
The Princes Gregorian

"I'm really sorry about what happened last night," Carl murmured, "what are your names, young fellows?" Carl looked at Tark and asked. "My name is Tark Yuan and her name is Yvonne Lo."

"It's the only time in 30 years that I invited someone on board myself," Carl said with a smile, "Everyone else was caught to my boat." After speaking, he smiled and looked at Zac.

Chef Zac nodded and said, "Yes, but I'm an exception, if it wasn't for me to be discouraged, you wouldn't be able to get me on this boat that year."

Carl continued: "Want to know why I invited you here instead of staking you like the others?" Tark and Yvonne did not answer, then Carl continued, "When I saw you on the boat with a telescope, you were riding a two-meter-long fish, isn't it too distinctive and amazing?" Carl paused and continued: "The last time I saw a person riding a fish like this was 20 years ago."

Carl walked to the table, picked up a thick notebook, and opened it: "This is left by my ancestors," as he said, handed it to Chef Zac and said, "Zac, my Chinese is not good enough, can you interpret these pages to them?" Chef Zac nodded, took the book and then said: "Carl's ancestors lived in the European continent before the catastrophe, a country called Norway. Before the catastrophe, nature gave humanity many counts. According to records, at the end of 2019, tens of years before the catastrophe, 30,000 migratory birds flying 14,000 kilometers from Siberia to Sydney for the winter—the short-tailed died 15,000 on the way due to the warming of the sea, which led to the decrease of krill and other fish that the eagle depend on it for their livelihoods; and that year the two giants of the world, China and the United States, were in heated trade war with each other, nobody cares about the lives of tens of thousands of birds. People always don't want to believe that that day will come , but its arrival is real, cruel, and harsh, without a trace of mercy.

In the 21st century, human beings have mastered highly developed science and technology. People enjoy the convenience brought about by scientific and technological achievements. Mankind thought they are the hosts of the planet then they dominate everything on it, who knows that God only sneezed lightly, and instantly wiped out the so-called civilization accumulated by mankind for thousands of years. The super solar storm carries a stream of super particles, causing human electronics, electric power systems, and modern technology to fail instantly, the earth's magnetic field is in disorder, and human civilization goes back hundreds of years. Before the catastrophe, sea levels rose sharply. Most of the civilized cities were concentrated in coastal areas, none of them survived the sinking fate-most of Europe fell, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, etc. no longer exists; the Americas fell, New York, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Toronto are flooded, the United States except the central states, Canada all except the central and southern parts fell; New Zealand is completely sunk, all major cities in Australia disappear; In Asia, most coastal big cities in Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Vietnam, Thailand ceased to exist;Philippians, Indonesian islands, major parts of Malaysia and Singapore sank, southern India disappeared...

The land disappeared followed the country ceased to exist. In order to take refuge, mankind began the largest migration in human history. In the end, mankind reached a consensus to form five tribes, abandoning high-tech research and development, giving up the development of modern military power, stopping endless exploration of the earth. By returning to nature, and only relying on basic scientific knowledge to develop the basic facilities for maintaining human life, so that giving the earth and mankind a respite opportunity.

However, the waste that humans dumped into the ocean was swept up to the continent by the frequent super-tsunamis and hurricanes around the world. The waste that humans had buried for hundreds of years caused toxins to penetrate into the groundwater due to the fluctuation of the earth's crust. In the decades after the catastrophe, air and fresh water The supply of food is extremely tight, and human beings are lingering and struggling to survive. In this situation, people began to squabble and compete with each other for more air and water sources.

Carl's ancestors were wealthy Norwegians and belonged to the European Venusian tribe. Dissatisfied with the management and corruption of the Venusian tribe's leadership, he went to sea by boat and lived a life of self-exile at sea. "

"Then how did you become pirates?" Yvonne couldn't help asking, as soon as the voice fell, Tark gave her a blank look of dislike.

Carl smiled, "My father's generation, the family already had several large ships, self-sufficient in trade and fishery. About my 20 years old, our fleet encountered a group of real pirates-"Prince Gregorian" ', that was a pirate ship active north of the ocean, and we had been active on the coast of the Central Plains for a long time, and we did not expect to encounter it unexpectedly. This encounter was tragic. Despite our resistance, our fleet was still looted. Once empty, most of the boats were robbed or scuttled, and the careers accumulated by the family for generations were destroyed. In that incident, my parents and I were lucky enough to dive into the water and escape, but after falling into the water, we lost each other, and I held a boat. I don't know how long the board has been floating. Just when I was in a trance and about to lose my will to survive, I saw a fairy riding a big fish, swimming towards me... After I was rescued, I learned that she was from the Central Plains Aquarines ... After that, she taught me a lot of things, and also taught me some Kungfu of the Central Plains. The story was too longer to tell, in short, we found the 'Prince Gregorian' with great pains and avenged my revenge. Other ships on the sea ran away when they saw the 'Prince Gregorian', I simply changed the ship's name and became a real pirate." Carl said with a smile.

"It's very different," Chef Zac interrupted. "We are all staying on the boat voluntarily and willing to follow you to make a living at sea. To be honest, life on the boat is monotonous, but everyone feels very free. Live the day steadily, the sea and the sky are broad, and you are free."

Carl smiled at Yvonne: "That thing on you is a good stuff."

Yvonne touched her arms subconsciously and guessed that Carl was talking about the Navigation device.

Carl continued: "With advanced technology, human navigation technology has been very developed. After the catastrophe, it has gone back hundreds of years." He picked up a pile of wooden instruments on the table and said, "This device is called 'cross ocean star panel', the device is something from six to seven hundred years ago. Although yours is small, it is really a good thing, it is called the sextant. With it, you won't have to worry about sailing."

Yvonne listened but didn't say a word, and thought herself: "Hey, don't you even thinking about my treasure."

Carl seemed to guess what she was thinking, and smiled: "Hehe, if I wanted, it would be mine last night."

"What is the name of the Aquarine who saved you?" Tark asked.

"The last name is Nam, the first name is Queenie." Carl replied.

Tark said with joy: "That's my father's aunt master."

"Oh? It turned out to be relatives, haha," Chef Zac said with a smile, "Carl, maybe this young man can help you solve the misunderstanding between you and Queenie. It's time to talk about your affairs."

Carl lowered his head, pondered for a moment, and said, "This past has been dusty for too long."

"Speaking from ancient times, humans have begun to try to conquer the ocean. Since ancient times, our ocean floor has fallen asleep with more than 3 million ships of various kinds, an average of one for every 15 nautical miles. Among them, there are many legends and mysterious backgrounds. The Prince Gregory (Prince Gregory) is a royal pirate ship of the French royal family that sank in the Mediterranean in the 15th century. The so-called royal pirate ship is a pirate ship that is licensed by the royal family to conduct maritime military plunder in a certain area. It is different from ordinary ships. The pirates rob merchants or civilian ships, this kind of ship has two functions: colonization and plundering and attacking pirate ships. The former refers to the bloody colonization of newly discovered continents and plundering wealth, mainly gold and silver; the latter refers to returning home full of loads. Other pirate ships carried out armed robberies. Prince Gregory was actually not of royal blood, but the most notorious authentic pirate ship on the Mediterranean and European coasts. Later, due to its outstanding performance, it was selected by the royal family to become a shareholder. The captain of the pirate at the time Antonio also married a woman from the royal family. Antonio killed people everywhere, lewd wives and daughters, and Prince Gregory was too bloody and notorious. Legend has it that he was cursed forever by the god of the sea Poseidon—'all the captains of the Princes Gregorian will be confused by desire and will not be able to accompany with his beloved and will live alone." The latter is said to be entangled by a ghost ship in the Mediterranean Sea and dragged into the Mediterranean Sea with Antonio.

The new Princes Gregorian, which was replicated in the same scale in the 21st century, was on a touring display at the time of the catastrophe. At that time, all the most advanced navigation tools of mankind failed, or sank in the ocean, or sank in a huge tsunami. The Princes Gregorian was saved from sinking because it was on display at the Maritime Museum, but it was inevitable that it would become a pirate ship driven by profit-seeking people after the disaster. This person is Turazo Duffy, Hispanic, and his family belongs to European Saturnese after the disaster, or the tribe of the earth. You know what happened later, my family unfortunately met this Turazo.

When Queenie rescued me, we were about the same age. She was practicing fish riding at sea and was also looking for her royal beast. Later she taught me Kungfu, and I taught her how to sail, and we would be together naturally. Later, with my help, she found the royal beast on the -the Fish Bud, and we also had our own daughter-Evelyn Nam Carlson. "

Chef Zac answered, "How would you describe the beauty of Queenie? The word stunning should be more appropriate. The two beauties of the year were famous in Central Plains, and there were countless admirers, 'North willow bees on tree, South(pronounced same as Nam) rose with butterfly', North willow refers to Catherine Lau of the Saturnese tribe, needless to say, Queenie Nam is the South Rose of the Aquarine tribe. Carl, how lucky are you!"

Carl smiled and continued: "About 10 years ago, Queenie received a message from the Aquarine Clan, and the patriarch Eric Cheng suddenly disappeared. She bid farewell to Evelyn and I rushed to the Nine Realms Floating City. One day after Queenie left for a few weeks, I drank a lot of Lark Classic as usual, Zac knows that I have a habit of drinking whiskey for dinner. I didn't drink much that night, but I slept very deeply. I didn't even know that Queenie came back to me, and I was all in naked, and...there is a woman lying beside me in the bed. This woman, I allowed her on the boat not long ago against all others' opinions."