
Trigger 2

"Guys, how soon?" An anxious speedster, with his cowl on his back, exposing his face asked the trio in the workshop, passing right in front of it. "We would be faster if you weren't asking the same question over and over again!" Cisco shouted back, his eyes and hands not moving from his work.

Hearing it, Barry shut up and looked at the screen right next to the mannequin.

A blue dot rapidly headed towards a green dot, already halfway there by the 10-minute mark. "Come on..." He muttered, wishing for things to settle down a bit.

If this whole situation weren't as dangerous, Barry would have been fascinated with his brother to be able to push himself so much. Adding the cherry on top, he was unconscious, and from what the speedster could assume, he was navigating with the Spider-Sense or most probably, Toxin, the symbiote moving Mike's body. But even then, Toxin would warn Barry and Cisco to get out of his way instead of blatantly attacking them right that.

"5 minutes tops!" Came his friend's shout, bringing him out of his thoughts and looking back to the screen. "We don't have 5 minutes! He's already getting closer to Grodd" Barry turned towards the trio working hard, "I'll try to buy as much time as possible before he comes face to face with Grodd and something bad happens!" The speedster told them.

Before the trio could answer, he was gone from the room with orange lightning following him. "Please Mike, don't do something stupid!" Barry hoped while running as fast as he could toward Mike's last location. After almost a minute, he found the man flying towards his target with a blank look on his face, the only thing on him other than the bloody clothes was his gargoyle-like wings, his face fully revealed.

Thankfully, since it was nighttime, no one had seen him, or even if they did and took a picture, the photo was blurry. With the map of the city memorized, Barry waited for Mike to turn towards one of the interceptions that lead to Grodd and as expected, the flying man did turn.

Taking that as his opportunity, Barry flashed towards him, intending to bring him down to the ground and then try to wake him up. But his plan was ruined by underestimating his brother. With the help of the Spidey sense, Mike knew about Barry and as soon as the speedster was in the air, flying towards him, the unconscious man's body moved, webbing the speedster's chest and instead spinning him over his head before throwing Barry on the ground.

Though surprised, Barry got back his focus and started spinning his arm at super speed, making two twisters to save himself. But before the speedster could touch the ground, two webs stick themselves on the ground next to Barry. And as soon as the younger twin turned toward the perpetrator, a weight of a truck fell on his body. Just the simple touch almost beheaded Barry.

Gritting his teeth in pain, Barry started phasing himself, making the attacker, his brother go through his body. Though Mike's unconscious body was frozen in confusion, Barry took that opportunity to get away from him. The movement was enough to bring Mike's focus back on the speedster.

Turning around, Mike spun his arm, but this time, Barry was ready for the attack, ducking under it. "Mike!" He called out to him, but no result. Seeing nothing change, Barry clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Tsk, sorry for this." he muttered before speeding to his brother.

Though the body tried to defend itself against Barry's attack, it wasn't fast enough, which resulted in Barry landing a couple of light but damaging punches on his body. With another fist in Mike's gut, making him fold, Barry used what Bruce had taught him and flip his brother over his shoulder by grabbing his left arm and slamming Mike on the ground.

Knocking air out of his lungs, and after a moment, Mike gasped.

"Wake up!" Barry shouted at his body and as if to answer the shout, Mike's eyes changed, instead of it being dazed, he winced in pain, looking at Barry in confusion, "Bar?" he called out to him, making the speedster let out a sigh.

"Morning, or" He looked at the dark sky, "Night in this case."

"What happened? Where am I? " Mike asked, looking around the empty alleyway and then back to Barry, a hand on his head to stop the headache and dizziness that he was feeling, ignoring the pain going through his body, "And why am I on the floor?"

Ignoring all his questions, "Caitlin, she's in danger." Barry dropped the news on him, making him stop his questioning and confusion. "What?" Mike asked back, his throat feeling like sandpaper, dry. His brain came to a halt, all the questions that he was gone, and instead, a memory resurfaced in his mind, a memory of looking into the diaries from the other timeline in the time vault. A picture of his wife with a hole in her guts.

The warm blood in his veins turned ice cold, his back covered in a cold sweat. His eyes turned sharper than ever, and before Barry could explain the situation further, the spider expended his Spidey sense, immediately locking into his pregnant wife's signature.

"Grodd has Cait, and... hostage... ti-mind control" Though Mike could hear what Barry was saying, his brain had already gotten all the information that he needed. 'Toxin' He spoke inwardly, searching for his partner who was in a worse state than he was. 'Go,' Came the answer, voice weak but the conviction and determination behind it were stronger than ever before.

"Mi-" Barry tried to bring his attention back to him, to make him wait a second more but interrupting him, his brother turned invisible. "MIKE, IT'S DANGEROUS" Barry shouted in vain, trying to stop him and grab where he used to be. But Mike was already on his way. "FUCK!" He shouted in frustration.

Thankfully, "We're done, Barry." Cisco spoke into his coms and without words, he raced to the S.T.A.R. Labs. Though he was happy that he got his little revenge by using what his brother had used on him once, the sweetness of that moment didn't linger anymore. Right now, he needed to take the anti-mind control device from Cisco, before Grodd did anything to her.

With Mike, the angered hero was gritting his teeth in wrath, his eyes not moving from the tower that the ape was hiding in. Though his bones were broken, his healing had gotten potent and strong enough to fix them slowly, and with the help of Toxin's tendril inside his body moving the limbs, he could rescue Caitlin.

Though there was one thing that Mike would want to complain about, that would be the fact that every time he was moving his arms, it would feel like they weren't even part of his body, with pain shooting throughout his body, as if the arms were about to be snatched and smashed.

Ignoring all of that, Mike stuck himself on the other side of the wall that the ape and his wife were, his Spidey sense confirming that Caitlin was out of harm's way. Though she was in a weird... Position, with the gorilla in the middle of the room, while Caitlin was next to the wall. The distraction from Barry had made it so that he didn't sense Grodd hitting Cait.

Putting his questions aside for later, Mike prepared himself to punch through the wall, sensing the shift that the gorilla was about to do, intending to walk towards his wife. As soon as Grodd took a step, Mike's fist fell on the wall, completely destroying it.

Since the spider hero was on that same wall he punched, Mike fell in the room, his eyes immediately landing on the injured Caitlin, her head bleeding, while her right arm was protecting the baby inside her.

Whatever Grodd was about to do, it was stopped by Mike charging directly to her position, taking his wife gently into his arms, "Cait," He lovingly called out to her, ignoring the ape behind him who was too afraid to take a step forward or even talk, his instincts screaming at him to run, but his body had stopped without his consent, looking at the bleeding woman and a calm, a very calm husband trying to stop the bleeding on her head.

And as if he got control back, Grodd shifted, "GET AWAY FROM HER!" It roared at Mike, who ignored him, cleaning the blood on her face as gently as he could.


One heavy step towards the duo, "GET AWAY FROM HER!" shouted Grodd once again.

Anger and rage built inside of him with every second, Mike pushed them down for a few minutes, his main priority was to make sure his wife was okay, ignoring the giant Silverback, whose fear was slowly turning into fury.


With another stride toward them, Mike turned his head, looking at the gorilla dead in the eye, his eyes dead, no emotions in them, yet the gentle caress that he was giving Caitlin even then showed that it was just a facade. A mask that was ready to fall down from his face at any second.

Before the man and ape could do anything, Barry forcibly entered the room, standing right next to his brother, the anti-mind control installed in his cowl, while another piece was in his hand. "Take her away," Mike ordered, slowly standing up and giving Caitlin's body to Barry.

"Like I'll let you do that!" Grodd yelled, focusing his mind control on Barry, but the speedster showed no signs that he was being mind controlled, even if he could. The only thing that Grodd could do to Barry was simply attacked him with emotions and certain bits and pieces of memories, but even that wasn't working now. As if something was blocking Grodd from entering his mind.

"Wha-" Barry wanted to ask but,

"Get out." Mike's cold voice echoed in the room, giving no room for negotiation. Without thinking another second, Barry ran away from there, his aim was the closest hospital near him, to get them to check up on her.

"I-" Again, interrupting the giant monkey,

"Shut up," Mike demanded, standing straight, facing the monkey, his arms and hands loose, his look blank. Sneering to hide the tremble in his spine, Grodd tried to enter and take control of Mike's mind.

Though the speedster was almost impossible to control, for now, he could take care of a non-speedster. His powers were enough to control any human, metahuman, or animal that he so chooses.

But the keyword was: try. Because as soon as Grodd's mind entered Mike's, he felt like he was in a world of darkness. Nothing was visible, the only light in the world was him and his body. But before his confusion could end there, he felt like his whole body was being crushed under the weight of the entire world.

To Grodd, he felt like gravity had increased at least 10 times, making him immediately drop to the dark floor, not being able to breathe for almost 30 seconds before a voice resounded through the darkness. "No, you won't get away so easily." Came the voice of his opponent, and immediately, all the weight on him disappeared, giving him a way out, which Grodd immediately took no hesitation, not seeing the irony of the mind controller being defeated in its own field.

While Mike was grateful for Bruce's teachings, right now his only goal was to ensure that Grodd suffered as much as possible for hurting Caitlin. And as soon as Grodd came back from Mike's mind, his eyes widened.

Because in front of him was an enraged man, flying at him with a sidekick aimed directly at the gorilla's face. The attack had enough force behind it to make Grodd stagger back, but before he could be steady again, Mike latched to the animal, his legs going around its neck.

With his position firmly, the infuriated man rained down punch after punch with no words or bantering coming out of him. His expression changed, sometimes, but even then, it would return to avoid one, but his punches didn't stop.

He had enough force to completely blow out Grodd's head, but Mike controlled enough of his raw power to just break bones, also making sure to not hit the same spot in succession. Of course, the animal's nose was already punched in, some of his teeth gone and being forcibly fed to him through punches.

The pain confused Grodd's mind on what to do, try to pull and throw the nutcase away from him or cover his face and stop the attacks. His black fur was covered by red and warm blood getting out from Grodd's nose, mouth, and even the ape's ears when Mike slammed his palms on them, knocking the Silverback on its butt. The touch of the red liquid only made Grodd dread the man in front of him even more than his Father, Eobard.

Instead of feeling the warmth of blood, Grodd only felt an icy shiver on his body. "Fight back, " Mike ordered and as if his brain was given permission, it listened, grabbing Mike with both of his hands and intending to throw him away from himself, while Mike willingly let go of Grodd's neck.

But for an exchange. Before the ape could throw him away, red spikes formed on the host's body and pierced Grodd's hands, "GAHHHHHH" The gorilla roared in pain, wanting to drop the man but the red and blue spikes were latched into his hands, not letting go.

"Ple-" Not letting him speak another word, "Shut up," Mike commanded, his right arm morphed into a huge red arm, hitting Grodd directly in his mouth, breaking whatever teeth were left behind. As soon as the fist landed on the gorilla, he was sent flying through the cracked wall, falling 5 stories down toward the ground, his hands free from Toxin/Mike's hold now.

Though the hit was harder than the previous one, it wasn't enough to knock out the gorilla. Which was unfortunate, because with his consciousness still intact,


As soon as his back hit the cemented road, something in Grodd broke, his legs not moving at all.

In its blurry vision, Grodd saw the scariest human jump from where they were a second ago, his speed increasing. Though Grodd wanted to move, his lower body was refusing to listen. But even then, Mike showed no mercy, falling down directly on the giant's stomach, his feet pointed down like a spear, folding the gorilla in two.

Again, pain shot out through the animal's body, except his lower part. "You're lucky." He heard his attacker's voice though barely. "I have to check up on my wife," He spoke, and without another second, all of Grodd's pain disappeared.

But he was still alive for now, confusing him. His eyes cleared away from all the hurt, looking around himself, before finding a sight of his body. Though it was bizarre because he could see the side of his arm, while his body lay on the ground. On his stomach was Mike, coldly looking at his eyes, a flash of disgust appearing in his eyes before it disappeared.

Trailing down his enemy's body, that's when Grodd saw the steel, spider blade in his left hand, the blade crimson, confusing him before everything made sense, his brows shooting up slowly.

The pain didn't disappear because Mike stopped attacking. Even if he did, he should still feel the bruises and injuries on his body. With the last light in his eyes slowly leaving him, his mind came to the answer.

His pain stopped... Because he had no body that could feel the slightest pain...