
Meeting him

Marianne opened her eyes gently, as she made an effort to adapt to the present light of the room.

"Hey dear, gently"

She heard a delicate voice say to her.

"Who are you?"

Marianne asked as she sat up on the bed.

"I am Georgia Vincent... I accidentally knocked you down with my car. Your friend and I quickly scampered you down to this infirmary"

The lady whose name was Georgia replied with a smile.

Marianne sighed. She was feeling a pounding headache.

"I'll be back, let me go inform your friend that you're up"

Georgia said with a smile and exited the room.

Marianne was about to settle on the bed when she heard a beeping sound.

It was a phone on the plateau close to her.

Taking the yield of it, a notification blinked through her eyes.

The phone was blank and nothing could be seen except the black screen, but it flashed a message.

She recognized it instantly...

The message was from her organization, and she was the only one who could read it. Technology had done it so that secluded messages could not be infiltrated.

Only her fingerprint could unlock the message because it was for her.

She quickly inputted her fingerprint and the screen depicted two green lines to suggest that it had been verified.

Then, the message popped up.

'Marianne.. This is from your boss, Sam. The lady who hit you by mishap, who goes by the name- of Georgia Vincent is a tight acquaintance of Dominic Grey. From our discoveries, they live together. So, follow her home. You'll have a loftier probability of tracking down Dominic, thereby making your job easier. I don't know how you plan to do it but do it. Don't neglect this opportunity

That was all the message contained.

She plopped the phone and let out an anxious sigh.

"You're up"

The door creaked open and Lina dashed in...

"I'm elated you're safe"

Lina said as she embraced Marianne.


Georgia who stood at the door spoke, and Lina turned to look at her fiercely.

"Lina, can you excuse us? I have something crucial to tell her. I'll tell you about it when I am done"

Marianne whispered in Lina's ears.


Lina snorted and exited the room.

"I'm sorry for knocking you down"

Georgia said, as she approached Marianne and sat on the bed with her.

"It's fine. I'm glad that I'm okay"

Marianne replied with a smile.

"No, you're not. Your left hand has been dislocated. It would take at least one week to get it back to its actual condition"

Georgia said pitifully. Marianne caught sight of her left hand which looked weird.

"And it is my fault. It is," Georgia said, and she clutched Marianne's right hand.

"Please, tell me whatever you want. No matter how much it goes for, I'll do it"

Georgia said to Marianne.

During the chatter, all Marianne pondered about was a way to ask Georgia about living with her for some time.

"Nothing, please. It's not wholly your fault. I should have checked very well before crossing the road"

Marianne answered, gnawing on her bottom lip gently.

"No dear, I feel it is my fault. And I am going to die of guilt if you ask nothing from me"

Georgia replied, and her eyes turned teary as she spoke to Marianne.

"I am jobless. The only thing you can do for me is to give me a job at your place. I love doing household jobs"

Marianne replied, and Georgia's brows crinkled.

"The only job available is that of a butler. My butler left last week and wouldn't be back until after two months"

Georgia replied.

A warm smile graced Marianne's face. There was one more thing that she needed to find out.

"Do you live alone, Ma'am Georgia?"

Marianne inquired. She needed to know if the lady truly lived with Dominic.

"No dear. I live with my two friends. Oliver White and Dominic Grey"

Georgia replied.

"I'm sure the last name is a familiar one because you girls never get tired of talking about him"

Georgia continued, now giggling.

Marianne smiled awkwardly as she didn't know a way to tell Georgia that it was her first time of hearing the name. She never paid attention to men, and like a scourge, they avoided her. The reason was that, she didn't behave ladylike. She was the only female who took the ninja training and succeeded in getting the job as a secret agent. Even though some men loved to flirt with her, she distanced herself from them as they would only be a distraction.

"Okay then.. I'll go home with you"

Marianne replied and Georgia nodded.

"How about your friend? Don't you think you'll need to tell her about it?"

Georgia inquired curiously.

"I will, and she'll understand since I've been looking for a job for some time now"

Marianne replied, and Georgia nodded.

After the discussion, the doctor prescribed some drugs for Marianne and she was discharged from the hospital.

"Lina, I hope you understand"

Georgia said to Lina. Marianne had earlier explained to Lina that she would be staying with Georgia for some time due to her assignment. Even though Lina wasn't given the full details, she made do with the one she was given.

"I do"

Lina replied Georgia.

"Take good care of yourself, Anne"

Lina said to her friend, and they both hugged.

The three walked to the car but only Marianne and Georgia got in..

"I'll miss you, Lina"

Marianne said and Lina chuckled before replying.

"Me too"

After saying their last wishes, the car zoomed off.

Not too long after the car left the hospital, people ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roof of the car danced with spray and she could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

She relaxed on the car seat which felt comfortable to her body. What else could one expect when it was a luxurious car? The interior design was nothing like she had seen before.

The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car.

Marianne noticed they were moving far away from her town.

They passed through a lonely road that had trees on both sides of the road.

It was an old road with trees that touch and form a canopy over everything.

They drove for thirty more minutes before they arrived at their destination.

The car entered the building, and she could only peek at the magnificent building.

The car stopped, and two guards rushed to open up the door.

She came out of the car and so did Georgia.

"Come with me, dear"

Georgia said with a smile. The rain had stopped, and daylight began to fade away.

Entering the house, there was one thing Marianne noticed.

Tall walls, tall ceilings, chandeliers.. It was built in a Victorian-era setting.

"Is this your house?"

Marianne curiously asked as she sat on a couch in the living room.

"Well, it is where I live. The house belongs to Dominic"

Georgia replied with a smile.

"Don't you want to freshen up?"

Georgia inquired and that was when Marianne replied she hadn't brought any of her clothes with her.

"About clothes," Georgia quickly said, almost like she was reading Marianne's mind.

"We have almost the same size, I will lend you something to spend the night with.. Tomorrow, I'll get you more clothes"

Georgia said and Marianne nodded.

The door creaked open, and a man came in. He had hair as dim as coal.

He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance that could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, red eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light-toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility. Often, you could see a hint of pain in his sparkling eyes, which would disappear as suddenly as it emerged.

He looked sinfully beautiful.

"Ohh.. Dominic, you're back"

Marianne heard Georgia say to the man. Her face creased seeing his eyes narrow at her.

She swallowed.

Here he was, Mr. Dominic Grey.

He had a menacing look on his face that made her heart thud.

And just as quietly as he entered, he silently walked away from the living room without saying a word.

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