

Crimson red. That was the main color Harry, saw every day of his life since he was three and brought to this horrid house. • • • Yet as he could bring himself to hate the flashing lights, he couldn't hate the scarlet red that continued to fall from his wounds. •~~~~~~• This is random story I wrote in my free time when I had absolutely nothing else to do. Probably not gonna be completed story cause I lack imagination,, Enjoy!,,

_lilsushiroll_ · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Volumem Luna - Duo


A screeching voice woke the raven black haired child, along with an intense rapping on the door. "Now!" his Aunt Petunia's sharp voice broke the comfort of the green eyed child's dreams.

"im getting up" Harry mumbled through the door as he got dressed within the cramped area that he called his bedroom. Aunt Petunia seemed to be unsatisfied with his answer.

"Up now you wreched boy! Today is Dudley's birthday and I want you to make sure the bacon isn't burnt." she screeches and rushed to the dining room.

Dudley's birthday! -How could have he forgotten?

Moving towards the door, he quickly brushed off the spiders that had seemed to like his shirt.

Harry loved leaving spiders in the hall as Vernon and Petunia disliked them a lot. They never suspected that harry was the one who left them there which was great.

Vernon was his uncle, a real nasty person at that. He was always the one to beat him for no reason whenever Aunt Petunia and Dudley were out. It wasn't to the poin where he would die, but there was always a bit of blood spilled. Sure, Aunt Petunia hated him like Vernon but, not to the point she would beat him till death.

Most times, Aunt Petunia just made him do all the chores and locked him in his closet whenever she could. She would also hit him with a pan or anything near by when he messed up on doing something. Hot pans often hit him the most because he kept accidentally burning food.

And Dudley...Harry didn't know what to think of him. Sure, he was spoiled excessively but, never really bothered harry much besides Harry Hunting. Even so, Harry Hunting wasn't that bad. When Dudley did catch him, he just shoved and hit him till Harry was on the ground and left.

Other times when Harry was shoved to the ground, Dudley would haul/drag Harry to the library and leave him there where the librarian would help him whenever she saw him.

Harry still didn't know why but he suspects that Dudley moved Harry to the library, as most times a large fight broke out a few mins afterwards, that he was trying to protect Harry in his own way. Because Aunt Petunia and Vernon hated Harry, Dudley might have feared being hated by them and acted mean towards him when they saw him.

"HARRY" Aunt Petunia screamed.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Harry screamed back, as he rushed to get the cupboard door open. Tumbling out, he walked into the kitchen.

Aunt Petunia was waiting there, with a pan in hand. "Get working on the bacon boy, I want them to be done before Dudley comes down for breakfast!" she screeched at him, throwing the pan into his hands.

Working slowly so the bacon would burn, but obviously burning a few so he could eat, Harry finish cooking the bacon and brought it to the dining table.

Vernon was at the end, reading a newspaper while Dudley sat in the middle. "who gave me this present to me mum?" Dudley asked, grabbing the first present near the table.

"Your dear aunt Marge, Dudleykins" Aunt Petunia said sickening sweet towards him. Unknown to her, the moment she turned away from him, both boys made a disgusted face. Before Harry could ask Dudley something a thud coming from the front yard caught their attention.
