
Flourishing Magic

After the Oik attacks on the academy and recovering, Uri has had time to enjoy the calmness of mage haven. However, near the end of his second summer vacation as a student of the academy, bizarre events begin to occur and eventually lead him into a fight with forces still unknown to him.

ShuckleChuckle · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Forbidden Texts

Uri was summoned, late in the evening, by an automaton who led him to the headmaster's office. The young mage thanked the automaton and then headed up the stairs. There was a conversation going on in the headmaster's office between two familiar voices, the librarian's and the headmaster's. They were talking about something in a whispering tone, as if to not be heard, "Headmaster Solven?" The life mage spoke up as he reached the top of the stairs. The two older men turned to him and Benjamin Solven gestured for the young man to walk forwards and take a seat, which he did.

"I have been speaking with Gilbert about the 7th floor of the library," The librarian went to correct him before nodding, "You have spoken many times to both of us about that place, what do you think about it?"

"I have said this before, I believe that the texts should be not kept sealed away," Uri explained, visibly annoyed in repeating his opinion again, "As the only one in this room who has read those texts, there is only one that could be really dangerous," The smell that came from burning the pages of the Dominator's Tome returned to his mind, "But that text doesn't exist anymore."

"What?" Gilbert and the headmaster looked at each other then at Uri, "What did you do? Why doesn't it exist anymore?"

"I burned it," The young man shrugged, "The rest of the texts are completely fine if studied and understood," There was nothing the two older men could do about the burnt book. Even if they spoke of it, there was little to no point of trying to get Uri to listen to their point of view on a text they hadn't read and had cost Uri most of the utility of one of his legs, "I can go open the library's 7th floor for you if you want," The life mage's determination to get the texts removed from a forbidden knowledge categorization and to get them to be studied by the scholars of the academy threw off the older men. Benjamin Solven walked to the stairs and Gilbert followed him.

"Then let us inspect these texts with you, Mr. Geld," The librarian said, making Uri stand and follow them. Their evening work had only just begun if they seriously intended on examining all of the books that were held in the sealed level of the library.

The dust and cobweb covered shelves were touched by the light of their lanterns as they entered. The trio walked towards the shelves of books silently before Uri stopped and pulled a book from the shelf, "The magic spike book," He placed it on the librarian's hands before heading to the next book, "Oik and Hulju magic," He knew what each book was and had read all of them, spending many nights breaking the rules to leave his room and pick up a few of the books and then hide them in the invisibility cloak he had made in his first year. Bit by bit, he emptied each shelf and named each book for the headmaster to record as Gilbert held them in his arms, "This is the last one," Uri said as he pulled the final book from the shelf, "A book about the school of summoning magic."

"Have you really read all of these, Uri?" Benjamin asked as he put away his scroll of paper and took some of the books from Gilbert, "How could you have time to do your exams, practice magic and have a social life on top of all this?" Uri sighed and rolled his eyes, "What did I say?"

"You have never been so close to death as to see the grim reaper standing by doors nor have you been in a position in which you were the grim reaper for others," Uri explained as he lead them out of the now empty room, "I have been in both places, knowledge is the only thing that saved me and this academy before."

"A pursuit of more knowledge in order to protect the academy."

"Indeed, afterall, this is more of a home than anything I have ever had," The young life mage replied, "If I don't want to protect it, what would I ever want to protect? Well, do I need to do anything else for you?"

"I think this is all we needed, Uri."

"I will be getting the heads of schools to look at these with me," The headmaster explained, "I may call upon you for your knowledge of these texts eventually."

"Not tonight, I assume," He asked as he pushed the library's door open. Headmaster Solven shook his head and the life mage left, the door closing behind him as the two older men got to work organizing the books based on what Uri had explained for each of them. There was nothing but the noises of the books and the mumbling words of the men as they sorted the books. A new page in the academy's history was going to be turned, all caused by the young Oik orphan who had gone from a no one to the savior of the academy to the greatest asset they had for the research of magic.

Summer vacation was something Uri had been allowed to experience on the campus of the academy as it was, for all intents and purposes, his home. He was under the care of the teachers of the schools for official representation despite him being a young man already at a good age of 20. Very few students remained on the campus during the entirety of the summer break, normally in the last 2 weeks of summer students who had recently graduated and wanted to become teachers would return and practice for the 2 weeks and then would be teaching assistants for at least a year. For the major part of summer, the campus had more automatons than students while during the year there were usually 2 times more students than automatons. To his enjoyment, Kelly was born on the plane of Mage Haven, her mother and father were also born here and lived in a house outside of the campus in the main town of the plane but they were on campus more time than they were off of it. This allowed him to spend time with Kelly who, as she had told him numerous times before, would be bored if she had to spend the summers alone like when she was a kid.