
Warning From A Super


"Please do something for me," He spoke, and I think I saw the eyes on his back slit in enjoyment, "Do help Barry and Mike get stronger. Once I am done with Kara and Ryan, I'll be coming after you." He warned and then waved.

And just like that, I was thrown from my place, as if gravity just decided to change its job description. Instead of holding myself down on the ground, I flew toward the sky without knowing what was happening.

Though I crashed through something, I didn't know what it was, everything was zooming past me, no, correction, I was zooming past everything too fast to know what I was seeing. The gray sky with gray clouds had turned black, though I could see some flashes, white square artificial lights, that was all.


"And that's all," Cisco spoke, in front of him, the entire team, minus Caitlin and Jesse, plus the added members from Justice League, all of them having a serious expressions on their faces, even Barry. "Do you remember anything other than the eye on his back, his face? his hair? Color of his eyes?" Bruce asked, his eyes narrowed down at the engineer.

Shaking his head, "No, I-" Cisco stopped, his eyes widened for a second before he added, "Blue." He spoke, making everyone confused. "Though I didn't realize it at the beginning, probably because of the environment, his eyes, they were steel blue..."

"But wait, back up a bit, you mentioned something before coming back to yourself," Mike spoke up this time, his eyes narrowed down in confusion and worry. "You said that you saw light in the shape of a square at the end?"

Nodding at him, "Can yo- Did you see anything about it? Like... I don't know, anything weird?" Mike asked him back, remembering his discussion with Caitlin once. Shaking his head, "No... Just... Everything suddenly turned dark and I was surrounded by thousands of square lights, like windows, before I was back here."

Scratching his head, Mike broke his eye contact with Cisco and looked at the ceiling. "Michael, do you know something?" Diana asked with worry, but the spider hero didn't answer right away. After what felt like minutes but were seconds, "I think I know where you were at the end."

"Where?" Bruce asked this time, his entire focus on Mike instead of Cisco now, "When Caitlin, when she merged with Frost, she told me that they were brought to a dark world, a domain that was filled with darkness and light that looked like..."

"The domain of the being that brought you to us?" Viktor spoke up, asking his question, to which Mike nodded. "You think they might be connected?" Barry asked, the childishness gone from his voice.

But before Mike could answer, "We don't have time to lose, we need to bring back Barry. In my vision, he said that he needed to be here and meet Bruce." Cisco spoke from his chair, his brows frowned.

"Do you think you can?" Mike asked him, not in a mocking or insulting tone, but in curiosity, only for Cisco to shake his head. "I don't know. I haven't completed the gau-" "I did it for you." Harry interrupted, going to his workshop and coming back with a pair of gauntlets, tossing them to Cisco, who successfully caught them by surprise.

"Careful!" The young engineer reprinted but Harry only smirked. Ignoring the older man, "But another problem comes, I haven't tried opening a breach to another world."

"Don't worry, I got you," Viktor spoke up, taking a step towards Cisco with a smile. The frown from Cisco's face was now gone, replaced with clarity, "Then let's get to work." The young engineer told him, standing up, and heading toward the middle of the room.

"But before that, I need a favor from everyone," Mike spoke, stopping everyone and making them turn toward him. "I need this discussion to be between us."

"Michael, you don't mean to tell us to not tell your wife?" Diana spoke up, almost glaring at me questionably. Only for me to nod, "She has been suffering from panic attacks. And hearing this will only increase her worry and the frequent attacks. For her and the baby inside her, please." I told them.

With her look of realization and the sympathy that was shared with everyone, they nodded, and only one person answered, "Don't worry, little brother. Anything for you." Diana spoke with a calming smile and nod.


Back with Ryan, Kara, Barry:

"So, let me get this straight. As long as you have food, you can heal even from the brink of death?" A certain familiar speedster asked the man on the couch in front of them, stuffing his face with poutine, even impressing Barry with how much he was eating.

Next to Ryan, was Kara, the supergirl munching on the fries, a hand in front of her mouth, covering it from spitting the food because of her new friend's shocked face. Gulping down her bite, "Yep, when I found him, he was basically bleeding all over the place, only asking for food."

"Woah... this takes the whole 'Food is life' things to a whole new level," Barry answered back, making Kara giggle.

With his mouth now empty, "Well, speaking of meeting her the first time, I remember when-" "NO!" Kara shouted, her hands clasping on Ryan's mouth, covering his smirk. "Nothing, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" The super hissed at her partner, only for him to bite at her hand, freeing his mouth.

"Oh, now I want to hear it," Barry spoke, placing the bowl of poutine on the table, paying close attention to Ryan, and edging him on to tell him. "No, I swear, if you tell him, I'll kick you out of the bed for weeks!" Kara spoke up before Ryan could, glaring at him, though her cheeks and her whole face were slowly turning to a shade of red.

"Well, I still would like a place to sleep," The superman shrugged and went back to eating.

"Oh, Come on!" Barry spoke up, throwing his hands in the air before dropping them in disappointment. But before things could go on further, Ryan's eyes widened in surprise before he stood up abruptly, his eyes glaring at the spot behind Barry.

Trusting Ryan's judgment, Kara also stood up, ready to fight with Barry, though confused, and followed their lead. "What are we-" Barry spoke up, only to stop by the blackhole that slowly turned into a portal, a breach behind the sofa that he was sitting on. "That," Ryan spoke up, his fists clenched, ready to fight.

As soon as the first person stepped through the breach only halfway through, Ryan shot up, ready to punch. As soon as half of the figure traversed through the gate, Barry's eyes shot up in surprise, ready to intervene between the two men but with only an inch between, he would be too late.

And of course, the other person had already sensed the attack coming, his muscles tense and even before all his face could be shown, a punch was still thrown at his attacker.

Slowly, the shocked face on Barry transformed into a wide smile because of course his brother would find a way to come to him before he could go home.

As soon as the blows connected, they halted in place, and taking that opportunity, Mike completely showed itself quickly, before launching a kick directed towards his attacker, Ryan. Though surprised that someone, other than Kara and Clark, could nullify his attack, Ryan quickly ducked the kick that was supposed to wipe him on his ribs.

And when Ryan decided to tackle the unknown man, that's when he saw his face and the attacks stopped, but it seemed like Mike didn't care if the man in front of him looked like himself or not, because he changed the trajectory of his attack, dropping it down on the shoulder of his doppelganger with a blank face.

A small grunt escaped Ryan's mouth before he decided to return the kindness, going back to his tackle, which Mike easily dodged by using the same shoulder that he had attacked. "Mike!" "Ryan!" The two spectators called out, stopping the doppelgangers, who were glaring at each other now, ready for another round at the drop of the hat.


"So how did you find me?" Barry asked his older twin, "Cisco." Mike answered back, his eyes not leaving Ryan's. Next to him, was the engineer himself, sheepishly waving at Kara and Ryan in front of him on the other couch, though the man ignored him, while the blonde woman chuckled embarrassingly.

"Ryan, come on, stop it." Kara nudged her partner, who only glanced at her and blinked, but that was enough for Mike, "I win, twice." That was enough to silence everyone and the duo, the doppelgangers were back to staring at each other.

One was hatefully looking at the man from other earth, while the invader was looking smugly and proudly at the defender. "Twice?" Ryan asked back, venom in his tone. "Twice." Mike answered back, "Kicked your ass, in your own house to boot."

"That was a cheap shot," Ryan answered back, gritting his teeth.

"But I still won, loser." Hearing it, Ryan stood up, ready to attack with Mike also doing exactly that. "Guys! Come on, please!" Barry shouted, standing up and placing hands in front of his each man that was ready to fight all over again.

Sighing, "Why not just let them fight?" Kara proposed and Immediately Barry turned to her as if she had grown another head. "What?! Do you want them to kill each other?"

Snorting at that, "Kill each other, please. Ryan's way stronger than your brother. Plus, this will only help them defuse this situation."

Closing his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief, "ha! wait, back up a minute. What did you just say?" Barry asked her dangerously, his eyes narrowed at her, removing his hands from the doppelgangers. Only Cisco was calm enough to diffuse the situation but he was enjoying the show, forgetting about the reason why they were there.

"Help them re-" "Not, before that. Ryan is stronger than Mike?" Barry asked in disbelief. Nodding at him, "Yeah, I mean, he can even beat me at full strength you know."

"I can also beat you at your full strength," Mike answered back before Barry could, his eyes not leaving his target. "Just a little bit of kryptonite and your down." At his answer, Kara froze and Ryan growled at him, "How do you know that."

Though it was a question, it came off as an order which Mike shrugged it and smirked, "I've met Superman," Another answer that surprised the duo. Kara, turning to Barry, "You guys have Superman on your earth?"

"No, it's just this isn't the first time Mike has traveled." Cisco finally spoke up, standing up as well. Before anyone else could say another word, "We need to talk," Cisco spoke, a breach forming next to him and without waiting, he motioned for everyone to follow him. Something that Ryan was hesitant about, but Kara just nodded and followed after the speedster and the annoying supposed Spider hero.