
Flickering Light Under The Darkness

A god born from nothingness, the void. Left behind a dark muddy matter. They complimented each other. But once, the mud tried to swallow the god to ended up perishing together. A young boy, a lost descendant of great clan, on his way to collect the shattered bloodlines. He chose the path of a walking disaster. The whole world is against him. What will happen to him? Will he see the end of his journey?

StarGazer0807 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 010 - How To Fool Expert Knights

Few minutes earlier,

"I don't know, why we have to come here"

"Tsk Tsk, I knew it, it will be hard to work with Vulcan Knights"

"Hey, what did you say?"

"Brother! Stop doing that. Why are you picking a fight with them?"

"Yeah, tell your brother...hahahaha"

"And you stop too. We are in a mission right now, don't spoil this!"


"What do you think of us? Just because you guys are 2nd in clan ranking, it isn't mean we can be pushed around..."

"I think you are not taking this seriously. Last time, I am saying, Stop! Your! Farce! Both of you, brother and you, Vulcan family's 2nd knight, forgot the name again, ok whatever..."

"Huh? Why me" x2

Both of them said that at the same time. Two Vulcan Knights and two Persus Knights are assigned to follow Finn's whereabouts.

Between the two little brothers are very hard to deal with. Persus Clan is 2nd in clan ranking while Vulcan's are 4th in clan ranking. Both of them are epitome of destruction.

Whenever these two clans are in charge of a mission, that means either the target is very dengerous or, there is a chance words won't work on them. Because of similarity in nature, everytime there is a chance of clash between them.

That's why the Persus clan's 1st knight is the captain of this living bomb team. He is intelligent and knows where to draw the line.

The vice-captain is 1st knight of Vulcan clan. And she is a girl. Between all 12 clans, there are only 4 girls, who became a knight.

They say Vulcan family's 1st Knight has almost the same talent as the young patriarch. Most of the time she remains silent and observes the environment, which is very uncommon for a clan related to fire.

"Very nice! I can't believe, the book is saying the target is here, but we can't find him. He is in the crowd, stay on alert all the times."

They were searching the whole port area for quite a while, but didn't able to find him.

"What a headache."


"Attention the people of Sperter. Two men have ran away from Triton Prison. They are two very dengerous people.

Please refrain from meeting any suspicious people. If you found some one suspicious, please inform to the official branch. Once again..."

The siren rang for quite a while...

"No no no....Don't tell me..."

They were constantly moving. But after the alarm they stopped and listened it until the end. They opened their books....an directly went to the page with the map.





Four of them got goosebumps. Two Shezmu Knights captured in the Triton's territory got away.

"Useless bastards! Can't do a single damn thing. They let them ran away!"

"Now what should we do?"

"Wait for a moment...Let me think..."

The captain of the four-knight team put his fist on hil lips and think for a minute.

He opened the map again. Then he think for a minute more.

"Let's search here first, that bastardmight be hiding here anyway, even the knights are useless without the King rank book owner."

Suddenly The quietes girl of the team pull the clothe covering the elbow of the 1st Vulcan Knight.

"What is it?"

She point is index finger to a nearby book shop. There was a man in rain coat, sitting on a couch reading a white bright book.

His face is pale, and a part of long pointy elf like hair can be seen, although the rest is inside of the hoodie. He is staring out side every few second. A big travelling backpack was on the floor beside him.

"Hahaha, what a shrewd bastard...thank you Cyra, you did a magnificent good job. Now let's catch the bastard."

Finn was staring at Galliyan, who was loitering around near a port and returning him with another gaze. Everything was perfect. But Finn forgot about the book's appearance.

Four people broke into the room and surrounded Finn.

"You have to come with us..."

"Who are you guys?"

"We? We are the doom, you are avoiding till now."

2nd Persus Knight cut in the conversation. The captain put hus hand over his face and whisper-

"Shut up! Don't interfare. Let me talk"

"We are from royal court. We are assigned to find you and bring you back there."

"Huh? Me? I don't know you guys. You must be mistaken."

Every few seconds Finn was staring at the book's opened page. Or few minutes. A little bit more.

Every people of the nearby area stopped and watching the commotion in the book store.

"Don't try to buy time. No one will save you."

"Nono, you must be mistaken. See, other people are watching us...Go away. Shoo! Shoo!"

They quietly stare the surrounding. Many people are gathering here. The headquarter asked them not to draw attention. But now this...

"I am saying for the last time, come with us. Or.. We will..."

"Ok! Tell me where I have to go..."

Finn stood up.

"It's about time"

And suddenly two people dressed in white rigged t-shirt broke into the room and dived on the two 2nd rank knights.

"Blood! Drop your blood on the book" x2

Both of them were laying on Vulacn and Persus clan's stupified 2nd rank knights.

Finn throw is book on the face of the captain who was talking to him. Captain got shocked.

" What the...Huf"

And the book disappeared before hitting him. In the mean time, in bullet's speed Finn took out his dagger and ran it on his palm. Stream of blood fall on their books. And suddenly light glowed from the three books.

"No way! Stop them...."

A new page turn over in their books, There are sime new words.

"Contracts, reformed"


The light was too blinding. Every people surrounding the area put their hands over their face to block the blinding light.

Both of the 1st rank Knights were blinded by the light too.

"Nonono, Stop them, anyone."




Two big pieces of bricks hit on the captain and vice captain's head from the back. It's Galliyan's handiwork. He then shouted from there-

"Get out of there. We need to hurry or the boat will leave without us."

Finn took his bag from the ground, and hold the hands of the two Shezmu Knights and ran out of the book store. Surrounding people were staring at them dumbfounded. People inside the shop are still blinded by the light.

While running away from the shop, Finn shouted-

"Guys the criminals are in the shop. Call the guards."

"Hey did you hear? The criminals are inside the shop."

"Let's go and block them."

"Call the guards.

"Hey you bastards stop there. What are you guys doing? They are the criminals, stop them!"

"Hey, get off of me!"

"Shit! At this rate we will lost them"

In the mean time, Finn and his group ran a lot. While running,

"What was that light?"

Galliyan asked.

"Don't know"

"That was the light which forms during contracts. I said you to drop your blood, one, to reform our contract, and two, to blind the people out there. We just knew about the light from our predecessors, even we didn't know it will be this effective.", one of the knight answered.

Finn took out the remaining chunk of the gold and get on the boat they come from. They boarded the ship at the last moment. The boat's captain already knew they will be back in the board.

"Few minutes or you wouldn't be able to board the boat."

The captain came to him and said.

"Captain, was the speed we came with your maximum?"

"No way my girl can run more faster"

"Then put it on the maximum. You heard two criminals were in the run right?"

"Hey stop the boat. I said, stop the boat"

The four beat up knights were shouting from the port.

"They are the criminals. I was in mission to catch them but they got away. These two are my colleagues, they were beaten up by the group under them."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"Sailors, sail on the full speed."

"Yes captain" x10

In a few sec, the boat picked on the maximum speed. The passengers were shocked.

"Forgive me passengers. Criminals are on the tail."

In few minutes they crossed a lot of area.

The two knights were dumbfounded by the whole play, and gazed at their supposed to be King. In that speed his slightly long tied up hair was flowing with the wind.

They stared at each other's face, and gave out a smile of relief.

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