
The usual reincarnation

"Ugh, that fucking truck hit me real good", a young feminine voice mumbled from mental exhaustion.

~I walked down the street to go shopping for my monthly Manga purchases, but no, this stupid Truck just crashed into me right in front of the book store. I had to have the best luck anyone ever had. Being released from Military service was something to be celebrated as I finally had the time to read some more.

I am going to fucking kill this son of a bitch who fucking crashed into me! It hasn't even been a week since I moved into my new place. I can already imagine myself sitting down on the soft new leather couch in the evening with my new Manga that I was planning to buy. Maybe watch some Hentai afterward. Who knows?~

She looked around in the hospital room or rather a girly room? Never had she dared to paint the walls of a room in rainbow colors. Who had such a bad taste? The next thing that worried her was the lack of modern architecture and devices around her. It was a much more ancient style giving off an Asian vibe from what she could tell. When she looked to her right, there was a big mirror next to a stacked wardrobe. What she saw in the reflection greatly startled her. A very familiar character from one of her favorite manga. Ino Yamanaka. Just younger than in the show.

~I must be dreaming. Was I in a coma induced dream that felt much more realistic than any other dream I ever had? That must be it! I am such a genius! Yeah, no doubt about it.~

She lifted herself up from the soft bed, stood up on her much shorter legs and wanted to investigate the room but her plan was cut short. A terrible headache hit her which caused her to fall back on her bed. Foreign memories assaulted her mind, from memories of birthdays to meetings with friends, everything was crammed inside her head. This led to her falling unconscious for a few minutes before waking up again.

The platinum-blond girl rubbed her temples as she opened her eyes again. She was still confused by what had just happened to her. Still, something was clear to her. She became Ino Yamanaka. One of the most beautiful girls in all of the world of Naruto. To be precise, she fused with the previous Ino to create an entirely new person.

WIth the two souls fusing together, another change occurred in her body. Her average amount of chakra increased, not to Naruto level but to above average. It was actually easy to explain. Chakra consisted of spiritual energies and physical energies of the body. As she had fused with Ino's soul or the other way around, who even cared at this point, her spiritual energy increased and so did her chakra. The downside was that she had to balance out yin and yang part later on. Though, that was quite easy. She loved working out anyway.

Well, nothing I can do about a cliche reincarnation or transmigration into an Anime world. Truck-sama sent me here and as someone addicted to reading fanfictions, there had to be another bonus.

She waited for something to happen. A system? or would she receive some op ability she shouldn't have from birth? A Sharingan? No, that was too common for reincarnators in her opinion. It had to be something special, right?

A few minutes passed in silence, the only thing she heard was the voices of the pedestrians on the street and customers opening the door to her family's flower shop. Even after trying to communicate with some kind of Ai like being in her mind, there was absolutely nothing.

~Wow! Don't tell me that I'm one of those shitty reincarnators that received absolutely nothing and even they were usually reborn an Uchiha, Hyuuga or even Naruto. Compared to them, Ino was kind of weak. No possibility to achieve the Rinnegan or Six paths powers.~

Ino sighed as she hugged her little legs to her chest while resting her chin between her knees. Even the soft feeling of her skin didn't cheer her up. She tried to think about the positive parts of becoming the beautiful blond. With her looks, she had a high chance of landing an equally beautiful and kind girlfriend.

~I'm not praising myself here!~

Grabbing the soft breasts of someone like Mei Terumi, kneading them between her fingers and grinding her face in between...

Her head snapped up in realization. She had something. A way to become strong enough as to not end up as cannon fodder later on. Her knowledge of the world of Naruto. Several fanfictions she had read in the past and many ideas on techniques and other things that came with them. Ino sat up straight, this time with a smirk on her face, her fair hands were gripping the sheets beneath her in anticipation.

One of the Fanfictions she read featured a protagonist with next to no chakra who invented another version of the Eight Gates Technique, the reversed Eight Gates Technique. With the help of his unique powers, he opened the Gate of Death as the first Gate in order to lessen the burden on the heart. He opened the Gate permanently which granted him more chakra in return and strengthened his body somewhat. The requirement to use the Eight Gates Technique was to have a strong body, on one hand, to open the Gates efficiently and on the other hand to survive or at least not become disabled from the strain they put on the body.

The same applied to the Reverse Technique just that keeping the Gates open made the excess chakra baptize the body of the individual and thereby strengthening it.

More chakra for me to use and a stronger body to use the Gates more efficiently with. What a great deal! But the fuck am I supposed to force the Gate of Death open?

Something hit her on the top of her head before she managed to think any further. Ino looked down on the blanket just to see a scroll lying there. A bit confused, she opened it up and read the neatly written text.

'Hi there,

I may have forgotten to give you any powers like I usually do so I thought that I might as well give you whatever you wanted. You don't have to thank me! I know that I'm very kind! Oh my, I'm already blushing! Another good action on my part. Nevermind my generous personality, the thing I gave you was the ability to open the Eight Gates in your body in reverse order as you wanted without some kind of kinky cheat power. You just have to become physically strong enough before the individual Gates can be opened. Have fun.

Yours sincerely, God'

Ino just blinked for a few seconds. This had to be one of the most ridiculous and narcissistic things she had ever read!

~What the hell does he mean with that? Couldn't it just have been a set of seals? Even the other guys could have profited from that. Especially my future wife! Damn you, god! If you're a saint then I'm a deceased, overpowered character that had been hyped over the whole series just to have been plotted against all the time, leading to him becoming a sacrifice for some bat-shit crazy immortal lady from a fruit farming family.~

Despite her cursing at an omnipotent being after receiving her own reincarnator-cheat, the platinum-blond girl was still excited to receive the chance to conquer the world and, much more importantly, beauties!

She came to another realization while thinking about beauties. She had to through puberty again.

~No! I don't want to! It's fucking torture! And my childish body can't do shit! Do I really have to spend the next few years in the stupid Academy between all those brats? I hope that I manage to find some good training methods to spent my time on. Without training, I might as well end up as a fangirl out of desperation for something to happen. I better plan on what to do from now on.~

And that's exactly what she did before she had to go to the Academy a few hours later. It was the start of her road to op-ness.

Hi there! I hope you like a Naruto Fanfic with an unusual character as a MC. Ino and Hinata are my favorite female characters from the Series, closely followed by Sakura and Tsunade. It will take some time before real action is going to take place as I want to establish Ino's training and relationships.

If you want to waste *cough cough* invest some money, consider throwing it down my throat on *******... I meant, support me. Yeah.


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