
Chapter One

It has been seven months since the epidemic of the dead had risen from the dead. Nobody knows how it happened. How the dead came back to life. At first sight they would look like drunken people swaying from side to side, until they got next to you and took a chunk of your skin.

I was at school, when the infected attacked. People ran like maniac. They couldn't tell the difference between a living person and an infected, until you got up close and personal. The dead had glazed white eyes and they moaned attracting more of them your way. They way to tell them apart was if you could either see their white eyes, hear their moaning, look for bite marks or look at the blood they had on them. There was only a small group of people that had survived the attack; a group lead by me. Kayla Anderson. It consisted of three teacher and the rest were students.

I tried to find my older brother, Tyler, but I couldn't find in that tragic scene. I was starting to think he was turned into one of those things, but I had to stay positive. Our parents had taught us about survival, since our mom work for the CIA and our dad was an FBI agent they wanted us to be safe incase something happened. I had also lost contact with my parents, but I knew they were surviving. They were strong.

Seven months later, I knew nothing about anybody. Nobody knew about a cure or how to make one. I had lead the group to a neighborhood that was big and the houses had fences made of wood and had two floors, but before we got there I had lead them to my house. My dad and mom had bought a lot of guns and had a lot of knifes and swords, we took them for protection.

We had survived by breaking into stores and taking what was necessary for us, of course I only sent two people; which I was a part of so that made three people. And that was what I was doing now with two guys. We were heading to a gas station not far from where we were living.

Sam, Caleb, and I made our way through buildings trying to avoid the walker. Walkers are the dead. Ciara, my best friend, came up with that name for them and we had all agreed on it. It was better than calling them dead. We moved silently not wanting to attract the Walkers attention, even though they couldn't see or smell they had awesome hearing. The simplest of noise would attract the Walkers to you, so it's better to be in a small group if you were ever surrounded. As we neared the gas station, we hid behind a car that was a couple of feet away from the gas station. There wasn't a lot of Walkers just five of them, but I knew there was more around there you just couldn't see them.

"There are five Walkers," Caleb whispered on my left watching the Walkers. He was six foot tall, ear length black hair, bright blue eyes, tan skinned, high cheek bones and confident jaw structure. He had on a pair of dark jeans and a button up black shirt with the first three buttons undone. He was also my ex-boyfriend. Yes, we stole clothes from stores too.

"Let's shoot them all down," Sam said to my right keeping watch from the back for any Walkers that were behind us. He was five-foot-seven, spiked up dirty blond hair, dark green eyes, white skinned and strong jaw structure. I, on the other hand, was a brunette with violet eyes, tan skinned, and five-foot-five, curvy. My face was smooth and most of the time showed no emotion. People have said my face was that of a goddess, but that's them. I think that I have a normal face, acne-free.

I shook my head "No, if we shoot the Walkers the gun shots will echo and would attract more of them," I told Sam in a hard tone never taking my eyes of the Walkers

I felt Sam's eyes on me "Then what the fuck do you expect us to do? Wait for them to walk off to god knows where to eat god knows who? I don't think so," he hissed. Sam wasn't the friendliest person in the world and we had never worked together, usually I would send him with other people. But I wanted to come.

"Sam," Caleb snapped softly.

I looked at Caleb and patted his shoulder "Its fine, Caleb, just give me the knife," I told him. We each had a gun, but Caleb usually brought a knife and extra ammunition with him.

Caleb and Sam looked at me "What for?" Caleb asked me.

I smiled "You'll see," was all I said. He handed me the knife not wanting to make me ask twice.

The moment he handed me the knife and my hand closed on it, I took off. I ran to the Walker near me and jumped on it, raising the knife with both hands above my head and bringing it down with such force that it penetrated all the way into it skull. Its blood got on my hands and a little bit jumped to my clothes and cheeks. I had been in karate classes since I was six, so I knew how to defend myself. I ran to the other Walker and jumped into the air to kick it in the face the Walker going down with a silent thud. I had than had the knife raised above my head and brought it down to its forehead. During all this time, I made no noise with my footing or any grunting noises while fighting the Walkers. I was as silent as the soft breeze of spring. I did the same thing to the remaining three and it was over in five minutes.

I looked around me to see if there was anymore Walkers to kill, before signaling to the guys, who by the way had their mouth wide open, to move. I signaled them again, before I started to move to the front door of the gas station. I used my ability to sense the dead, before entering. There was only one Walker that I sensed inside. I never had this ability, but I had been able to senses them since the attack started seven months ago. I'm like a walking sensor, of course no one knew about it. I didn't want anyone treating me different. I strapped the gun over my shoulder and held the now bloody knife on my bloody left hand, while I pushed open the gas station door with my bloody right hand.

I could feel the Walker in one of the isle. I walked silently my black boots making no sound. I walked isle after isle. I was concentrating more one where the Walker was than where I was walking, until I bumped into the Walker itself.

"Damn it," I yelped as my knife fell from my bloody hand into the tile floor. The Walker turned around and started moaning coming after me. I side stepped him for a high kick, but there was hardly enough space for that. It was to close to me. I was trying to back it off me, but I was stuck between the rack and it so I couldn't back away from it.

I finally managed to put enough space between us, so that I could swipe its feet from under it. The Walker fell with a thud, but made no noise of being hurt. Damn Walkers don't feeling any fucking pain, I thought. I ran over to where the knife laid on the floor and picked it up making my way to the Walker, who was now on its feet and making its way to me moaning none stop. I ran at it at full speed and tackled it to the hard tile floor. I saw that the Walker was a man with gray skin and had bite marks on its neck and left cheek. I didn't let myself think too much of it, about the family he once had and his past jobs. Stop it, I yelled at myself mentally. I raised the knife with both hands above my head and using all my strength went for the kill. The knife went right through its left eye all the way to its skull. Its blood socked my hands and got into my face and clothing.

I didn't notice I was breathing heavily and pulled myself off the Walker taking the once again bloody knife with me. I sat on the hard tile floor by its feet leaning my back against the racks. I felt the body heat of two people inside the station and knew in that instance that Caleb and Sam were inside. I hanged my head low looking at my now bloody hand. "Hey," I heard Caleb's voice. I knew Sam was next to him looking at me

I got up from where I was sitting without looking at them "Pick things that won't spoil fast. I can't touch anything, because I got Walker's blood on my hands," I said to them as I walked by them. "I'll just keep guard there isn't any more Walker's inside. I took care of the only one," I said now standing in front of the door, expressionless. I kept watching seeking if there was any Walker's coming our way. I could tell it was three o'clock in the afternoon. My parents taught me how to read the time by looking at the sun, the Florida's sun burning bright, as a shining star.

Five minutes had passed and the guys were making their way towards me, "We got what we need and more," I heard Caleb say at my right.

I nodded without looking behind me "Good, let's go," I said pushing the door open not bothering to see if they were following behind me or not. We walked back from were we came from going through buildings after buildings not making any noise. My hands, clothes, and face covered in blood. We neared the neighborhood there was hardly any Walker's there, since I had taken care of them like I always did every morning and afternoon. We neared our temporary home. It was a two story high house, made out of bricks, wooden fence around it, a porch made off different shades of wood. The door was made of ebony wood. I knocked on it three times, before it opened for us.

Ciara was the one that had opened it "You're back. Thank God I was so worried," she whispered but loud enough for us to hear. She was and inch shorter than me, red head, dark brown eyes, soft ivory skin. When she looked at me her eyes widen in shock, fear, and worry. Before she could say anything about the state I was in, I spoke.

"We got what we could to much Walker's roaming the streets at the moment," I told her as the guys and I stepped inside. Ciara slowly closed the door behind us. We walked into the living room, where everyone was at. The moment we walked in every head turned our way and every emotion Ciara had giving me they had, when they saw me all bloody. I walked to the big shelf to put my stuff away and the guys went to them giving them things that they had gathered. I made my way to the stairs not wanting to be there with them, besides I want to take off this entire Walker's blood off my body. It was starting to dry.

"Wait, Sky," I heard Caleb use the nickname my older brother had giving me. Tears threaten to come out, but I pushed them back and became emotionless once again. I turned to look at Caleb, "Here," he said throwing me three things, which I caught one by one. One was soap, the other thing was Pantene shampoo, and the last thing was Pantene conditioner. "You're going to need a lot of that to get that entire Walker's blood off your body," he told.

I slightly smiled "Thanks," was all I said and walked up my room which I shared with Ciara, since this place had five rooms with its own bathroom we paired up and every room as two people in it. I walked to my room, which was at the end of the hallway. I wanted the room that I could see every door in the hallway and could see any walkers coming from it. My room was colored a light purple color, floor made of light brown wood. Every floor was made of wood with different shades of brown. I went the bathroom, stripped naked and got into the warm water (thankfully we still had water on) and started taking of the blood from my face, hands, and hair (I didn't notice I had blood on my hair). By the time I was finish washing my body and hair it was four twenty-five in the afternoon. I put on a red tank top with short and went to bed. I hadn't slept well last night and was up all night checking for any Walker's.

The moment my head it the pillow, I was out cold.

cc9ccbbfa5783c7dfcb0084128d61ced I'm serializing this work on Webnovel. Head over to Webnovel for the other chapter updates! https://www.webnovel.com

This was my first fiction book I ever made. I made it during the ending of my Junior year, beginning Senior Year back in 2011. Feels like it was a 100 years ago instead of almost 10 years in a few months. Took me about 2-3 years to complete and I haven't edited much, but I thought I would share this. My humble beginings into writing as I call it.

Death_Dollcreators' thoughts