
Chapter 4 Goodbye

Translator: 549690339

The bald man reeked of alcohol, his sleazy little eyes ogling Han Ling.

As for Tang Feng, he was downright ignored.

"Babe, standing before you is Brother Long of Jinshan. You must've heard of Brother Long's big name. Around here in Jinshan, everything is under his protection," a few bare-chested hoodlums laughed and called out from a table not far away.

"Be a doll and give me some face," Brother Long, his bald head shining, leered at Han Ling, slurring his words.

Resting in Tang Feng's embrace, Han Ling's drunken eyes regained their initial lucidity.

She had heard of Brother Long of Jinshan, a big-time local gangster in the area around Jinshan.

To be targeted by such a gangster made safely getting out of here seem rather difficult.

At this thought, her brows furrowed involuntarily.

"Kid, if you have any sense, piss off right now," Brother Long, seeing that Han Ling wasn't responding, directly set his gaze on Tang Feng, ordering him in a threatening tone.

Tang Feng gave Brother Long a look, supporting Han Ling and preparing to leave.

He had just arrived in the city and didn't want trouble.

"Are you fucking tired of living? I told you to scram, not take the lady with you," Brother Long, swaying, cursed furiously.

Amid the swearing, he reached out to grab Han Ling's arm.

The rowdies from the nearby table also stood up one after another.

It was then that Han Ling, nestled in Tang Feng's arms, suddenly made her move.

Somehow, she had gotten a hold of a draft beer mug.

She swung it backward, smashing the oversized glass mug directly onto Brother Long's bald head.

The impact of the heavy beer mug drew blood on impact.

Accompanied by Brother Long's scream, the scene instantly turned to chaos.


Han Ling shouted loudly.

Tang Feng hesitated, but his hand was already grabbed by Han Ling, who dragged him forward as they both took off.

Behind them, the shirtless rowdies chased after them furiously.

A chase ensued between them.

Soon, they entered a dark alleyway.

In the dark alley, a crevice just wide enough for one person.

Tang Feng and Han Ling pressed close together, hiding inside it.

Han Ling breathed lightly, putting her finger to her lips, signalling Tang Feng to be quiet with a gesture.

With his back against the wall, Tang Feng felt her full bosom pressed against his chest and her smooth legs against his own.

The silky softness and fullness made Tang Feng's blood surge, and his body burned with heat.

In the sweltering summer day, already lightly dressed, now with their bodies pressed together, sweat soaked through their clothes, making the bodily contact even more pronounced.

In the darkness.

Han Ling lay in Tang Feng's arms, and at one point, her brow furrowed.

At the soft part of her body, something hard as steel pressed against her relentlessly, as if it wanted to pierce her completely.

She unintentionally reached out and then grabbed a hot iron rod.

Her palm wrapped around the burning rod, her fingers unable to close around it.

At that moment, Han Ling's body trembled involuntarily, her face blushing.

By now, if she didn't know what that was, she would be incredibly dull.

On instinct, she quickly let go.

"Search, find that bitch, they must be somewhere around here," an angry shout came from not too far away.

Footsteps approached nearby.

In the crevice, the two of them clung to each other, their nerves taut, not daring to breathe loudly.

Han Ling was completely nestled in Tang Feng's arms, her eyes squinting, and in her nervousness, her body sensations became unmistakably clear.

At the soft place, that hot steel still pressed against her fiercely, growing even harder.

She was overwhelmed by an intense feeling of emptiness.

In her mind, countless thoughts began to drift.

Han Ling lifted her head, her eyes rippling with emotion.

Just then, as if possessed by some mischievous spirit, Tang Feng lowered his head and their lips touched.


Both Tang Feng and Han Ling's minds went blank.

The young man full of vigor and the lonely woman were on the verge of an accidental discharge.

Han Ling struggled internally.

In the end, reason retreated.

She just said fuck it and let herself go.

She wrapped her arms around Tang Feng's neck, greedily sucking on his lips.

In the darkness, that tempting ass silently writhed.


In the dark, a faint moan arose.

Tang Feng completely lost it, his big hand sliding under the floral dress, grabbing that twisting tush.

The elastic ass was just the right size to cover with one hand.

The feel was really damn good.

Entangled together in the narrow gap, the young man and woman were a mess.

Hot and sweaty, their clothes completely soaked and sticking to their skin, revealing all underneath in semi-transparency.

The noise from outside the alleyway became more and more distant, ultimately disappearing.

"Stop," Han Ling suddenly pressed down Tang Feng's hand.

Tang Feng's hand paused there, and he was somewhat baffled.

Han Ling almost fled from Tang Feng's embrace, running out of the gap.

In her rush, her legs felt weak and floaty, and she couldn't steady herself.


A low cry of pain.

Following her out, Tang Feng paused, then hurried over.

"Sister Han, what's wrong?" Tang Feng approached with concern.

At this moment, Han Ling was sitting crouched on the ground in disheveled clothes, her right hand on her ankle, her face etched with pain.

"It's nothing, just twisted my ankle, I'll be fine after a moment's rest."

The floral dress obscured the view, so Tang Feng couldn't see Han Ling's ankle to know if the injury was serious or not.

"Those jerks could come back any minute, we better get moving," Han Ling said with a furrowed brow.

She tried to stand with support but as soon as she put weight on it, she collapsed back down.

Tang Feng hesitated for a moment, then crouched down in front of Han Ling.

"Sister Han, I'll carry you."

Han Ling, sitting crouched, looked at that broad back. She bit her lower lip, reached out her arms, and leaned on that broad back.

Han Ling was a good one meter seventy, but she weighed just around 100 pounds, so to Tang Feng, carrying her was a breeze, no pressure at all.

In the dark alley.

Tang Feng carried Han Ling's perky butt on his hands, striding quickly.

Throughout the whole process, Han Ling lay quietly on Tang Feng's back, not uttering a word, her thoughts in a daze, her mind replaying those moments over and over.

If, if she hadn't called a stop at the last moment, they might have crossed that final line.

Deep down, she felt a sense of inexplicable loss.

Back at their place.

They opened the door, the living room pitch black.

From the second bedroom on the inside, weird noises were coming out.

Excited, almost debauched voices.

"Ah... ah... daddy, good daddy, harder..."

The woman's brazen moans and the man's deep voice blended together, creating an erotically charged symphony.

"You little slut, you're so fucking horny, daddy's gonna fuck you to death today."