
The apple never falls far from the tree?

"You don't dare touch my son!" - Hissed shinobi with dark gray hair, taking out something that looks like a rapier from its scabbard. His tone suggested no objection, and his eyes expressed complete confidence in his actions. Even the man's erect posture exuded a mysterious cold aura. It seemed that if he wanted to(and his patience is clearly running out), the heavens will collapse to the ground, volcanoes will start their rampage, and people will know the highest degree of suffering.

"Your pampering ends here, Damm. Talent doesn't mean wisdom, and your parents knew that when they gave you the title of head of the clan. I, as your older brother, should have been a vigilant guardian of our family's traditions and laws. And I became one. This child must die " - opposite stood an almost complete copy of the gray-haired shinobi, holding a baby in his arms. Sighing, he continued, "Damm, I understand your feelings, but duty comes first. Your son acanthus, a degenerate. For centuries, our clan could only rule from the shadows thanks to a unique bloodline. We can't lose our power because of your whim."

"This is not a whim or whim. This is my son, damn it! Native! And if you are so afraid of the acanthus, then I will leave the clan." - Damm stood in a fighting stance, cut his palm with a rapier and rushed forward.

"I won't let you do that."

the Two met in an unequal battle, where the man with the rapier clearly had the upper hand. However, other ninjas wearing clan clothing and having some external resemblance soon intervened in the battle. Shinobi with a rapier snatched the child from the hands of opponents and was going to leave his home as soon as possible, never to return to it. That's just it...

"P...why? Why..." - before he could run too far, Damm saw his wife and joyfully ran to her, to unexpectedly get a kunai in the heart.

"Because our child is a threat to the clan and I understand that."

The disappointed father jumped into the fast-flowing mountain river, taking the child with him. Damm will surely die soon, but the legacy must survive. His mind was slowly fading. When his eyes began to close, he held the child to him with the last of his strength, getting injured after injury. The mountain river is merciless, it is even used as a method of execution in his clan. His son will flow with the river into a bright future, he will definitely survive. What van Damme has always lacked is confidence. With a smile on his face, one shinobi accepted his fate and fell asleep forever.

Hello. Over the years of this type of literature, people have turned fan fiction into something absurd, ridiculous. Hundreds of transmigrators with systems flood the Internet every month. I want to write something more serious and show how well you can approach the usual fan fiction. However, since the source text is in Russian, I doubt myself a little... Please point out mistakes so that I can write a really good work for you. :)

Rodimir_Howalacreators' thoughts