
14.Drawn to her

She closed her book, a gesture that caught his attention.

"Do you like reading?" she asked, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

Qicheng shifted uncomfortably, his tough exterior momentarily cracking.

"Not really. I mean, I don't mind it."

She nodded, her smile widening slightly. "Well, I love it. Books have a way of taking you to different worlds, don't they?"

He hadn't expected her to include him in such a conversation, let alone understand the appeal of books. Yet, her words struck a chord within him.

"I guess so," he murmured, suddenly feeling exposed in a way that both frightened and intrigued him.

As they talked, Qicheng discovered a side of himself he hadn't known existed—a curiosity about her world, a desire to understand her passions, and a strange urge to protect her from the harsh realities he knew too well. He found himself drawn to her kindness, her warmth, and her unwavering belief in the good in people.

In the days that followed, Qicheng found excuses to be near her, whether it was lingering near the tree where she often sat or offering to carry her books.

With each interaction, his initial confusion transformed into a quiet determination—to be someone worthy of her friendship, someone who could make her smile as effortlessly as she made others smile.

Hopeless romantic

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