
Flash: Whispers In The Speedforce

"So, I'm in a coma?" "Yep!" "And you're here with me?" "Yep!" "So what exactly are you?" "It's a bit of an insult but I'm the personified child who can't live his life because angry yellow lighting killed his mom" "So is this like split personalities?" "No, because we're the same, but I'm just equipped with sarcasm and common sense, you see" "How long will I be then?" "...9 months" "WHAT!" ============================================================ Warning: Serious Topic, Gore, Violence and Rating = Mature June 20, 2024

Auther_Uchiha · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: Pilot

I sprinted back to S.T.A.R. Labs, my heart pounding with a renewed sense of purpose.

Cisco and Caitlin were waiting for me, and I immediately expressed the urgency of stopping Clyde Mardon before he unleashed further devastation upon the city.

"Guys, we need to find a way to stop Mardon. His control over the weather is a serious threat," I said, my voice filled with determination.

Cisco's face lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "Barry, you're back! I've been working on something that might help. Check out this suit I designed for firefighters. It has built-in enhancements that could give you an edge against Mardon."

I examined the suit with awe, impressed by Cisco's ingenuity. "Wow, Cisco, this is incredible! Thanks for always having my back," I said, grateful for his unwavering support.

Caitlin, ever observant, noticed a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure on the outskirts of the city.

Her voice tinged with concern, she pointed it out, saying, "Barry, look at this. The atmospheric pressure has significantly dropped at this location. It's a clear sign that Mardon is about to strike again."

Without wasting a moment, Joe and Eddie arrived at the scene, unknowingly stepping into the path of Mardon's wrath. I felt a surge of urgency, knowing that innocent lives were in danger.

"Mardon's here! We have to stop him before he causes more harm," I exclaimed, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Mardon unleashed his powers, knocking Eddie out with a swift blow. A tornado erupted, its destructive force threatening to tear the city apart. Panic spread like wildfire as people ran for cover.

I couldn't bear to see Joe in harm's way. With a burst of speed, I raced towards him, pushing him out of harm's reach just as massive debris hurtled past.

Breathing heavily, Joe looked at me, a mix of shock and gratitude on his face. "Barry... you... you saved me," he stammered, disbelief colouring his voice.

"We have to stop that tornado," I said firmly, my gaze locked on the swirling vortex of destruction.

Caitlin voiced her doubt, saying, "Barry, it's too powerful. I don't think you can do it."

Wells arrived, revealing his involvement in the chaos that had befallen our city. He urged me to embrace my abilities and take control of the situation. "Run, Barry, run!" he commanded, his voice brimming with urgency.

His words ignited a fire within me. Determination flooded my being as I embraced my purpose. I had to try. "I won't let this city be destroyed," I declared, my voice filled with unwavering resolve.

In an instant, I propelled myself forward, running at incredible speeds, pushing against the force of the tornado. Each stride brought me closer to my goal. I could feel the power surging through me as if the very elements were at my command.

(How amazing, that a wizard with no super-react lived this long but whatever as he's dead...rip) as his usual comment go unheard.

Mardon, threatened by my intervention, aimed his weapon at me. But before he could pull the trigger, a shot rang out. I watched in awe as Joe, a man who had doubted my claims, fired the bullet that struck Mardon.

Time seemed to slow as the tornado dissipated, its destructive force gradually subsiding. The city, battered but resilient, breathed a collective sigh of relief.

I stood amidst the aftermath, exhaustion washing over me. Joe approached, his eyes wide with amazement and newfound belief. "Barry... I don't know what I just witnessed, but I owe you an apology. You truly are extraordinary."

A mix of emotions swirled within me. I had saved the city but at a great cost. I couldn't help but think of my father, unjustly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. And now, here I was, a hero...how ironic.


The next day, Joe and I found ourselves in the precinct, surrounded by the aftermath of the previous day's chaos. Joe looked at me with a mix of awe and curiosity, finally finding the courage to ask the burning question that had lingered for years.

"Barry, did that lightning bolt... did it do this? Did it give you these abilities?" Joe asked, his voice filled with wonder.

I took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to share the truth with him. "More or less, Joe. That lightning bolt... changed me. It gave me these incredible powers," I admitted, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

To my surprise, Joe didn't doubt me this time. Instead, a look of realization crossed his face, and he spoke with conviction. "Barry, if that lightning gave you these powers, then what you saw that night... about your mother's murder... I believe you now. I believe that Henry is innocent."

His words hit me like a wave of relief and validation. Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded, grateful to have Joe's support after all these years. "Thank you, Joe. It means more to me than you'll ever know."

However, Joe had one more request, one born out of love and concern. "Barry, promise me one thing. Promise me that you won't tell Iris about any of this. I need her to be safe," he pleaded, his voice laced with a father's worry.

(This is what we call foreshadowing, as this never goes right in shows or Tv...should I interfere again? Nah, I'm too tired for this...) as he goes to 'mid-sleep' and goes quiet.

I understood his fears and respected his wishes, knowing that keeping Iris in the dark was for her own protection. "I promise, Joe. I won't put her in harm's way. I'll do everything I can to keep her safe."

With a heavy heart, I made my way to Iron Heights prison to visit my father, Henry. As I entered the visitation area, I saw him sitting there, confined to his cell, a symbol of injustice and a reminder of the sacrifices he had made for me.

Henry looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of love and regret. "Barry, my son," he said softly, his voice choked with emotion. "You need to move on. Don't let my imprisonment define your life."

Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head, unable to fathom the idea of leaving my father behind. "I can't, Dad. I can't just move on and forget about you. You've always been my inspiration, my guiding light. I'm proud to be your son."

In S.T.A.R. Labs, a secret room concealed within its depths, Harrison Wells entered. He rose from his wheelchair, revealing the façade he had maintained for so long.

His gaze fixated on a holographic image of a newspaper, dated April 25, 2024. The headline caught his attention, and his mind wandered to the future it foretold.

"Flash Says Goodbye, Leaves For Crisis," the headline read, a sombre reminder of the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. But as Wells's eyes moved to another headline, "The Death of Superman," a spark of determination ignited within him.

The weight of the future rested on his shoulders, and with unwavering resolve, Harrison Wells prepared to face the challenges that awaited him and the destiny he had carefully orchestrated.

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