
Flow Of Water In Naruto

A young male otaku is brought into a meeting with god after having run in front of a truck, believing that it would allow him to reincarnate into his favorite anime. Having an unexpected meeting on his first day in the Narutoverse, he realizes that this may not be the timeline he hoped for. P.s: just because the mc does reincarnate into anime does not mean it will actually happen (insert crying emoji here). This means I am not supporting suicide! Also, I obviously don’t own Naruto (or I wouldn’t be writing a fanfic about it) however all other stuff is mine, probably, maybe, I think, who knows? Finally, this is my first fanfic and I realize I should probably finish the entire Naruto series before I do this but screw it as such expect quite a few errors, and please post some arcs for me to try and do. Hope you all enjoy and don’t hate on me I have a very fragile ego, *fake weep* *fake weep*

Novel_Creator · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

A Boy And His Dog

'Sigh, I don't want to keep on forcing Konan to come out on walks with me. Even though I know she enjoys it, it would still be better if we trained.'

Yokoji was a bit dispirited at how long it was taking for Nagato to show up.

He and Konan have been walking past the location where he was found passed out since their ninth birthday.

It has been annoying as this time could have easily been put to better uses. Such as training.

However, he knew that it would be essential to pick up Nagato.

'Hopefully, I can bring him under my control. I can also take some of his blood later since he's an Uzumaki.' As seen for his red hair.

'It's pretty easy to notice an Uzumaki if you know what you're looking for, after all having red hair, is rather rare. Heh, that kinda rhymed...'

Yokoji still shuddered at the thought of having to take more blood from now on. Even if it did grant him a very useful and versatile benefit. It caused lots of pain.

Having his own blood deconstructed and reconstructed onto a cellular level, while awake. Is not something that he would like to experience again.

However, he knew. Any method that would allow him to get stronger he would use. Yokoji was determined to protect Konan from her tragic fate. And to do that, he would use whatever means necessary! (AN: SSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMPPPPP!!!!!!! but who wouldn't for Konan tho...)

"Yokoji, why are we having these walks, I know it's not just because you like the fresh air. I also know you would rather be training...." Konan lets out a cute pout at him. Making him feel a bit guilty.

He knew that he could have had these walks alone. But h decided to bring Konan with him due to him wanting to spend more time with her as well.

"Well, let's just say I had a weird dream one night..."

Curious as always, Konan starts to question what it was about.

"Dream? What was it about?"

"Ah, it was about a young boy with bright red hair, and a scruffy-looking dog. It felt like they would die if I didn't come to them." Yokoji decided to explain. He decided to pretend that some of his future knowledge comes as dreams. Which in some ways it did.

His past memories of Naruto have seemed to be appearing in his dreams for a while. They aren't as vivid as they were, but at least now he's assured he wouldn't forget something important...

Yokoji didn't know why that was, but he decided NOT TO QUESTION it. (AN: HINT HINT)

"What, do you mean like those two over there?" Konan asked with a questioning tone.

"Yeah, funny. Like they would be there just as I tol-" Yokoji was shocked!!

'They are actually there...what on earth are the chances of that?'

"Come on let's go." Yokoji shouted to Konan as he started to run over to them.

'What's so special about them that Yokoji didn't praise me for helping him!' Konan asked herself. Already cultivating more hate towards the dog and boy duo.

Arriving at their side Konan noticed how famished they were. This still didn't make her forgive them for taking away her praise but she still didn't like them.

"Let's just take them to a nearby cave then drop him some bread. That should be enough for him." Konan said, thinking they were only there to save the two.

"No, we're going to bring them back to our home with us." Yokoji denied her.

'If I was just going to abandon him, I would just take his eyes myself. Unfortunately, I'm still unsure whether or not his eyes have some kind of ninjutsu or fuinjutsu to alert the original designer. I can't tell yet, I'll have to look closer at a later date.'

"What!! Why would we bring it back with us?" Konan asks in horror. She didn't want to share the same house with another boy. She wanted to be alone with Yokoji.

"Konan it's not an it, it's a he. And were taking him because I saw that he had future potential. I'm going to make a group in the future, and he would be a good addition to it." A bit annoyed with her possessiveness, Yokoji decided to tell her his future goal, and the reason why he was bringing back Nagato.

Hate started to fill Konan's eyes for the red-haired boy. Not only did Konan have the bond with Yokoji that made her form an absolute dislike for other guys, the guy in person, was taking away her personal space with Yokoji.

'At least he won't be staying permanently. He will have to find another place to sleep at least!'

As if hearing her thoughts, Yokoji suddenly said "And he will be sleeping in our lounge, so don't worry."

"What!!! No, why does he have to live with us!!! Can't we just find a cave for him to live at and then meet him later?!" Still resistant to the idea of sharing her Yokoji, she shouted in annoyance.

Sighing, Yokoji responded to her.

"No, it would be too bothersome, without any good reason. We may not be able to be as open towards each other in the lounge either. But we'll just have to find a way to make up for it.

'WHAT!!! No, I don't want to spend less time with Yokoji's comfort in the lounge. Wait...what does he mean by make up for it?? And what's with that weird smile on his face??'

Finally giving in to the inevitable. Konan sighs in defeat. Looking at the annoyance in question who was being put on Yokoji's back.

'And he gets to be so close with Yokoji as well!!!'

As these thoughts went through her head. The unconscious boy in question seemed to shudder in fright.

"Look, he's still cold, let's hurry back," Yokoji said in brief worry, wondering just how long he has been out here again. It was never shown how long exactly in the anime.

"Fine...but you're giving me extra cuddles tonight," Konan said in her last bit of resistance.

"Alright, now come on, let's hurry."

Running back to their house, with a young boy on another's back.

They soon entered their home.


"Wh-where am I??" The young boy said. Slowly lifting his upper body in pain.

He found that he was laying on a couch, with a slightly warm and wet towel on his forehead.

He saw two other kids, who seemed to be the same age as him. One boy and one girl.

The boy had short white hair and a baggy shirt on. Whereas the girl seemed to have long blue hair partly braided up into a bun with a blue flower.

The young boy was in part shock by both of their angelic appearences.

He also seemed to feel a faint aura of strength coming of them. As if he was just meat in their eyes. It reminded him of the Ninjas that killed his family. His guard immediately went up.

But then...the young boy spoke.

"Hello, and welcome to your new family!"

(AN: again, not a long one. I dont seem to have enough mental strain for that yet. It has got 1201 words though (not including this note). Rather impressive if I do say so myself ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑. Anyway, please leave some comments on improvements if you have any. I'm new to this author gig, and this is my first time writing one. Hope you enjoyed, and leave a comment, or else (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง

(P.s i'm messing around with Lenny Faces now, expect a lot of them in the author notes!!)

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

Hey all, sorry for the short chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and are leaving comments. If not then you're rather mean!!


Anyway, enough with the Lenny Faces. Sorry if you were expecting some extremely long chapter. If you are bothering to read this, then I'll let you know I still have my cold. I will try to improve, but I was basically in bed all day asleep today. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all tomorrow.

(●≧ω≦ )9

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