

"I'm sorry about that, Marianne. He wasn't expecting someone here"

Georgia said as she smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let me take you to your room"

Georgia offered and Marianne followed closely behind her.

The interior of the house is focused around a large central hallway serving as the main avenue of traffic and entrance area to the adjacent rooms. The hallway flows into a large, wide staircase that provides the main means of egress from the entertainment area of the house to the private rooms on the second floor. Four formal rooms with sixteen-foot ceilings, pocket doors, fireplaces, and tall windows form the main block of the building.

They finally stopped at the fourth floor where a front door that could accommodate a family of giraffes could be seen.

"This used to be my previous room before I changed room," Georgia said as she giggled. "But that's not a problem, you can have it"

Georgia continued.

Inside the nicely decorated room with taupe walls just the perfect hint of beige

A spotless, uninteresting window hangs at the end of the room like a silent watchman observing all the mysterious characteristics of the area. The sheer white curtains cascade silently in the dim lethargic room. In the presence of this commotion, a sleepy, dormant, charming room sits waiting to be discovered.

Below the ceiling, hovering eighteen inches above plush, sculptured carpet, a monstrous king-sized Tempurpedic bed. The oak sturdy headboard attaches to a scratched and dented brown metal frame, extending down to include an identical oak footboard.

The fluffy soft multi-colored, quilt sits on top of the huge four-poster oak bed, an endless rainbow of color. The quilt contains yellows as bright as the sun, transitioning to a shadowed maize color of a dried cornfield.

"This is your new room. A few of my clothes are still in the wardrobe," Georgia said with a smile. "You can tour the room and whenever you want, I'll tour you round the mansion." Georgia continued, and giving Marianne one last smile, she left Marianne alone in the king-sized room.

Marianne moved sluggishly inside the room as he mouth opened subconsciously in awe.

Even though the house was designed like that of the Victorian era, she could tell the money used in designing and building was a whole lot.

A single light burned, casting light on a chintz couch and an antique Quaker chair. Apart from that light, lamps washed the window in a strong incandescent glow making the room have a soft feel.

It also had Beautiful high arched windows.

She walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom was clean. The tub and the towels were dry. The medicine cabinet above the sink had a mirrored door and behind it were over-the-counter analgesics, toothpaste, tampons, dental floss, spare soap, and shampoo

She noticed there was no sound in the house, not even the sounds that houses make: air-conditioning, or furnace, or the stairwell creaking, or the frig cycling on; nothing but a silence that seemed to have been thickening since.

The room was vast and a smile washed Marianne's lips. She was happy because she felt a step closer. Living in the same mansion with Dominic would make it easier to find out a lot about him..

But who knew this task was going to change her life completely


In the cold of the evening, a man who had disheveled black hair and brooding red eyes sat on the railings of his terrace.

The door to the patio screeched and a lady got in.


The man hummed her name as he lit the cigarette in his hand. The man was no other than Dominic Grey.


Georgia said and sat next to him on the railing.

"I'm sorry I brought someone to your house without informing you," Georgia said, but Dominic looked unconcerned.

His dead-like red eyes together with his expressionless face made him look nothing less than a god.

"I don't care about who you bring here, Georgia," Dominic said in a bored tone. "Just make sure she doesn't snoop on my issues, else I'll have no other choice but to end her.. The same way I ended Elizabeth"

Georgia gulped upon hearing him. She knew it wasn't an empty threat. The last person she had brought home was Elizabeth- an acquaintance. The only issue was that Elizabeth had tried to know about Dominic and he didn't hesitate to kill her..

"I understand," Georgia said awkwardly. "Besides, she doesn't look like someone to snoop into your affairs"

A light smile tugged the corner of his lips.

"And if she does?" He asked calmly.

"Do with her whatever you want," Georgia replied.


The first thing Marianne did was have a quick shower. After having her bath, she walked out of the bathroom to the wardrobe. Just like Georgia had said, the wardrobe still had a few clothes and Marianne quickly picked up a gown. It was a blue dress.

She looked splendid and robust in the blue silky dress.

Marianne tied her hair into a loose bun and opened the door to her room gently.

"Hey dear," Marianne heard a voice behind her. Turning around, she saw it was Georgia. "It's time for dinner.. Come with me"

Marianne noticed Georgia was dressed in a plain black dress that hugged her body tightly, showing her curves.

Across the hall from the music room is the formal dining room. The fireplace is located on the east wall of the room and is of wooden moldings with a large mirror over the mantel, bracketed by electric candles, and a tiered overmantel. The dining room has panel doors on the west wall, one of which opens to the pantry and continues to the kitchen, and the other door opens to a small work and storage area.

It was an exquisite room welcomed by a benevolent host. Marianne glanced around and saw a long table strategically set as if the queen were to be expected. White flowers with silver sparkles adorn the tables to add a final touch. The lights are dimmed low and classical music plays in the background to create a placid atmosphere. A savory aroma fills the room making me crave the chef's fine platter. A man who had long white hair and a round tummy led both of the girls to the table and offered them drinks as an appetizer. One by one, the servants in the mansion began to come in and serve the meal.

Marianne wondered how they would be able to finish a variety of meals at a long table.

As they wait for dinner to begin, murmurs fill the room with general conversation.

"So she is the one," Marianne heard someone who sat opposite her ask Georgia. It was a man who had brown hair and beautiful amber eyes.

"Yes, Marianne meet Oliver Evardon. My other friend," Georgia said with a smile. "And Oliver, meet Marianne"

Both Oliver and Marianne exchanged handshakes, and after that, nothing was heard except for the cackle of the fireplace.

At the head of the table sat Dominic who monitored the conversation. He had a bored look on his face as he supported his chin with his hand.

"I'm sure you've met Dominic earlier," Georgia said as she rigged into her food. "Besides, you look stunning in that dress"

Marianne replied to the compliment with a smile and started to eat. She ate any food on sight as it was her first time seeing meals like this. There were many she hadn't even seen before. Due to her continuous but annoying noises, as she ate, the other people at the table stopped eating to look at her.

"I didn't know you were bringing a proletariat to live with us," Dominic said in a flat voice and Marianne turned her head to look at him.

"Are you talking about me, Mr. Dominic?" Marianne asked, shoveling another bite of eggs into her mouth.

She saw his eyes narrow and he shook his head in disgust.

Marianne wondered what she had done wrong..

"I think he is not pleased with the way you addressed him," Georgia said as she tried to ease the tension in the room. "You should address him as Master Dominic.. Besides, you're a messy eater" Georgia said the last part giggling.

Marianne pressed her lips together, ashamed of herself. Due to the sort of work she did, she was taught to eat quickly as time mattered. It was something that had gotten used to her, eating quickly.

"I'm sorry, Master Dominic," Marianne said as she put her head down in shame.

"You ought to be," He said in an indifferent tone and walked out of the room..

Marianne blinked to be sure of what she just saw.. She did nothing right? Why was he angry and even left the room?

She asked herself.

Next chapter