
Warning from A Super 2


Ryan was hesitant about entering another world without any information and with Barry's brother being as strong as I think he is, it was dangerous. Still, Kara just nodded and followed after the speedster and the annoying supposed Spider hero.


"You look disappointed" Surprised by her friend's voice, "Uh?" Kara asked, "You've been searching the entire room with your eyes" Her partner in crime spoke, the man that was next to her, carefully examining everyone and was stuck on Batman's glare at him, someone who was doing the same thing to him.

"Ah, it's nothing, don't worry about it." She spoke again, waving the question off as if it was nonimportant, but the forced smile that wasn't completely reaching her eyes indicated that it wasn't fine. "If you're looking for Superman, he's not here, he went back," Batman spoke for the first time since their meeting.

With his calculation of the two new people done, he turned towards Cisco, the young engineer who was next to Mike and Caitlin, and to his left were Jesse and Harry. Giving the gauntlets to Jesse with a smile, Cisco clapped, bringing everyone's attention to him.

With the Justice League Barry and Viktor working hard on preparing the speedster room before anything Cisco's vibe. As soon as he had everyone's attention on him, he started talking about his vision but the more censored version.

But the main focus was that he had defeated everyone in this room and others, one way or another. Something that alarmed Caitlin but a comforting hand from Mike lessened her worry for now. "And he had a red logo of an eye on his back."

As soon as Ryan heard that, his eyes widened in terror before zooming in on Cisco, launching himself at it before a flash of orange lightning, and someone else stood in front of Cisco. Behind Ryan was Michael, his arm turned into a straight scythe, pointing at the back of Ryan's neck. "Move, you die." The spider spoke, still in his civilian clothes.

"Wait, wait wait, what's going on here!" Cisco spoke, taking a couple of steps back, with non supers doing the same. Kara was at her spot, ready to move if needed but she was stopped by Batman in his bat suit, a green kryptonite in his hand, "I wouldn't move if I were you."

Glaring at the man in bat suit before looking back at Cisco, "That man, repeat what you just said." Ryan spoke, his voice deeper than usual, ignoring the two brothers that were ready to attack, their stances stiff and ready.

"A man with red eye logo on his back," Cisco repeated. "You know him." Batman pointed out, a tense silence echoing throughout the room. "Yeah, I know him," Ryan admitted, dropping his stiff posture, hands up in the air as if surrendering.

Though Barry relaxed, Mike didn't, his weapon still pointed at Ryan's neck, ready to pierce him at any moment's notice. "I won't do anything." The man spoke to Mike. He could feel his bloodlust directed at himself, so slowly and cautiously, he turned towards the spider.

"Spill it out," Mike ordered his voice demanding answers that if Ryan didn't, he would get a world of pain. "Mike." Caitlin calmly called him out, telling him to calm down and let him go just by the call of her husband's name. But contrary to her exception, Mike didn't budge, if anything, hearing Caitlin's voice just fired him up even more.

With that, even Batman dropped his stance, though hiding the green stone, decreasing the stone's effect, they were still there if in any case, Kara tried to attack his friend.

Seeing that his doppelganger wasn't going to relax anytime soon, Ryan simply nodded, as if understanding his situation, which pissed off Mike even more, but it was hidden behind his frowned expression.

"Back in my world, the eye was an organization that had total control of the world." He started, everyone paying close attention to him. "They had people with power, people like Kara and her cousin as their soldiers, attacking and conquering any world." Though the glare from Batman intensified, he didn't say anything yet.

"If you tried to rebel or say a bad word about them, your whole existence was deleted and you would be gone from the world."

"Huh... Kinda like 1984" Cisco spoke, making everyone turn towards him, even Ryan, "Yes, exactly like 1984." The man confirmed, making Cisco's eyes widen, everyone ignoring Kara's "So that exists here too... Neat."

"The name of the organization was inspired by the man that you spoke of," Ryan told them, glancing at Cisco and then back to Mike. "His real ability isn't known. But he's more powerful than anyone or anything. And if that kind of person is targeting you, then listen to his message. Get stronger," And turning towards Barry, "Get faster. Because as soon as he's bored from the things that he's doing right now, he'll come after you,"

"How did you survive against him?" Mike asked, and after almost a couple of seconds of tense silence, "Because I'm one of his toys, just like how you are now. He wants us to get stronger, to give him a challenge, to hurt him, to make his blood flow."

Hearing that, while everyone else was worried, Mike and Bruce frowned deeper, their minds working overtime.

After almost a full minute of that kind of tense situation, Mike finally dropped his weapon, half nodding at Ryan before moving back next to Caitlin's position. "So, what now." Cisco asked, "Now, we train like never before." Mike answered him, Caitlin taking his hands and giving a gentle but tight squeeze filled with worry.

Agreeing with his brother, Barry turned to Batman, "I heard that you know everything about martial arts." Only giving the speedster a nod, he exited the Cortex, Barry following after him. Harry and Jesse moved back to Cisco's workshop to have their own private talk regarding this new piece of information, leaving only the married couple, Cisco, Ryan, and Kara.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Caitlin apologized with a sheepish smile regarding her husband's previous behavior, "Oh, don't worry about it!" Kara waved it off with a happy smile like usual. Though Caitlin motioned for Mike to apologize to Ryan, the man simply looked away, not meeting his or Kara's eyes, the same going with Ryan.

"This is the first time I've seen him do this," Kara spoke, looking at Ryan surprised. With a smirk on Caitlin's face, "Maybe it's because they've met their match or something?" As soon as she said that, Mike freed his hand from Caitlin's and walked away with a snort, "As if a loser like him would be my match."

With an annoyed face, Ryan separated from Kara as well, cracking his neck and fingers, "I'll be back." He told her, following Mike out of the Cortex. Behind him, the two women smiled before their smiles turned into giggles and then laughter.

"You do know they will try to kill each other right?" Cisco asked the two women, pointing at the door of the room, halting the women's laughter before they smiled again. "I know," Caitlin spoke, freezing Kara and Cisco, "But I think Ryan's strong enough to hold on."

Snorting at her sentence, "Ryan will win this simple." Kara spoke with a puffed-up chest, proudly declaring the incoming fight with the man of her boyfriend. And instead of replying to her, Caitlin just giggled before walking towards the exit, motioning for Kara to follow her, with the super did.

Sighing to himself, "Crazy men will only end up with crazy women," Cisco muttered before going to his lab after seeing Harry and Jesse in his workshop, deciding to give the man and his daughter some alone time since their conversation was getting heated.


Mike's Pov

With my senses tingling, I did a backflip and my attacker flew straight at my previous position. Webbing his back, I pulled myself towards him, only for him to turn around, take my webs and start spinning me in the air and launching me at his domain, the sky, disorienting me as well.

Though I could sense the incoming attack, I couldn't dodge it even by twisting my body in the air. The second attempt at being tackled was a success for the flying, for some reason, annoying man, making me grunt in pain.

But with my arms free, I raised it over my head and brought my fist down on the exposed back at max strength, bringing us down towards the ground. "Why don't you go first," I suggested, freeing myself from Ryan's hold by pushing him away, intending to get on his back and jump away.

And as soon as I jumped away, he turned again, his hand quickly moving towards my left foot and taking it. "No, YOU!" He shouted before throwing me at the fast-approaching cement. Through my spars and fights with Diana, I could tell that she wasn't as strong as Clark, but her techniques were deadly enough to surpass the man of steel's strength.

The same had to be implied to Ryan. Though he wasn't as strong as Diana and with our strength almost equal, with him a bit stronger, the addition of his techniques in his arsenal was a pain in the ass. And with that strength, he threw me at the cement and all I could do was brace myself for the impact.


'MOVE!' Toxin shouted in my head and listening to him, I rolled to the side, and right then, [BOOM!], a knee dropped to the position where my head was even less than a split second ago. Using the dust as my smokescreen, I pushed myself to stand up, wiping a kick at the back of his head, which connected and send the man rolling on the ground.

Not wanting to give the man any other seconds to recover, I went after him, but surprising me, he got over the attack way sooner than I expected, 'Bastards been giving me false information over our spars!' I shouted in my head.

Normally, it should have given me at least another second. And to prove my concern, my spidey sense flared, though a split second too late. But surprisingly, my sight was covered by peddles flying at me at the speed of bullets and even faster.

"Tsk!" I clicked my tongue in annoyance before preparing myself to dodge. For the ones that I could, I just twisted my body out of harm's way, and for the ones that I couldn't, I just took them like a man, holes appearing on my body that wasn't covered by Toxin.

With another warning from my spidey sense, I cocked my arm back, ready to punch, and after the rain of stones, came my target in my viewpoint, ready to launch a punch as well, which he did a second before me.

Expecting his attack, I simply moved my body out of the attack's path, before launching my own fist at Ryan's ribs, successfully hitting him full power, breaking them, I'm sure. But before he could be sent flying, my senses warned me again, and immediately, a kick hit the side of my head, sending me flying a bit later than Ryan.

Though the power behind the attack was less than his usual power, the place that he hit was damaging enough. With a knee on the ground, and blood exiting my nose, I shook the dizziness away and looked at my opponent, lodged into the side of the wall, puking blood.

With a bloody smirk on my face, I struggled but stood up no matter what, him doing the same. "I think this is my win," I spoke, slowly walking towards him. "Cough-Cough, no, this is mine!" He spoke, a bloody grin on his face as well before we dashed at each other again.

Dodging, delivering, and getting hit with every increasing second. Though I had the healing factor, I had asked Toxin to decrease it to the minimum and not interfere during our fight. As soon as another one of my punches connected to his guts, he puked blood on my face, blinding me for a second.

With my eyes gone, I sensed an attack, a punch, but it was a feint, at the last second, a knee was dropped on the side of my liver, making me fold in two. Taking this opportunity, Ryan was about to drop his arms on my back like a sledgehammer, just like I had done to him. But quickly pushing through the pain, I raised my head as quickly as I could, hitting his shin and knocking him away from me.

Though he took his shin in pain, I took my head in my hands, wincing through the pain, eyes not leaving each other. And seeing his dazed look, I intended to dash at him, giving him a sidekick in his gut, but before I could do it, my knee buckled under the pain because of the liver shot, making me drop on them.

"FUCK!" I cursed in frustration, my body not listening to my orders to get up, wasting precious seconds. And those precious seconds were a treasure for Ryan, his eyes clearing from the daze, and seeing my state, he smirked, before flying at me, my body still refusing.

Before his punch could connect with my face, "Time's up, Ryan wins this round." Viktor's voice boomed in the garage, the fist inches away from my face. "6-6" Ryan spoke through the blood exiting his mouth, falling down on his ass and then on his back, panting from our spar session.

"Again!" I shouted in frustration, refusing to lose to him. "You know the rules, Mike. You have to take at least 5 hours of rest in between your fights." Viktor's voice echoed through the empty garage that had turned into our sparing arena.

"Plus, Caitlin and Kara have been taking their anger on me since you two won't listen. So, why don't you two clean up and talk to them." The cyborg suggested, making me sigh in defeat, meanwhile, Ryan simply groaned at that, his victorious smile gone from his face, rubbing his face at the incoming yelling from Kara after she sees his condition.

Though I so wanted to make fun of him regarding that, I couldn't because Caitlin would scold me twice as badly. Why do I know this? Because of experience after our second spar, that's how.


"You're leaving already?" Barry asked the duo in front of him. "Yeah, though I would love to stay more, we have a city to protect," Kara told him depressingly. Next to her, Ryan had his arms crossed over his chest, his farewell already given to everyone, except Mike, with a simple nod and "Bye,"

To the spider hero, they simply fought again, coming up with a draw. "But thanks to Viktor and the other Barry building this room, we can or you guys can visit anytime!" Kara cheerfully told the group in front of her, as if the previous emotion didn't happen.

"We'll do," Caitlin told her with a smile, which was mirrored by Kara and even widening if that was possible. "Well, bye, cya another time!" She waved at the team in front of her and walked into the breach, followed by Ryan, who only glared at Mike before the breach closed. On top of the breach was written, "Superfamily"

"Well, I guess it's our turn." The older Barry spoke, marching towards the section that had "Justice League" with Viktor and Bruce behind him. Giving them a smile, "Tell everyone I said hi," Mike told them, making Barry scoff.

"Please, why don't you do it yourself!"

"We still need you in a group photo you know," Viktor spoke with a teasing smile aimed at Mike, making the man groan.

"As Kara said, next time, it's your turn to drop in and when you do, click-click," Barry told Mike, acting as if he had a camera in his hands, taking picture of the group in front of him with a grin, something that even Bruce smiled, though it was almost invisible.

And to confirm that and pressure Mike into it, "I'll look forward to it." Bruce spoke. "Oh man, you do know how we had to force him into that group picture." Viktor pointed at the rich man, ignoring the glare from the dark knight.

"If he's looking forward to it, prepare to be blackmailed with your weaknesses if you refuse." The cyborg spoke, making the group laugh at the comment. After almost a minute of back and forth, mostly with older Barry and Cisco and Barry, Bruce sighed in annoyance, "Viktor." He called the Cyborg.

"Right, we'll see you next time," The cyborg nodded and turned his back to them, writing something on his arm and as his command, a boom tube appeared in front of him, which Bruce didn't say anything and simply entered it, followed by Viktor and then older Barry that was waving both his arms at the group.