
1. Prelude to Falling

"Yummy!" This banana I'm eating is tasty it's big and yellow. a perfect fit in my mouth. I'm currently sitting in front of my laptop and studying for my midterm examination about programming, a man got to be prepared for his exams, but first is a banana.

'God I wish I'm handsome' I thought and wish to God as I want to have some spice in my life, cause this life is just boring like really boring, and I'm boring 5'8 and a bit brown but not black and black hair and black eye but when you see it closely it's brown or something at least that what my mother tells me 'I wish God made my life Fun or something I thought as I stare at the screen of my laptop.

"This sucks" I curse as I study the basics of C++ in class. "I should take a break, I have been sitting here for hours," I say as I start to stand and my back makes a cracking sound. "Feels Good!"

I then proceed to go to the fridge and as I opened the fridge my brain suddenly started to hurt, like hurts bad, like there was a drill, drilling into my head. "Fuck!" The pain is like the most pain I felt in all my meager 18 years of living in this world. The pain is really painful and it makes me drop to the ground and hold my head in my hands.

"FUCKING HELL, IT HURTS!" Fuck the pain is unbearable then suddenly, the pain stops and made me feel like I am high, 'Huh' but I have never been high in my life. Never tried drugs or anything illegal, The only illegal thing I did is drive my motorcycle on the highway without a driver's license.

'Huh, I can't feel anything I thought as I can't feel anything, can't move my eyes, mouth you name it, I can't feel anything, I can't see and stuff. 'Feels like I'm floating or something.

'Dafuk' I cursed in my head as I feel suspended is all of this just inside my head, in reality, am I just lay on the floor or something? ' I hope I'm not dying' 'cause that's just sad, I'm still young and in college, the hardest time in the life of a human being, sue me if you say that college is not the hardest part of life.

'Am I dead' I thought as I start to panic because I don't want to die I'm still in college and I am having a hard time adapting to college life post-pandemic. Most of the cost of living is high due to inflation and the government's incompetence.

' Am I dying, God pls no, I still have a lot to learn, a lot of things to do, I'm still a herald, God, pls at least made me immortal, cause all my friends are immortals, they always boast their rank to me saying stuff that I'm just a noob, God please' I thought as I panicked

'I can't feel anything, and I am just suspended into this black thing or is it the void, huh cool' I thought as I started to be calm. 'But am I dead, if I'm dead where would I go, is this hell? if this is hell God forgive me for all the sins I had made during my eighteen years of living in your world' I plead to God as I started to panic again.

'I don't know what is happening to me am I dead or am I just asleep on the floor, one time I'm panicking the next second I'm calm, then I panicked again.' 'HUH,' Why can't I remember stuff?

'Stay calm!...' Who am I ?' Remain calm self I may not remember some stuff, but I remember things like where I live and just the image and familiarity, I can't remember names and stuff I know I lived somewhere, like in a city I think? Somewhere there are lights around me and there are silver things that glow.

'My child' A voice whispered to my ears. 'Huh, who's there?' I thought as I heard the whispers, who could that be, and how did they do that, talk to my thoughts directly?

Who could that be! who would say my child these days, is like an old fashioned old man or something, but the way they say my child as if a father is talking to his child. 'Huh' crazy who could that be, and 'Huh' is that my father, I don't remember having a father, and mother is just not present, 'Maybe he is my father' I thought as I suspend something happened and feel myself fall to something, and lights were falling alongside me. I fell as suddenly a bright light shook me and then I see the most breathtaking scenery in front of me, a place? dimension? that I can't explain, its white in all, like really white like the sun if its white and there were a lot of suns that shine and the lights that fall alongside me entered myself? I don't know if they just entered me or in my head I think.

Then suddenly I blacked out like just fell asleep like how a--

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