



He removed the goggles, his eyes teary and his stomach churning badly, whatever he ate a couple of hours ago, felt like was moving back into his stomach from his intestines, and then up his throat.

And then came the feeling of violently being sick. All of it happened under 5 seconds before Cisco started to bend down, a frantic Jesse crying out his name in worry, making Barry and her father come to the room.

Seeing Cisco's condition, Barry immediately raced to bring the trash to him, and once he did, Cisco let out everything that was in his stomach, slowly falling on the ground, his knees weakening, though Barry and Harry were with him, gently letting the man down on the floor.

After almost 30 seconds of Cisco puking, he finally raised his head, tears of grief falling down his face. "Cisco, what happened?" Barry questioned, his tone filled with worry but also authoritative, making the engineer breathe shakingly.

"It's Mike..." He spoke, freezing the trio, especially Barry. Though the speedster had a calm poker face, inside, he was ready to act at a moment's notice. "What about him, Ramon?" Harry asked, his neutral face turned into a frown.

Cisco, upon seeing Barry's calm facade, swallowed "He's...-" Immediately, he was interrupted by something unforeseen. His surrounding friends, the room that he was in, the mood of the place, everything changed into a dark realm.

The only source of light was the multiple square things surrounding the realm as far as eyes could see. Upon further careful look, Cisco found out that the square things weren't anything random but screens. Screens filled with Mike's life, but there were also multiple different versions of Cisco's friend on the screen.

"Don't you dare let him die," A booming voice came from behind the engineer, making him immediately turn around and come face to face with a figure, and immediately, Cisco's eyes widened and his instincts were telling him to get away?

"Oh? I guess since we have something in common, you can feel...me?" The figure on the chair spoke, amused just for a second before his posture changed. Taking his hand that was supporting his head on the chair's armrest, the... thing, the figure leaned forward a bit in interest, his boring stature now gone.

"Michael Allen is still alive. So save him. I didn't interfere with all this just for him to die a pitiful way like that. That'd be too boring." The figure spoke and without giving Cisco another chance, the figure just snapped his finger and Cisco was back with his friends. His friends were staring at him in worry.

His friends were waiting for him to tell the news regarding Mike, a piece of news that now has changed because of this new information. And without wasting another second, "gravely injured," Cisco changed what he was going to say, continuing, "I'm going to need your help." He told Barry, who frowned in worry before nodding, "Anything."

The vibe metahuman composed himself, wiping his tears and mouth before standing up with the support of Barry.

"Good, get ready," Cisco muttered before putting on the goggles again and concentrating on the last thing he saw. With his gauntlet back in action, "somethings might come through the wormhole." Cisco warned before a breach open horizontally a couple of inches from the floor.


Though it was quiet, the sound of a body falling on the cold floor froze everyone but Cisco's warning woke up the most important person, "BARRY!" He shouted at the speedster, who took his eyes off his bloodied brother, and seeing the debris falling, the speedster moved his twin to safety while Cisco closed the breach.


Though Mike and Toxin had been unconscious, as soon as Barry moved him to Caitlin's workshop, his entire body relaxed in the familiar smell of the bed and the room. "What do we do now?" Jesse asked, breaking the heavy mood in the room.

"We save Caitlin," Barry answered, his eyes not leaving Mike, whose body was healing itself as they were speaking. When he turned to Cisco, "I need you to watch Grodd and Caitlin, make sure he doesn't hurt her in any way you can." The speedster told his friend, not noticing the change in his brother's whole body.

"In the meanwhile, we will try to finish the anti-control so I can save Caitlin." Barry motioned for Harry to go back to the workshop and they were going to until, "Mike?" Jesse's voice stopped him. Surprised, they immediately turned towards the bed, seeing Mike awake and now standing in front of the bed.

Though they could see that he was awake, there was something wrong with him. His blue eyes were different. Even when they were open, they had no light as normal people would. "Mike? You okay?" Cisco asked cautiously, placing a hand on the man's shoulder, but Mike didn't answer. Looking at Cisco's hand and tracing it to the man's face, "Cisco, get away from him!" Barry warned but he was a second too late.

With Cisco's body flying out of the room, Barry flashed to save his friend from any serious injury, while Jesse and Harry took the younger Allen's warning and got out of the way. Ignoring the father and daughter, Mike marched out of the room without saying anything, his expression in an angry scowl.

Coming into the Cortex, Mike proceeded to ignore his brother and Cisco, who called out to him. "Mike!" Barry shouted after him but the only answer he got was Mike's back going further and further. "You okay?" The speedster asked his friend who nodded at him. Standing up, Barry flashed in front of his brother, in front of the entrance to the Cortex.

"Mike? What was that for?!" Barry asked in concern and anger but the only reply he got was his brother's frown at his sight. Without any warning whatsoever, the injured hero charged at the speedster, his intent clear.

Frozen from surprise, Barry prepared to block the blow, though that wasn't a smart decision, which resulted in the speedster to flew back from the attack and slamming at the hallway wall. "Barry!" "Mike!" Jesse and Cisco called out to them.

Again Mike resumed his walk, not even glancing back. As soon as he was out of view, the others ran to him, "Barry, you okay?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah... Have to thank Bruce for some defensive martial arts..." He muttered, his injury already healing at super speed. "What's wrong with him?" Jesse asked though it wasn't in any danger but rather concern. "I think... He's going after Caitlin." Barry answered her, struggling to stand up, which got the men's attention and they helped him.

"But why is he mad at us?" Cisco asked with a bit of a frown. "He isn't..." Barry replied, making Cisco raise his eyebrow at him, "He might still be unconscious." He continued, making everyone stop dumbfounded, "What?!"

"I'll explain, but we still have to work on anti-mind control as fast as possible. With the way Mike is right now, it might take about 30 minutes before he comes face to face with Grodd." Barry explained to him, hiding the pain in his forearms.


"What do you want Grodd," A feminine voice asked the gorilla in front of her, not wavering in fear in front of the giant ape. "I want you!" The ape replied back, standing huge in front of her, slamming his fists on his chest in a sign to show his power and make the woman in front of him submit.



Getting no answer for almost 30 seconds, not even a muscle twinge from the woman that once saved him from the bad military man. A scowl of anger appeared on his face, [!!!!ROAR!!!!] the ape tried another tactic to make her cower in front of him yet nothing again. The brunette simply stared back as if she was immensely disappointed at the thing in front of her, making Grodd's annoyance with her increase.

"I can't be yours." Caitlin calmly answered back, her eyes turning a bit cold, the temperature in the room also dropping a few degrees. Snorting at that, "No, You will be mine! I will kill your husband and his child!" He roared at her, making the room drop a couple of degrees further. "AND THEN YOU WILL BE MINE!" Grodd shouted in her head.

No longer able to handle this nonsense, a white mist appeared on the woman's hands and then her whole body. But before she could do anything, "How many times do I have to tell you, this will not work!" The gorilla berated her before Caitlin's whole body was frozen and the white mist disappeared. But her eyes still had daggers pointing at the ape.

Staring down at that defiant look, Grodd couldn't handle himself anymore. Ever since he had brought her to him and released his mind control over her partially, those eyes never cowered in fear as other humans did. Though he found it attractive, it was now becoming extremely annoying when Caitlin, the only person that was kind to him without any agenda, now had the same eyes as his father.

The eyes that showed he was nothing. With emotions taking over him, "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!" The gorilla roared at her, his hand moving before he could stop himself. Which resulted in knocking the head and right side of Caitlin on the wall next to her, and after a second of nothing, blood flowed from the side of her head, covering half of her face.

For a second, Grodd was confused at the outrage of his emotion, losing control over Caitlin. While the giant ape was staring at his hands in confusion, Caitlin, feeling the warm liquid on her face touched it before looking at the scarlet color, a memory resurfacing, a memory that she thought wouldn't be needed.

Flashback, to a year, ago, still in the original timeline with the war between the factions almost ending.

"Toxin," Mike called out to his partner, and answering him, a red glop formed on her husband's shoulder, the face of Toxin, the hero appeared right in front of Mike. "I need you to make a contingency." He told the symbiote who was listening quietly to his host while the man was looking at the two future diaries.

"Make a trigger in my mind. That as soon as Caitlin is in danger, it'll activate automatically, whether we are conscious or unconscious."

"Are you sure about it? We know the weakness this will bring." Toxin commented and without a single hesitation, "I don't care about the weakness. I can't risk it. I can't risk her. I've lost enough." Mike replied, his cold eyes not leaving the diaries.

"We can't be unconscious, resting without a worry in a future where my only family is in danger."

After almost a minute of silence, Mike finally tore his eyes away from the diary, which read:


"Hero Frost captured by opponent's faction in an ambush while Toxin absent."

And they fell on the form of the white-haired woman who was falling sleeping in the room, on the floor as if it was the most normal thing possible. Though Caitlin had indeed fallen asleep, the uncomfortable floor had woken her up enough to hear the conversation between the partners.

"Make it so whoever it is that will stand in front of us to stop us, WE destroy them with no mercy."


"Roger that partner." nodding at his host before entering the body again. But Mike wasn't done. "And if they hurt Caitlin, we show them a true monster"

Flashback end.

Though she couldn't see it herself, Grodd saw it when he glanced at her. Caitlin was smiling but it wasn't the kind smile that he knew. It was the smile that sent a shiver down the ape's spine. It was a smile that was expecting something, something very sinister to happen and she was looking forward to it.

'Mike... Show them to not mess with our family.' She thought before her vision got blurry. Her legs weakened and fell down on her spot. Scarlet liquid fell down from her head but no one was there to stop it other than Grodd, who was still frozen in his position, his instinct warning him to run away as far away as possible but something stopped him, something that would bring his doom and that was his pride.