
Flow (The Idol)

This is the story of Flor or will now be known as "flow". Follow her journey of becoming an idol, she'll face many obstacles in her way but her determination won't stop her at any cost. UPDATE: every Monday at EST: 6:45am

bibilizabeth · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8

We heard a knock, we heard another knock being followed from the first one. I opened a the door a little but I regonized who it was. With their dirty black sneakers standing through the other side of the door. As I looked up to face his face, he was smiling, a smile so happy that a reminded me when a dog saw their owner come home from work. Jeong-hun was standing still, I opened the door wider so he could come in, the moment he saw Jake his smile faded quickly.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a guest over Flo, did I introruppet something?", I was going to answer but Jake beat me to it. "You didn't intrupruut anything, we were about to head out, care to join us?".

"actually I came up to see if anyone was here, Flo's brother is here waiting down stairs." The moment I heard that my brother was here, I didn't know to feel, I was happy but why did my heart drop, was it that I was too scared to tell him about me being a trainee, or that Jake was beside me. I guess Jake took noticed of how I felt, in the corner of my eyes could feel his eyes staring down at me.

Once I gathered my thoughts together, I managed to say "Why didn't he come up here?", "Since y'all moved, he only knew the building your family moved to but not which apartment. Want me to bring him up here or are you going to head down?" Once in away I saw Jeong-hun give some glares to Jake while he was talking to me.

"We were going to head down just now, so I'll meet him there", I grabbed my stuff and made sure I had the key for the apartment. I made sure the door was locked before we headed down, we took the elevator this time. Before the doors could completely open, I saw my brother leaning on his black Mercedes Benz GT63S, he was his phone looking at something. Wow, why is he wearing his suit with an over-sized jacket and some nice business shoes.

He finally looked up when I said, "Wassup Eun, weren't you suppose to be in Italy. Our parents aren't home right now, I think they went to work." "Can't a brother visit their baby sister" He robbed my head when he said that, "Was it a business trip?", "Nah, most likely some random papers to sign".

His eyes then faced towards Jake, he looked back at me and asked who he was. I felt a shiver go down my spine, "I'm Jake, Im under a agency and our friends were thinking of hanging out since we were all free today". My brother then looked at me who was nodding, agreeing with Jake, then he looked back at Jake. "Ok, but why was he up there", he pointed towards the building that my family apartment was at. "I came to get some stuff and leave, I offered him to stay and wait inside so he doesn't wait down here since its really chilly". I looked at my brother, he was thinking but then said "ok, but can I come, it's been awhile since I saw my baby sister". He squished my cheeks together which made me feel like a pig. "Sure but just don't embarrass me", "Can I come too!". I turned around and it was Jeong-hun. "Jeong-hun wasn't coming with you?", I put my hands up.

"I didn't know he was free tho, but he can come, Imma text the group chat and check whose free".

Once I got all the replies everyone was busy with something, except for Jisoo. "Soo, everyone is busy except Jisoo", I turned to look at Jake "Jake, can you text the address to Eun, I'll send you his number".

My brother bent down and whispered in my ear "why my phone number?", I whispered back "They want it to be a surprise".

I sent his number and then Jake sent the address to Eun.

"Jeong-hun, you'll go with Jake while, I go with Eun to pick up Jisoo."


My brother turned on his car, so I got on, "Does Jisoo still lives in the same place?", "yea".

My brother drove off and from the rear mirror I saw Jake's car pulling away and heading behind us but then took a left turn.

"Is there something else, you needed to tell me?", I was thinking if I should tell him right or not, I let out a sigh but dicided to tell him.


I'm a trainee under a agency, thats how I met Jake and my new friends", I looked at my brother and he had his thinking face again. "Eun, please you I dreamed becoming a artist or at least perform in front of people. I want to be able to say 'this is my song'. I don't just want to perform with other songs, I want to perform with songs that I took part in making."

I heard a sigh, then Eun spoke "does our parents know?"

"Only mom, but I'm planning to tell dad, I don't know when but I know it has to be soon."

"Okay Flowy but be careful at least, the music industry can be tough in many ways just be strong, I'll support you in any way. Don't forget thats why I'm your brother."

"Thank you Eun, I'll make sure I make everyone proud"

He smiled and then I asked him a question that I was wondering about.

"Sooo Eun, why are you here, you have a whole company who is busy about 24/7"

"I was being honest back there, the company was not as busy so I took the chance to visit back here, I might stay for about a month or 2"

"Oh ok, you can use my room or the guest room"

The car then came to a stop, I noticed that we reached at Jisoo apartment, my brother honked and he came out. He was well dressed with some brand clothing, typical of Jisoo.

Once Jisoo was near the car, he did a quick twirl to show off his fit. "ayo Eun, when did you come back. Also I noticed that you got a new car agin, Man I wish I was rich as you to be able to buy cars easily.

Eun looked at the rear mirror for a bit so he could be able to face Jisoo, "Jisoo you haven't changed much since the last time I saw you. *chuckles* I flew in today in the morning, I tried to figure out where my family moved, and then grabbed the chance to see Flowy. Other than that, talking about money we weren't that rich as always, we use to be in middle class until I helped out my family to expand our business. We have to learn how to take care of our money, and make sure we have separate money saved for like emergencies or something relatively close to that. For the rest could be used for spending money to buy whatever you want, you just have to use your money wisely."

"Eun we know the basics of money, blah blah blah", I laughed with Jisoo sassy adittude. Jisoo then sat up straight and asked out loud a question that I was waiting for him to ask any time soon.

"Where are we going? Flo just texted saying something about hanging out with a group of her friends, agh I'm nervous to meet them honestly. Flo do you think they would like me? Do I look cool? Wait, I'm already cool, right? Would they like my fashion style? I barely have any talents other then having my hobby as a shoe/clothes collector."

Wow, he really was nervous I thought to myself. "Jisoo it'll be fine, we are all different in our own way so don't worry about them liking you. Jisoo you have the best style of clothing than anyone compared who I have ever met before. You'll get along with them in no time, trust me. Oh and lastly, I don't know either, Jake sent the address to Eun since I thought the rest would still want it to be a surprise."

The moment Jisoo heard Jake's name, he quickly leaned in forward. I guess Eun noticed, his eyes faced Jisoo again. "Was I the only one that did not know who Jake was until today?"

"Eun, you really missed out a lot, eh?", Jisoo laughed after what he said himself. Jisoo then turned his body to the left so it mainly facing Eun, "soooo Eun, how was your first reaction of Jake? You think he's a good guy? In MY opinion I think he is a good guy, he's just shy I wonder how he is going to act up on stage...."

While they were talking, my phone lit up from a message I received from Jake. The message read that they were already there and along with the message he sent, there was a picture of Jeong-hun hanging out with the group of boys who were about to debut. It seemed that he was enjoying himself.

"So far i think he's a decent guy", I knew they were still talking about Jake.

Thankfully the car reached to a stop and I realized we got to the place, the grass was a light brownish color, some of the cherry blossom trees already bloomed while some of their branches were naked. We were already off the car when my brother started walking towards a trail, Jisoo and I just looked at each other and followed him. The weather was a bit chilly today so I just wore a light oversized jacket, with a plain black t-shirt, and some baggy jeans, lastly to go along with the fit I wore some white chunky tennis shoes.

While we were walking, Jisoo complimented my fit, I felt happy since I got complimented by the fashion expert. We reached those type of micro trains my brother got on it so I guess this was the right way. The train seemed going fast but you couldn't really feel it, then the train went down underground it headed for awhile until it reached to a stop.

"We're here", my brother said that so awkwardly, this wasn't really any bit near his personality.

Jisoo on the other hand seemed to enjoy himself. There was a lot of people the music was soft so far, but my brother kept walking heading toward right, we went down stairs and a door was there. They asked for a code and my brother told them it, they let us in and they music got really loud.

The inside looked like a big club with the ceiling black and the floors lit up with bright lights. People were gathering around 2 groups, I guess it was a dance battle or something similar like that. Jake and Alexa met us near the doorway.

"You finally made it Flow, we been waiting for ever!!!. Oh and you must be Flow's older brother, y'all look alike. Nice to meet you."

My brother gave her his hand.

"you must be Flow's brother, y'all really do look alike like a lot"

"Yes, I'm Eun, I hope you don't mind me being here"

"Nah, its fine the more the merrier"

"And you must be Jisoo"

I saw Jisoo jaw drop.

"Jeong-hun wouldn't stop talking about you and your style."

"Wait for realll!!"

Jisoo did his little jumps, the type of jumps people do when they are excited. Alexa and Jisoo seemed to get along pretty fast. Jake seemed awkward again, he must really learn some social skills and quick. Jake then said that he would show us the way, we then followed him to a table booth.

The rest were waiting for us and they all got up to greet us. Jeong-hun even seemed to know them for awhile he was such an extrovert. I then asked why we were here, then Rosey chimed in saying they came down here to have some fun and that U-kwon owned the place.

"We can also use this place to improve our dancing skills, we can watch and learn type of thing"

I turned around and it was Jake's voice.

I heard my brother do am little cough.

"Hey, I'm Flo's brother and hope she doesn't annoy you too much."

I slapped my brother in the back and the rest started to laugh, dang smh already embarrassing me.