
8.Who's he actually now?

Murong Qicheng was the embodiment of success and power, a man who had everything and needed nothing.

As the CEO of a multinational conglomerate, his name was synonymous with ruthless efficiency and unparalleled business acumen. Tall and impeccably dressed in tailored suits, he moved through the corporate world like a shadow, his presence commanding and unapproachable.

His eyes, a piercing steel gray, seemed to see through everyone, assessing and calculating with a detached precision. They held no warmth, only a cool, unyielding resolve.

His face, handsome yet devoid of emotion, was a perfect mask of control. High cheekbones, a strong jawline, and neatly groomed dark hair completed the image of a man who had mastered every aspect of his appearance.

Murong Qicheng's demeanor was as cold as his gaze. He spoke in measured, clipped tones, each word carefully chosen to convey authority and finality.

He demanded excellence from his employees and tolerated no mistakes, earning him a reputation as a heartless leader. Yet, under his leadership, the company had soared to unprecedented heights, making him an icon in the business world.

Despite his wealth and status, Murong Qicheng was a solitary figure. He had no time for personal relationships, and his heart was as impenetrable as the vaults that held his fortune. Women admired him from afar, captivated by his looks and power, but none had ever breached the fortress of his solitude.