
Chapter 1

Kinna stood perfectly still as her dark hair was tied back, her other handmaiden holding it steady. They then applied her makeup and laced her stockings tightly up against her long slender legs before proceeding to tie up her dress. It was the same every day for her, she would be dressed and made beautiful, then marched to court to attract a suitable husband. As the fourth daughter of the lord of Bulann, there were few favourable prospects for her. Were she one of her brothers she could at least hope to carve out fame in battle, but she would be lucky to be married to a lesser lord... more likely she would be married off to secure a high ranking official over to her father's side.

"My lady, your lord father commands your presence at court," the court herald announced from beyond her dressing screen.

This was nothing new, he would be making the trip to each of her siblings with the same message. A short time later she walked gracefully from her home, a small building that lay within the fortress-like palace of her family, the Hyenta clan. Theirs was a long lineage, one that could be traced back at least a dozen generations and that now presided over dozens of offshoot clans. Kinna made her way through the gardens, the reflection pools glinting in the sunlight as she stopped upon one of the many ornamental bridges and took in the fresh spring air.

"Are you feeling well my lady?" One of her handmaidens asked, bowing down before her.

Kinna simply smiled in response, for the first time in months she'd broken her usual cycle, if only for a brief moment.

Soon after arriving in the hall of Hidiyashi, named after the clan's founder, she made her way to a screened-off area where her mother and sisters waited, the wood and paper panelled walls making the side room surprisingly bright. Kinna knelt on a soft cushion beside them and kept utterly silent, as was expected of the women. After a few minutes, the main doors slid open with a creak, the sound of heavy footfalls ringing throughout the hall as the men entered. Her father would lead the way, her nine brothers would follow, then her father's many bannermen, retainers and nobles. If she remembered correctly there would be over a hundred people inside the hall.

As the men sat she began to listen intently, her father would only call the whole clan together for important business after all. Her father made the usual thanks to those attending and began with ceremonies honouring God, then raised several young men to lords and several soldiers to the class of Dadoran or soldier of worthiness, these men could now earn a lordship through deeds of valour, having already been considered men of honourable standing.

After more exaltations her father came to the part of the meeting she was most interested in, two of her brothers were to be married come summer... though that wasn't surprising, she had known of the dealings for the best part of a year. Then he announced her two older sisters were also to be married, then she paled as he announced that she too would be married. Kinna continued listening intently as the terms of each marriage were announced, they were all standard affairs, dowries and land grants for the most part. When it came to her own marriage though, her father stood up. The room standing with him, she was feeling fearful now, afraid of who could command her father's respect so much.

"Amongst those of you gathered here, there are sixteen young men I invited personally, " he started, his voice commanding and wise. "All but those sixteen may be seated."

There was the sound again of a great many sitting at once, followed by gasps of surprise.

"Step forward, that I may address you all" he commanded and again the sound of boots rang out around the hall.

"All of you are men of virtue and honour, renowned throughout these lands and afar. Yet all of you are fourth sons or men of low station. There will be a great tournament held at the arena a week hither, the winner will be granted my daughter's hand in marriage."

Kinna's eyes began to well up, her sisters hugging her tightly. She felt such shame at being given away as a prize, to a commoner for all she knew... did her father hate her so much? have such little care for her honour? Kinna sobbed in silence, her mother and sisters realising how humiliating this was for her, yet averting their eyes nonetheless.

"Leave now and make your preparations youngsters, for the tournament begins at the first sign of spring" her father announced with a degree of joy to his voice.

Kinna cursed him silently, he had humiliated her before the entire clan and those from farther afield... how could there be any coming back from this for her reputation?