

Hi everyone it is me the author. I have made a decision that I will leave abnormal from today. Well I am actually not going to leave it but the thing is it's too messy. Whenever I open my books column I thought to make some books but I actually did not continue them.

Which makes it look extremely shabby. So I thought to delete the books but the problem was that you cannot delete the books in web novel.

So I quit the web novel many people must be thinking this is silly reason but I'm quitting but not actually quitting.

I will join from my another fresh account and won't make waste books my name will be still the name I have now.

You can find me In web novel search. I will make a book called:

Hyper car often

So don't miss me I will still make books and web novel.

(Sad thing is no one will miss me I don't have any fans 😅😭😢🥺😩😂)

Goodbye web novel