
Request For Help

PS: Hit a hard writer's block. The title is litteraly me screaming for help lol


"What will having just another person change in all of this?" A boy with a black cape, red and yellow outfit asked the man sitting on his computer. "If they could take down Superman and the rest of the Justice League, what will having another man change?" The boy asked when his father didn't answer him.

"He's not just a man, Damian." Diana answered instead of Bruce. Though Damian was ready to comment, Diana continued, "He's our leader. And my brother." She told him, making the young boy frown. "That doesn't explain anything!" He shouted at her. Though he received a glare from his father, he ignored him, glaring at the amazonian woman, who could only let out a helpless smile. Even she didn't know what could change with having Michael come here.

"His abilities. He could easily infiltrate and free our allies." Batman answered, turning to his son and his date. Hearing that, Damian snorted and looked away, no further comments from him. With no more talking, Batman entered a password on his device. And a moment later, a portal, almost like a boom tube appeared in the middle of the room.

Without wasting another second, a figure of a man walked out, wearing his usual normal clothes and next to him, a brunette exited as well, her belly showing clearly her condition. She had a big bumb on her belly, between 4 to 5 months.

As soon as both were out of the portal, it closed behind him. Diana and Damian were standing in front of him, the woman welcoming and the kid glaring at the newcommers, especially the man. "Good to see you, Michael." Diana spoke first, smiling wide at the duo. "And sister." She told the brunette who returned her smile.

"Good to see you too Diana." Caitlin answered her, and then her eyes shifted to the kid with a scowl. "And you too?" She told the kid. "Act like he doesn't exist." Mike replied when Damian didn't. Instead he walked up to Diana, who met him in half and hugged.

Batman, when he saw that they were done with their greetings, "Toxin," he greeted with his usual stern tone, calling him with his hero name instead of his. For Michael, that was all he needed to know that this was a bussiness call and not pleasure. Instead of the usual handshake, the two men grabbed each other's forearms as a greeting and after a second, they let go. Batman motioned for him to follow, which Mike nodded.

And true to his words, he completely ignored Damian who was fuming and glaring at Mike, while Diana stood behind to watch and help Caitlin if she ever needed one.


"Seriously? Another invasion?" Mike asked his friend, surprised at this world's problems. "What's wrong with you guys?" He asked his friend who never replied to his first question. "They might have taken out Superman with Kryptonite, Hal is off planet and his replacer, John Stewart by Hawkgirl, and J'onn J'onzz with fire." Bruce informed about the heavy hitters.

"What about Barry, Billy, Arthur, and Vik?"

"... Hawkman figured out the speedster identity and captured his family. As long as Flash doesn't do anything, his family's safe." Batman replied after taking a pause, his usual persona changing that of caution directed towards his friend.

And as he suspected, Mike's entire existence changed, from serious to that of a murderer. The Thanagarian had crossed a line without knowing and they would pay for that. But Batman wasn't done yet, he asked about the others. So, he provided, "I don't know about Billy. But when the invasion occured, Arthur was in his kingdom."

"When he got the news about the invasion, he has started preparing for war in case they attack the oceans." The dark knight told the spider hero, whose eyes were fixed on a video of Thanagarians completely destroying the world's military as if it was child's play. They had done that in just half a day. When you have an entire army with at least millions and millions of soldiers and weapons in their hands ressembling things like maces and axes that could disable the military's weapons or turn them off like a switch, conquering the world would be easy without the justice league.

"So, find out about our team's location and free them." Mike spoke, a plan already forming in his head, while Batman nodded at his words, both thinking about the same thing. Which is why the billionaire had called him here. "I'm gonna need a big distraction then." Mike told him, and Batman nodded. "We have that covered." The dark knight told him, and Mike didn't ask about it or who was the distruction, trusting Bruce enough with the plans.

"When is it ready?" The spider hero asked the bat and the answer came. "Anytime we want."

With Diana and Caitlin and a certain kid that was frustrated with the way Mike had treated him.

"So, what's going on with him and Mike?" Caitlin asked the warrior woman while pointing at Damian with her eyes. Diana let out a tired sigh, "He is mad since he could not land a hit on Michael."

Damian's frown only deepened when he heard Diana share that with an unknown woman, still remembering when Mike had always humiliated him. While he couldn't fight his father because of his, not admitting it, scary glares, no one was his match in the bat family. Though he had lost agaisnt Nightwing, the prodigee of Batman, all the time in his spars, he could still land some hits on Dick. But Mike was different.

He not only would dodge the attacks, but he had always fought him with his eyes closed. Since his stay, Damian always challenged him but the result was always the same, with the kid getting knocked out whenever Mike would get bored of him.

For someone that was trained by the league of assassin, the most dangerous league that even Superman was cautious of, and then being trained by Batman, one of the leaders of the Justice League, Damian had build himself a big ego. And all of that was crushed by some nobody that wasn't even from this world. And the assassin boy did not like that.