
Flick A Switch: A Revenge Served Raw

Victoria's heart shattered upon discovering her ex-boyfriend's hidden life: a marriage and an unknown 8-year-old child. Resolute in letting go, fate seemingly had other plans. An unexpected incident triggered a bizarre twist: Sebastian, Victoria's ex, could now feel her physical pain. But did Sebastian really not love her? With such incident, Sebastian only sees this as an opportunity to get back with her, holding her bound with a marriage contract. "Well, it isn't my fault that all these happened is it? Let's be secretly married. See it as an atonement for your sins." NOTE: THIS BOOK IS SLOW-PACED. YOU MIGHT NEED A LITTLE PATIENCE TO ENJOY YOUR READING. NO RAPE NO DRUGS NO 18+ RATED CONTENTS ~LINDA LIGHT

LindaLight · Urban
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


"Pretentious!" Sebastian's voice was low and dangerous, betraying the anger simmering beneath the surface. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" he continued, glaring at Rowan, who lay motionless on the hospital bed.

Bloodstained bandages covered his arms and head, and his face was pale. Sebastian couldn't help but feel a pang of pity, but he quickly pushed it aside. Rowan had caused this, after all.

Rowan laughed harshly and bitterly and it echoed in the sterile hospital room. "You were the one who dared me," he said, his voice tinged with venom. "I knew what I was getting myself into. And now Victoria will come running to me."

The words were a direct hit, and Sebastian's jaw clenched. How could Rowan be so callous, even in his current state? Was he truly so obsessed with winning Victoria's affections?

Sebastian's rage was palpable, his words full of venom and spite. "How could you, Rowan? How could you do something so reckless? Don't you care about the consequences? How do you think Victoria will feel when she finds out?"

Sebastian was furious, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe that Rowan would do something so dangerous, especially for the sake of his own selfish desires.

"So, who's going to tell Victoria?" Rowan asked, his voice full of suspicion. "Are you planning to be the one to deliver the news?" he mocked.

Rowan was a sly person, always hiding his true intentions. His deception was subtle, but Sebastian always saw through it.

Sebastian was too angry to stay in the same room as Rowan, and he decided to leave. As he reached the door, he heard Rowan laughing. It was a harsh, mocking laugh, and it made Sebastian's blood boil.

But then he saw Connor outside the door, holding a bouquet of flowers. Connor's eyes were full of sympathy as he looked at Sebastian.

As Sebastian turned to leave, Connor spoke up. "How's your collaboration partner doing? Brandon said he had tracked the actions and concluded he might have planned the accident."

"The moment the hospital called me, I knew something was off," Sebastian said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I knew that Rowan was involved in something fishy, and now I feel responsible for what's happened to him. Maybe it's my fault for provoking him into doing something so reckless."

Sebastian's face darkened. "Rowan is getting out of hand," he replied.

"Out of hand? You guys have been friends for a long time, right?" Connor asked, sounding confused.

Sebastian shook his head. "You'd be surprised to see who he really is."

Sebastian looked at the flowers in Connor's hand. "You're not still planning on giving these to him, are you?" Sebastian asked.

"Why not?' Connor asked.

"Why don't you go on in and see him for yourself?" Sebastian said, smirking painfully. "You'd be surprised to meet your old buddy again," Sebastian added and walked away.

As Connor opened the door, his mind raced. Could Mr. Rowan be someone he knew? Could this be the same person Sebastian had been referring to as his old time buddy? If so, he had to see for himself. He stepped into the room, his heart pounding in his chest.

Connor's eyes widened as he looked up from the flowers and saw the man lying on the bed. His fingers, clutching the flowers, began to tremble. "You? Is it really you?" he stammered.

Rowan, who had been staring intently at his phone, looked up and their eyes met. A flash of recognition passed between them.

Connor's heart was pounding as Rowan's gaze swept over him, studying him carefully. Finally, Rowan spoke. "Mr. McCall, it's been a long time," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Or should I call you Connor McCall, now?"

Connor felt a lump forming in his throat, and his hands began to shake. He couldn't believe this was happening. After all these years, Rowan was no longer the same rather now arrogant, cunning, and eerily charming. And dangerous.

Ignoring Rowan's question, Connor raised his voice in accusation. "So, you're the one who staged his own accident. Aren't you ashamed, Pri?"

He was on the verge of calling Rowan's name when Rowan interrupted, raising his hand. "Don't even say that. Don't call my name. Just refer to me as Rowan. Nothing more."

"Don't tell me what to do, kid!" Connor's voice rose in anger, but before he could say more, Rowan cut him off. "I said don't say my name!" he snapped, his eyes flashing. "You can call me Rowan, but nothing more."

Connor felt a knot of frustration forming in his chest, and he balled his hands into fists. "Are you threatening me?" he said, his voice trembling with rage. "Don't threaten me!" Connor warned Rowan, his voice laced with anger.

Rowan understood Connor's character well, having known each other for some time along with Sebastian. In fact, Rowan possessed a secret identity known only among them.

Aware of Connor's intolerance towards threats, Rowan opted for a calmer approach. "I'm not threatening you, alright? I'm simply appealing to you with a humble request. Let my identity stay between us. And Vicky especially shouldn't know."

"Oh, this is all because of a girl?" Connor was dumbfounded.

"Nay! Don't repeat that! She's mine and I'll do everything to get her. She isn't Sebastian's girl and she isn't just any girl? Remember Vicky from school?" Rowan said, his expression changing from anger to amusement.

Connor's face turned ashen. He had just met Myra yesterday and she talked about Vicky. Vicky was such a sweet girl and he wouldn't want her to be a prey again to Rowan.

Conor gritted his teeth, his temper rising. "You're despicable!" he spat, the words dripping with disgust. "Even after all you did to her, you still want her? Well, be prepared because I won't let you get away with this!"

Rowan's smile only widened, as if he relished the challenge. "It's fine. As long as you don't tell anyone anything in the name of our former friendship."

"You're obsessed and crazy!" Connor spat angrily.

"Well, just tell your friend, Sebastian, that he has had his fair share of joy and it's now my turn."



Victoria hurried down the hospital hallway, reaching the ward specified by the receptionist. Without hesitation, she burst into the room and found Rowan lying on the bed, seemingly asleep with closed eyes.

Witnessing him in that state, her heart clenched with worry. Rushing to his side, she exclaimed, "Oh my God! Rowan! Are you okay?" Her voice carried a note of concern.

Slowly, Rowan opened his eyes, wincing in pain. "Ah! I'm hurt," he groaned.

Victoria felt a surge of compassion for him. "I'm sorry, Mr. Rowan. I received a call about your accident. I shouldn't have left you," she apologized earnestly.

Rowan, speaking softly as if deeply affected, responded, "It's not your fault, Victoria. How have you been? It's not your fault. If you were my personal assistant, you'd have been with me."

Victoria didn't address his comment, instead inquiring, "I hope the pain isn't too much?"

Rowan held his head, expressing, "It feels like my head's on fire. The car crash keeps replaying in my mind," he said weakly.

Victoria, filled with pity, offered, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Rowan. If there's anything I can do, just let me know."

"I'll hold you by that, Victoria," Rowan smiled curtly. His mind harbored unthinkable things and the naive, clueless Victoria had no idea of his plans for her.

(Author: Victoria, what are you getting yourself into?)

"I've made some soup at home," Victoria offered. "I wasn't coming from there, so I couldn't bring it, but let me go get it right away, okay?"

Without waiting for Rowan's response, she promptly stood up and left the hospital to retrieve the soup from home.



Upon arriving home, Victoria was surprised to find Sebastian's car parked outside. She worried that her mother, who was supposed to be traveling, might miss seeing Sebastian.

Rushing inside, she discovered her mother wasn't home but encountered her brother, Adrian, engaged in a conversation with Sebastian, seemingly delighted.

"So, you're truly Sebastian Quinn? I mean, you're a megastar. What brings you to our small humble abode?" Adrian asked Sebastian cheerfully, oblivious to his sister's arrival.

Sebastian replied, "Well, you're right. This house of yours is small and not fitting for someone like me, a megastar. However, I have my reasons for being here," he remarked with certainty.

Adrian, excited, got up from his chair and knelt down, bowing to Sebastian, calling him his mentor.

Victoria swiftly intervened, giving Adrian a firm slap on the back and scolding him, "Get up from there! How dare you bow to a man? Especially to someone like him!"

Sebastian found it amusing, not expecting anything less from Victoria. Adrian groaned in response, and Sebastian clarified, "Actually, I'm here to see your sister."

Victoria sharply retorted, "I don't want to see you. Leave my house, Mr. Sebastian. You and I have no business together."

Sebastian stood up, gesturing around her face, stating, "We do have business."

Adrian, finding the situation intriguing, chuckled and exclaimed, "Mr. Sebastian, you're visiting my sister? Oh, my goodness!"

Victoria sharply dismissed Adrian's statements, informing him, "Don't talk nonsense. He's just a nobody and a child. He's the one who broke my heart, Adrian."

Adrian, surprised, turned to Sebastian. "You dated my sister? Why didn't you marry her? Oh, she's not right for you, I know that," he apologized. "Mr. Sebastian, please give my sister another chance."

Annoyed, Victoria exclaimed to herself, "Ouch, my brother is such a fool," then scolded him, "He's the one who made me cry for days. He was dating me and couldn't even let me speak to you guys at home, as his girlfriend."

Adrian then reminded her, "You are the one who needs to apologize to him to return back in a relationship with him. Simple."

Sebastian found humor in the sibling dynamics, feeling pleased to have won over Victoria's brother without any effort.

But Victoria's next words turned the mood dark: "Don't you know he's married and has an 8-year-old daughter? He was cheating on his wife with me."

This revelation pierced Sebastian deeply, angering him. He warned Victoria not to insult him when she was at fault. "Don't you dare throw words at me, you are the cheap one here!"

Sensing the escalating tension, Adrian intervened seriously, urging Sebastian to leave their house. "Mr. Sebastian, I never knew you were like this. Please leave our house."

Victoria headed to the kitchen, leaving Adrian to escort Sebastian out and collect food for Rowan.

While they were at the door, Sebastian offered Adrian his black card as a gesture, explaining, "I'm not buying your sister's forgiveness; it's a token of appreciation for you."

Excited, Adrian accepted the card and left the house himself, considering the card a significant gain instead of pushing Sebastian out.

"Now, it's only you and I, Victoria," Sebastian muttered cunningly.