
Florida Man Abducted Wild Alligators to Train Them as Soldiers in Preparation for Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 242 – Florida Man Abducted Wild Alligators to Train Them as Soldiers in Preparation for Zombie Apocalypse.



Entity Fate Crystal Quest – Phase 3/13

Mission Objectives: Complete 10 tasks to complete this phase.

Phase Completion Rewards: 300,000 Years of Lifespan, One Selectable SR Building, Increase the Shopping Mall's max level to 17, Increase the Sub-Building's Max Level to 17, and Enable TOP-UP Feature.

Phase Three Tasks (9/10 Completed) 

- Recruit at least 2,000 workers. (Done)

- Complete at least one true fate crystal (Done)

- Successfully defend against an invasion from another player (Done)

- Successfully invade a player's home planet (0/1)

- Embed a true fate crystal to a pylon tower (Done)

- Upgrade 20 buildings to level 15 (Done)

- Upgrade shopping mall to level 15 (Done)

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