De Vincent Renning:there has to be some way to save those innocent souls, and the company from being shut down forever.

Rio noticed a picture of him and his old friend with her niece, Robin Taylor and her niece Lindsey Elizabeth Boston. He looked closely at Lindsey, she was always a little unique from other children. Rio got a small box from his drawer. He opened it to relieve a silver chain with an emerald pendant, It shimmered in the light of Rio's office lamp. He suddenly got an idea. He got a copy of a book that he bought that was published by Lindsey Elizabeth Boston and decided that getting her help was the best way to solve this.

Rio De Vincent Renning:of course, she has seen spiritual things before, she can most certainly help me. Rio got to work emailing Lindsey and offering her a job where he is her manager.

Rio De Vincent Renning:*thinking*this will be the best idea I've ever had.

Little did Lin know this "special job" would change her forever.