
Floral Moral

People desires to reach the top, the very best place, a place thinner than any ice, a tip of a knife. Once they fall, what left was disgrace and humiliation. A mountain rises after a mountain, the cycle of entirety. Lives like candle, waiting to melt away from the heat of life. Was it all worth it? They said as long as there was life, there was hope. A well-known infamous spirit, The Dark Rose, whose name shivered many till to their spines, had disappeared, "perished". The once over powered, the one and only who managed to keep the world in her pocket had vanished out of thin air without a trace. Nearly every generation of the Abyssal Palace always ended in the same mysterious deaths and ends. This no longer should be called as a coincidence. But this time, the fate had not finished its job properly or should be say "had made a twist " this time? The person was still there, at the very corner of the realm, very alive. Just that, going back wasn't going to as easy as before. Author's note: Yeah.. the prologue is long but I would recommend reading it because there might be some clues and factors which might come useful later ;)

Virtuous_swallow · Fantasy
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1 Chs


There were multiple tales about the spirit realm among the common folks.

Many refer to the spirit realm as 'Wonderland' or the 'fictional' world, a universe believed to exist only in tales and imagination. Of course, it's a place where no mortals can reach, or would even be aware of its existence right under their noses. Legends said that if someone managed to follow the sun as it went down the hill, they would finally be able to step foot in this forbidden realm. As centuries passed, people realised that the sun never actually set behind the hills. In short, the attempt was plain impossible.

Thus, they call it a "non-existent" location.

Little did they know… it always had been there, even before the existence of the mortal realm itself, with a history of countless years. 

Ancient battles and victories were only told, never to be seen with eyes. It was hard to tell which was true or just some nonsense made up by adults. However there was once a historical event which everyone witnessed right in front of their salads.

The first tale took place at the coronation ceremony of the new mistress of the Abyssal Palace, a palace with centuries of history and glories. The last palace master, the Dark Agony, was told to be perished due to an unfortunate incident involving a backlash of his powers. The official account was brief and devoid of details, leaving many to speculate about the true nature of the Dark Agony's demise. Everyone was very clear that the reality ran deeper than how it was told, but the past remained in the past.

With the former master gone, all attention turned to the new palace mistress, The Dark Rose, the very first female head in 10,000 years.

Every 100 years was counted as a 1 spirit year. Indeed, there was something different about this new master, most former ones ascended to this position in their 3000s, aka 30 years of their spirit lifespan. This one however ascended at the age of 1900s (19 spirit years). After throwing off the former palace's master 'beloved' adopted daughter off the throne, this new girl was finally able to walk up the place, step by step.

It was a cloudy day, thick clouds covered the skies, matching the atmosphere of the palace itself. The huge gate was finally opened, and the metal chains were unlocked. Light reached the cold, coffin-like interior, lending it a touch of life. Although the building was lifeless, no one could deny the grand atmosphere. The ceilings were high, dark silk curtains adorned the walls and the torch light flickered along the breeze. The guests finally managed to step inside the infamous building, from a normal entrance. 

Usually, most un-welcomed incomers were thrown into the soul prison.

Being able to walk straight and tall openly was considered a once in a lifetime occasion. One couldn't help but feel that they are doing something forbidden.

As the tradition, masters and mistresses from various palaces gathered in the hallway, witnessing the coronation of the first member of the younger generation. Mixed feelings poured into their hearts, they were not sure whether they should feel proud or feel sour about the upcoming event. None of them spoke, they silently fixed their gazes in front, focused.

From a dark corridor, a young delicate-faced woman walked in. Her skin was pale as snow, her dark eyes both deep and mysterious and a small smile played on her face. This smile showed neither arrogance or flattery, it was rather ambiguous. It was hard to believe that the owner of such an innocent face was the master of such an ominous place. She wore the traditional black attire of the Abyssal, the signature black gown.

Walking up the stairs, she finally reached beside the throne. A dark hooded figure appeared beside her, holding out a halo crown made out of dark diamonds and silver. A crown which many had paid with their lives, the reason why rivers of red flowed and a piece of history. She felt a cold shudder, but she picked up the crown herself and carefully placed it on her own head. The crown glistened on her dark raven hair, and from that very moment, she was officially the new master of the place. From the very first moment it landed on her head, she felt as if her insides went frozen and empty, but she was sure it wasn't a sense of satisfaction like it was supposed to be. The metal chain was now securely locked, there was no escape.

The burden of countless eyes and expectation fell onto her head, she gave the stoic audience a glance then smiled.

"This day" her sharp voice suddenly echoed in the silent halls, "marks the dawn of a new era. I shall devote my sincerity and dedication to guard the realm of the unconscious and the peace of the realm until my very last breath. To the honour of the past predecessors, and all of the respectable guests, I shall toast this cup of wine as my gratitude and honour to have you all at my very special day. Long live peace and justice."

Then she sipped that cup of wine in front of the crowd, they were speechless.

Every single soul knew about her low alcohol tolerance, the person who could not even stand more than a few drops, now had emptied the entire cup without any reaction. What a show off. 

The audience also raised their cup and drank a bit, until something interrupted the smooth sailing ceremony. A voice of a middle-aged man barged into the thin air.

"What a joke, since there was no one to crown you, you crowned yourself, huh?"

The Dark Rose raised her eyebrow in dissatisfaction, as she slowly put her cup back to the tray beside her and sat back leg-crossed on the throne chair, her head resting on her palm. "Oh? Then tell me, who's worthy enough to crown me?"

A man wearing luxurious purple robes and a stick in his hand, entered the room, with his face enraged and unpleasant, pointing a finger at her, he yelled with the top of his lungs. "You power hungry fox! Where's Lucida? What did you do to her? Everyone here knows who should be the person sitting on the throne right now! After killing off the father, now you have locked up the daughter as well? You got your throne now, release her!"

After his yelling had ceased, she smirked. "So finally, you have done your barking, congratulations!" She removed her head from her palm, adjusting her position. "And yes, we do not speak about prisoners in the mall hall, make sure to read the rules before coming in."

The audience, however, surprisingly did not comment, as they just observed from a distance in silence. Although they were not speaking, the Dark Rose understood that they soon might get involved if the person in front of her kept fanning the fire. But that mister from who-knew-where exploded louder furiously that he laughed in anger. "You–You even have the gut to talk back! The thief is talking back to the owner, look! Everyone! You, merely a young kid talking back to elders? The audacity!"

Someone finally could not take it any longer. "If you want to argue, roll back to your own house and do your thing. Yelling and arguing up to the moon! This is a formal ceremony, retain some decorum, would you?"

The new palace mistress had lost her last trace of patience, removed her veil of politeness, as she reached her hand out and grasped it. The purple-robed man also floated into the air, struggling to breathe as if something invisible was grabbing him by the neck. Burning crimson light glowed from her dark eyes, she finally stood up.

"Since from the very beginning, there was no such rule as family-heritage. Yes, that one in the prison might be a leftover of the Dark Agony, but the throne is for someone capable. Not for a "daddy"'s girl." she responded. "Whoever has the skill can take the place, as a member of the upper court, Sir Veremud, you should already be aware of this. Why make things tough for me?"

Despite his shortness of breath, his trembled voice still managed to ask in a sneerish tone, "You think you are capable?"

"Capable enough to put an end to your miserable life."

With this reply, the overlookers no longer could remain as observers, or they would also have to witness a murder live. "Your excellency, Veremud is just muddled for a moment of being. This day is not only your first day, it's also a day that will be marked down in every future legacy . Leaving blood stains may not be very wise."

The man floated in the air for quite a few seconds, but then he was dropped onto the floor like a bag of sand. The glowing red light dissipated from her eyes along with her cold rage, seemed to have refreshed her mind. She could have killed this man, even if everyone here wished to defend him, they were also helpless to do anything. After all, he was just a subordinate and she was the master, outsiders could not intervene or make judgements easily.

But, this was not what she wanted. 

"Apologies," she said, her tone almost detached, as if speaking from a distance. "I had failed to discipline this old dog of mine, and had brought disturbances for everybody." Then she eyed the guards, signalling them to drag the purple-robed man on the floor who was coughing and gasping for air. "I trust this does not inconvenience you." she added with the faintest trace of irony in her voice. 

It was not wrong to say that this short tale was one of the most popular among young children, the tale of a villainous figure who handled the situation was even more popular than the glorious victories of the past heroes. In conclusion, everyone lives for the drama, do they?

The second tale however, was rather different from the first tale. If the first one described the rise of power; the second one was the downfall.

This story however had different versions and theories, spread across the world like petals and rain. If one had to decide which was the real version; well in this world of lies and complexity, it would not be wrong to say that The Dark Rose also had a similar disappearance as the former master, The Dark Agony. 

"... Wait a minute, hold up. It has only been 500 years and how?"

"I know right? What's up with the upper court these days? People are playing Marco Polo, eh?"

"What do they mean by 'perished' and 'disappeared'??!! At least give people some reasonable excuses, okay? Treating us like idiots – those people aren't some freaking dolls. Appear in a snap and just disappear out in the thin air?"

"It's quite a pity, the girl was still young. What on earth really happened?"

"It's not only happening in the Abyssal, I heard something was up with the Melody Palace too. They are all disappearing one by one, only the heavens know who will disappear next!"

"Well, she did usurp the throne? Guess this is karma?"

"Don't talk nonsense! None of us know what happened, better not accusing people and getting yourself in trouble! Shut your mouth."

"Alright, alight. Why be so careful anyways, it is not like they can hear us."

The gates were shut down, the doors were sealed and the palace of mystery returned to its original untouchable state. There however, never was a new palace master, nor the crown would accept the new self-proclaimed master. Thus there never was an official ascending of a new master. The crown recognise its owner, there would only be a person. As long as that person is alive, there shall be no other.

Thus the seat remained empty.

Despite the news, some still knew that she was alive, hoping that she would still be somewhere out there. Someone who had passed through the mountains of knives and sea of fire wouldn't just fall down this easily. No matter how they looked from any corner, the news just looked more and more unrealistic. 

What was left was extra pages in history books for children to study, well that's unfair. What did that do anything with them anyways?

Centuries of flames won't end so easily, would it?