
Flowery Bastard Winning at Life

Man reincarnated in DxD as Merlin's descendent. "What do you mean original Merlin was a respectable wizard?!" Merlin said as he took a puff out of his Divine Blunt. Infrequent Updates since I am writing as inspiration comes. 7(?) Girls Harem(One for each day!), Non-Violent MC, OP Powers, Essence CYOA, What Romance?.

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 10

There was a reason I put my Senjutsu stuff for later while I focused on magic.

Anyone that read some fantasy novels can tell you that different energies have different qualities that bring different results when used.

The natural energy of the DxD world has lower quality than the Ki produced by my Reactor, meaning I would be stronger than people of my level if I were to use that Ki for Senjutsu.

If it works like that why not aim higher? After all my reactor is capable of producing any energy as long as I have a sample of it.

This brings me to today, once again I am in front of my self made purification machine, once again I poured everything I have into it like I have been doing for the past year.

This time however instead of an 'empty' tank there is a single mote of rainbow-colored light in the output tank. It cost me a year but I wasn't wrong with my theory.

This single mote of energy is the famous Origin Energy one can see in fanfictions, and now that I absorbed it my reactor can produce it with Essence Bullshit.

[Archmage: Origin Energy obtained!

- Origin Energy: Source of every other energy in creation, capable of substituting for any other energy.

Due to its nature, anything powered by this energy will have extra output than it is normally capable of.]

Now, let's go back to Senjutsu. The art of empowering yourself with natural energy to increase your own.

What would happen if I were to use Origin Energy? Bullshit that's what would happen but I can't be satisfied with that.

I want to have my cake and eat it while taking other people's cakes on top of it.

I want to turn my physical body into a mass of energy given shape like dragons but without becoming a dragon myself.

I want to pull a Vahn Mason type of body up in this bitch!

This is where the Cultivation bullshit comes into play, in all honesty, it doesn't change too much.

Normally when you take natural energy in, energy spreads in your body following one path.

The method I came up with turns that into seven energy paths spreading at the same time, simultaneously refining every part of my body including three dans I read in cultivation novels.

The convict I tried this on went from a normal human to mid-rank(physically) power level in three months and that was me using Ki!

A totally normal dude with no talent or plot armor!

So, I sat down in meditative position and reached for the Origin Energy in my Reactor. There wasn't much of it yet but it should be enough to get started.

My mental spell has been refined to allow for ten lines of thought over the year, with that I took seven of them each guiding a strand of energy down seven paths.

The trick here is the timing, the paths are not in equal length, and I need to time it right for them all to pool in the dantian at the same time.

Which isn't all that hard if you have a mental spell-like mine.

My body felt like it was burning as the energy passed the meridians refining my body like forging iron.

Once all the strands met at the dantian I felt a small tremor in my body before the circulation became automatic.

That's right! It is passive cultivation and now I just need one line of thought to push Origin Energy into it.

Opening my eyes I don't smell any impurities because those have all burned by Origin Energy but I did notice the calluses in my hands flaking away to reveal soft skin under.

I never stopped my sword training in this past year, being able to use a weapon is important even if I am playing a mage.

Now I have a way to permanently increase my physical power, this means I can increase it even further with enhancement magic.

I should be around High-Rank Devil physically and Mid Rank God level on how much energy I have in my Reactor.

Thankfully Archmage makes it impossible for people to sense how much power I have, otherwise, a certain loli would be bothering me non-stop.


+ You can do Cultivator bullshit now...] Nice I guess...

Now I just need to make a dual cultivation method for my destined harem, which didn't take long since Bedroom Method is pretty much counted as Dual cultivation.

"Angelica! I need you for something." I call out to my maid, it is time for some lewd lessons.

"I am coming, Master... Master, what happened to you?" Angelica basically runs to me, because it is rare that I ask for something.

"What? did I got more handsome somehow?" I joke.

"Master is always been handsome but you seem, how should I put it hmm more domineering? It kinda reminds me of eastern mages." Angelica's description makes my lip twitch.

"Thank you for comparing me to Martial Wizards, it could have been worse." My shoulders sag.

"Always!" She grins.

"Well, I just got physically stronger. Let's make a performance test." I pull her to my embrace make her go "Eep!"

"Master~" ahh this is life.


"Merlin!" I groan and wake up.

"What?" I snap at whoever woke me up.

Rubbing my eyes of sleep I look at Tiamat who's been looking at me with equal amounts of annoyance.

"Serafall Leviathan wants to meet." She sighs.

"While I am surprised that they took this long why does it have to be in the middle of the night?" I know they're nocturnal but have some respect.

"They apparently sent Mephisto Pheles to invite you but he got hit by a golden cloud and got hospitalized from Holy Power poisoning." Despite her straight face, I can tell she's amused.

Poor guy must have come while I was smoking, I even put a sign warning devils just because I was expecting them.

"Does he ever read signs?" I ask sarcastically.

"It seems like he thought whatever you might be doing inside couldn't possibly hurt him, now Satans are afraid that you're working on something that might be dangerous to Devils." I facepalm.

This guy doesn't bother with warnings and I am the one getting interrogation.

It doesn't help that Mephisto Pheles is the current director for the Magician's Council.

"So, they asked you to 'invite' me because we have a contract? They're aware that I am not on the side of Heaven right?"

"Exactly they're afraid you sided with Fallens, I am also coming with you since I want to see Serafall's face when you say 'I was getting stoned with holy weed'. Hahaha, I must record it." Well at least one of us is having fun.