
Chapter Nineteen

Kayla's POV

A week has passed since my father's murder; a week tormenting myself for not saving his life and letting him die; a week without speaking to anyone. I ignored everyone even Jasper and Jace. My mind was in denial, as my heart and soul had hope that he would rise from the dead though not as a Walker. Dean and Tyler had been trying to speak to me, but I was like a broken shell taken from sea and smashed by a hammer over and over again. They have tried to get me to eat, but I would have none of it. I felt no hunger, love, happiness, or joy. All I felt was pain and misery. My heart, soul, and body were shattered that day.

I would walk and walk endlessly through the place without really looking just following my instincts. I was like one of the dead walking, but not really seeing. My body no longer held the same warmth it once had, but now held the coldness. The guys were worried about me, but I paid no mind to them. I paid no mind to anyone. My father was buried near the my dorm building and I would spend all my time there just thinking about, if I had just gotten there sooner or had my vision sooner he would still be here alive and kicking Walker's ass.

I was lying on my bed today for the first time in a week, but I haven't spelt in a week it was like my body didn't need to sleep anymore. Yeah, I had dark circles under my eyes and everyone could see them, but I just didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Why not just take your own life? My subconscious said to me.

That would lovely, I answered back to myself not really caring at this point what I did or said to myself.

Then what the hell are you waiting for, idiot? An invitation!? It said back to me.

I sighed, won't I just came back from the dead like always? I asked myself sounding like a mental person, but I wasn't complaining not anymore.

You really are an idiot or are you just acting like one? You only come back if you are bit or scratched by a zombie, duh. It said taunting me.

Why the hell not? I had nothing to lose, since I just lost everything; my heart, mind, and soul. Death took everything from me, but it was going to add one more person to his death list. ME!

I got of my bed and out of my room towards the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door locking it in the process. I got the water running filling in the tub with warm water, as I got out my razor. The tub filled with warm water all the way to the top and I got in letting the water running. The warm water damped my clothes making them heavy every time moved. Every single part of my body was wet; my hair, face, and so on.

I breathed in "I have nothing else to lose," I whispered when I let the air out. I raised my left wrist and placed the razor on the main vein. How hard can this be? It probably doesn't even hurt, I thought, as I slit my left wrist open going very deep in to my flesh making a lot of blood come out at once. I did the same thing to my right wrist to and just floated there in the tub, as my blood turned the warm water red and flowed out of the tub towards the floor. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I knew death was going to come for me soon.

"Kayla Marie Anderson," I heard my grandmother yell at me making me snap my eyes open. I was in her rainbow porch again facing the wonderful Greenland. The air was fresh and caressed my skin with its wonderful breeze. The sun was all the way up in the sky shining brightly as always giving so much warmth that could have taken my soul right out of my body.

I looked at my grandmother "What?" I asked her irritated that she was here.

Her eyes blazed an angry red "How dare you try to take your life, young lady?" she yelled at me with power in her voice that could have killed someone from fear, but not me.

I felt a sting on both my wrist and brought them up to see them. They had the slash mark I made in the bathtub and my blood was spilling like the Nigeria River. I looked back at my grandmother "What do you care?" I asked her not caring about being rude to her.

She glared at me "Don't take that tone with me, Kayla. How could you do this?" she asked me her eyes softening a little, but still held the same angry red color.

I shrugged "Everything was taken from me. Death finally took my parent with him and now he can take me with him for all I care," I told her my tear flowing.

She sigh "I thought you knew yourself better, sweetheart," she said shaking her head in disappointment.

I glared "My father was killed because of me. I should have gotten to him on time, but he ended up dyeing anyway. I should have had the vision sooner or something, but no I had the fucking vision too late for me to react. He is dead because of me," I screamed at the top of my lungs at her breathing heavily. I felt weak and slumped on the chair feeling like my soul was leaving my body.

I heard her stand up and walk towards me "My poor, child," she whispered taking my face into her hands and kissed my forehead. Her lips were warm on my forehead and her hands were as warm as my father's hand.

My tears touched her hands "I'm alone, Granny. I can no longer feel the same warmth I once had only the coldness of my empty shell," I whispered my voice growing weaker.

She gave me a sad smile "My sweet Kayla, you are as warm to me as the sun is to me. You can never feel cold to me just warmth," she told me.

I smiled weakly "I have nothing worth living for," I told her.

She frowned "What about your brother's? Do you want to make them suffer? They lost their father and now they are going to lose you. Do you want that?" she asked me. I just shooked my head not being able to respond back "Than live and not die a terrible death by your hand. Live for your brother's keep them together and breathing. You are the heart of them and if you die now they will surely die," she told me. I didn't want to make my brother's to suffer. I don't want them to die either. They are all I got and I am all they got.

Damn it all too fucking hell! I did a mistake and a big one at that, I thought, mentally slapping myself. "I don't want that for them," I whimpered.

She smiled warmly at me "Than go back to them, my sweet angel. By the way, you can bring back your father back to life, but you only have one chance. All you have to do is believe in your powers, but be careful someone as an evil plan up their sleeves. Be on your guard," she said as everything faded away and became nothing, but darkness and pain. I can bring my father back to life? Oh, the joy of that though I do not know how. Granny said to believe in my powers and that what I was going to do, but first I had to go back to my body.

I opened my eyes to find myself still in the bathroom bleeding to death. My body wouldn't move, my voice wouldn't work, and my vision was becoming blurry. If I don't do something fast I will die and I wont be able to bring my father back from the dead, plus I would put my brother's through hell, I screamed at myself. The water was blood red from my blood and it spilled to the floor flowing towards the closed door. I'm sure if someone came in they would be able to see the blood and break down the door, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

You my life so twisted that I can hardly know where is up or down, left or right. It is like a freaking roller coaster and I hate roller coaster they make sick to my stomach. Ugh, I need some kind of luck to save me from my stupid mistake before I die. Wait! I have powers and I could try to use telepathy to call Tyler. Duh, why didn't I think of that sooner? Oh, that's right. I was in my miserable zone thinking of only myself and not caring about the others. That is so not me!

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on Tyler's mind, if he had one. I'm kidding! If he didn't have one he would be dead. I could feel the glow engulf my body with it's warmth replacing the cold for now. I breathe in and out over and over concentrating on connecting mentally with him.

Tyler, I said mentally hoping that it was working. I waited a minute or two, but nothing not a single response back. I tried again and this it I got through.

Kayla? Wow, this is so weird, he said back to me making me slightly smile, but I had no time for that. My life was on the line here.

Tyler, there's no time to be impressed. I need your help, brother, I said using the whole word. He knew when I said 'brother' that something was wrong.

What happened? What's wrong? He asked sounding desperate, but his desperation wasn't like mine.

I slightly smiled, would you be mad if I told you that I tried to take my life in the bathroom and that Granny told me I could bring dad back to life? I asked him and I already knew the answer for that.

You what? I'm on my way just hold on, babe. Don't die on me stay breathing for me, he screamed and stopped the connection. I didn't know that it was going to make me weak, but apparently luck wasn't on my side. My body was starting to shut down from all the blood loss and weakened by the use of my power. My eyes closed for the last time and darkness over took my mind.

Tyler's POV

I was with the guys and my girlfriend in the cafeteria silent as the dead. A few minutes ago my wrists started to hurt, but I paid no mind to it though that all changed when I felt someone calling my name. I looked around me trying to see who was calling me, but no one was looking at or spoke my name.

Tyler, I heard my sister's voice in my head.

I was shocked, Kayla? Wow, this is so weird, I thought back to her. I was glad she was talking to me even though it was through my head.

Tyler, there's no time to be impressed. I need your help, brother, she said using the word 'brother' fully and in a not-messing around kind of way. I knew what that meant to me and it meant she was in some kind of trouble that her life may be in danger.

I felt panicked, what happened? What's wrong? I asked her sounding very panicked for her.

Would you be mad if I told you I tried to take my life in the bathroom and that Granny told me I could bring dad back to life? She said sounding not happy about that.

I stood up from chair getting some weird looks from my friends and my older brother. You what? I'm on my way just hold on, babe. Don't die on me stay breathing for me, I told her cutting off the connection with her. I looked at everyone "We have to go," I yelled grabbing my stuff.

Dean stood up "What's wrong, Tyler?" he asked me.

I looked at him and I knew my eyes held panic "Kayla just talked to me through my head. Yeah, I know weird but impressive. But she told me she tried to take her own life in the bathroom and I'm still wasting my time talking, while she's fucking dyeing in the bathroom," I yelled and ran out of the bathroom at full speed.

I lost my father a week ago and I am not about to lose my twin sister. She's more valuable to me than my own life. I could hear the running foot steps from the others and it wasn't three minutes that we were all running side-by-side at full speed most Dean and I. We didn't want to lose our heart the only one that has kept us together through all of this and we were not about to lose her. The doors were fully repaired from the time that Kayla blew it up with her powers by accident and now I was doing the same thing. I think if it wasn't for my sister dyeing I would have found an irony in that.

I felt the glow in my body and stretched out my arm to shatter the glass and break the doors. We all ran inside not caring if anyone saw what just happened, because we all ha done thing in mine.


Her room was in the second floor just like my father's and the irony in this one is that her dorm is a couple doors down from his. We haven't found the killer of my father, but when we do find him we will rip his flesh off his body piece by piece and feed it to the Walker's. His screams will echo through the place and the last thing he will ever see will be our smiling faces. We turned right here and left there to get to her room, as fast as we could. My legs were throbbing from the running, but I wasn't going to give up just yet. I was almost there. I practically kicked down the door just to get in and walked fast towards the bathroom, but stopped on my tracks.

There was blood mix with water coming from under the bathroom door. My heart skipped a few beats "My god, Kayla," I whispered and ran towards the door kicking it down like I did the front door. Kayla was inside the tub her wrist slit deeply and blood still pouring out of the wound. Her skin was deathly pale and I feared that I had come too late. I ran to her and took her into my arms "Kayla, wake up," I said touching her neck to find a pulse. I let go of the breath that I was holding in when I found her pulse, but it was very faint I could hardly feel it. I took her out of the tub and walked out of the bathroom with her in my arms. Her clothes were wet and so was her hair.

"Oh my god," I heard Ciara gasp.

I held Kayla tightly against me "We have to get her to the nurse and fast. She hardly as a pulse and she lost a large amount of blood," I said walking pass my friends and started to speed-walk. I speed-walked towards the stairs and went down gently, but fast trying not to hurt her in the process. Kayla looked so pale that I was afraid that I could lose her at any moment now. It's freighting to now that a loved one could die in your arms at any given moment.

The guys were speed-walking with me, but I had told Ciara to run ahead of us to warn the nurses that we were coming and to prepare the things they need. We tried to hurry up to get there fast, but there were too many people in the freaking way. We reached the school building and went in through the now empty cafeteria and went towards the other doors that lead us to the school's hallway.

I turned to the right and kept going straight towards a class room that was probably for literature or social studies, but they turned it into a little hospital since the nurse's office could only have three students in there. I guess they improvised. I found the room and Sam opened the door for stepping aside to let me through.

A nurse, who was getting things ready, looked at us and pointed at the bed that was already made. "Put her there," she said. She had dark blue eyes, tan skinned, slender, light brown hair, five foot tall, and high cheek bones. I walked towards the bed and gently placed her down on it. The nurse went to a fridge that was next to her desk "What type of blood does she have?" she asked me.

The guys looked at me, as I rubbed my temples trying to remember and then I remembered we had the same blood type. How more stupid could I get? "She had AB negative," I told her or more like yelled at her out of frustration.

She looked at me with a worried expression. This can not be good, I thought to myself, trying to prepare myself for whatever she was going to say. "We don't have that kind of blood," she said looking very worried.

So, that's why she was worried? I looked at her "I have the same blood type. You can use me," I said walking towards the bed next to Kayla and laid in it.

She nodded and looked at the other "You guys can wait outside," she told them and walked back towards me.

The guys looked at me and started to walk out one-by-one. I hadn't noticed Ciara was with them. I guess from my worries I hadn't even sensed her presence in the room. The door closed behind them and I was left alone with the nurse and my sister. She took out the things she needed like the bag for the blood and the needles. Did I mention I hated needles? I hated them with all my heart, since a nurse left the needle in my arm when she fainted at the sight of my blood. I could have bled to death and she would have been in the floor passed out, but if it's for Kayla I would do anything even jump a tank full of killer piranhas. I relaxed in the bed and closed my eyes, as I felt the needle go in my arm taking my blood.

Sam's POV

Everyone one of us was standing outside the door waiting for Tyler to come out from there. I have seen Tyler depressed from the death of his father, but I had never seen him run like that when it came to Kayla. He was in a state of panic and was Dean. They ran like the hell hounds themselves were after them. I swear that it they had jumped while running they would have been flying.

Dean was pacing in front of me back and forth making me anxious. "Dean, chill. She's going to be fine," I told him trying to make him stop pacing.

He stopped and looked at me with the same violet eyes as Kayla "How do you know?" he asked me though I think it was directed to all of us, since he was the only one pacing. Yeah, we were all worried about her, but we knew she would be fine. She always pulled through plus Tyler was with her.

Caleb shrugged "We just know that she will pull through. She's always pulled through things like nothing ever happened," he said leaning against the wall across from the door.

Ciara sighed "Even though she does pulls through, we still worry about her. She's everything to us, Dean. She's like a sister to me," she said a smile forming on her lips and James nodded in agreement with her.

Mark nodded "Yeah, she's like a sister to me to," he said agreeing with her.

Jasper, who had been quiet for a while, nodded. "She's like a mother to me," he said with a big smile forming on his lips. The kid loved her like a mother. He was so attached to her like there was no tomorrow.

Jace shrugged "She's like a best friend to me for now," he whispered though a tiny smile was forming in his lips. I knew he was still thinking about the day Kayla had killed his father, but who wouldn't? Kayla was pushing it out of her mind to concentrate on what she had to do with us.

How incredible it is to come together and push aside our differences? James, who used to be an ass to everyone except his friends of popular; Caleb, who cheated on Kayla and I still don't know why he did it; Ciara was always with her twenty-four/seven; Mark, well Kayla has always been by his side since middle school the poor guy used to be bullied, and then there's me. I'm a jerk who hated everyone and anything, always got into fights, and was always a troublemaker and also got labeled as a loner. This all changed in all of us. We became friends, because of her. Well, Caleb and I are more like rivals at the moment.

The door opened and Tyler stepped out holding his right arm to his chest. I could faintly see white gauze probably from where the needle was. Dean walked up to him "How she doing?" he asked him.

Tyler smiled "She's be fine. She's getting the transfusion and the nurse cleaned up her cuts and closed them," he said and leaned against the wall sliding down to the floor.

Dean looked relieved "That's good. What about you?" he asked him.

Tyler looked up at him "I'm fine. Don't worry so much, bro. We don't die that easily, besides we're the ones that need to worry about you," he said with a sly smile forming on his lips.

We all chuckle "Good luck with that, Ty," Dean said sitting next to him on the floor. We all sat on the floor against the wall waiting for Kayla to get better. Kayla got us all together and we all knew she wouldn't give up on her life or she would be living us behind. Yeah, she was depressed and the stupid mistake to kill herself, but she regrets now or she wouldn't have called Tyler and told him.

Kayla is and will always be the best leader we would have ever wished for in this hell on Earth.