


While Superman was...playing around with his food, and stopping metahumans that were near him. Mike and Misty were recovering from the explosive Nanos. "Who's the person that planted those in you?" Toxin, the hero, demanded from Misty after protecting her.

"I don't know... Only the lieutenant knows his real name, but even they won't talk about it." Lily replied back, grunting in pain. Annoyed but understanding for now, "We'll talk later about this. For now, you'll come with me after this. I need some questions answered."

"Sure, as long as I no longer will be a hostage." She replied back, earning a nod from Mike. "Go to S.T.A.R. Labs, we'll join you there." Toxin told her before swinging away. Staring at the hero's back, the blue-haired woman could only let out a sigh of relief.

"I'd be so easy to run away now..." She muttered before heading towards the destination that was given to her. "Just for a bit... As long as I can be away from Zoom and him..." Along her way, she started controlling any clean water and used them to knock down any or all metahumans that were near her as a form of thank you towards her hero.


With Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry,

[GASP] "Mike! No, no, no! That... Ha...ha... Can't happen... No..." Caitlin kept muttering to herself, her face filled with horror and panic. And speaking of it, she felt her breathing stopped all of a sudden, her eyes filled with fright. But not regarding her situation but what she had seen.

Her wide eyes filled with tears, she closed them to try and get back her breathing, but it only augmented the things that she saw. The arm of her husband was detached from his body. A side of his face completely missing.

Instead of helping her condition, the act of closing her eyes just refueled the attack, she opened them but now her vision was only blurry, stopping her from even seeing the shape of her hands in front of her face. "Ca..... y.... ay...?" she heard a muffled, faint voice, almost as if she was submerged completely in water.

"...en!.... 's ha.....ni.....att....k...." She heard another voice, Harry talking to Cisco.

Pushing out the image of her husband falling to his knees from her head, she forced her lungs to inhale and though it was extremely hard, a small amount of oxygen entered her system, making it easier to have her other senses slowly come back.

"Tha....! reat..... lik.... that..." The muffled and faint voice was slowly disappearing, "Tha... it... breat.... slowly... Cait... That it... In and out..." Cisco's voice guided her and getting her other senses back not long after, she felt a warm hand on top of hers, while her palms were resting on the longue-haired man's chest which was going up and down slowly.

Seeing the daze in her eyes disappearing, "Cait... You okay?" Cisco asked again, this time, she could hear him. "Yea-yeah... It's n-"

"Don't tell me it's nothing, it was something." Cisco shot back, interrupting her with a gentle, but firm tone.

Biting the side of her lips, Caitlin frowned before looking back at Cisco's and surprisingly, Harry's eyes' "It's... was a nightmare..." She replied, only for the duo in front of her to adopt a confused but worried expression.

"About Mike... About... the future..." The doctor of the team explained, making both men's brows shoot up in realization before a complicated expression took over, each not knowing what to say.

After a moment or two of silence, "Cait... I can't say that everything will be fine. But... I'll try my best to help avoid that future." Cisco told her with a firm and determined tone. Giving him a shaky smile, "I know, Cisco. Thank you... To you to Harry."

Caught off guard by the gratitude, Harry simply nodded back and his blank face returned. But the concern in his eyes was still there. But before they could do anything else, [Movement Detected in Breach Room] an automatic voice conveyed to the entire Cortex.

The first one to move was Harry, exiting Caitlin's workshop and running to Cortex's desk, and with a press of a button, one of the cameras in the breach room popped up on the screen, making Harry's eyes go wide open in disbelief.

Back with Caitlin and Cisco, "Wait here." Cisco ordered her sister figure, only for her to mock him by rolling his eyes, or at least something resembling that, before he ran after Harry. Leaving the doctor alone.

Something that she really didn't want right now. She needed her husband next to her at this moment but since he wasn't there. The next best thing was literally inside her. Unconsciously bringing her hand to her baby bump, she let out a calm voice.

"Everything's going to be okay, honey..." She whispered to it but also to herself.

"Your daddy's going to be back soon and we'll find a way to save him." She spoke again, her eyes going back to a dazed state, while her mind was racing with happy scenarios that she had seen with her family.

With her Michael, and her baby...boy... "Ryan..." She called out with a happy smile, gently caressing the bump with her hands, her trembling and sweaty body had calmed already, and her sweat was frozen before disappearing.

The only indication that she had woken from a nightmare was the bed that she was on. Before she could continue with her daydream, Cisco walked back into the Cortex, a giant happy and goofy smile on his face.

"Guess what," He spoke but before Caitlin could, "Harry's daughter, she's here! Mike saved her!" The engineer called out happily, making the doctor's smile widen as well, her hands stopped for a second before she resumed her gentle rubbing. Looking down at it, "Hear that?" She spoke.

Seeing the woman's open conversation with her unborn child, all Cisco could do was widen his smile, finding the scene in front of him the most beautiful.

Turning back to Cisco, "Is he here?"

Though the smile dropped a bit, it still retained itself on Cisco's face, "Not yet," he shook his head, "Harry is bringing his daughter back up here. For now, I thought we'd give them a bit of space to catch up first." He replied to her. Hearing the reason, the brunette simply nodded, indicating that she agreed with his decision.


After a while, Harry and a teenager filled with joy entered the Cortex, only for her to panic seeing the two people in the room. Her eyes wide in fear, specifically directed towards the man, Cisco, who had caught up to the reaction.

"Ok... This is weird, what did I do?" The young engineer asked looking at the scared kid and then at her dad.

"Evil Francisco, remember?" Harry answered back, his left arm covering the shivering Jesse.

Giving the man a nod, Cisco backed off while Caitlin was seated at the Cortex desk, looking uncomfortable at Jesse's panicked stare at her as well.

"I guess, like Cisco, I was evil over there too?" She asked only for Jesse to give a half nod, not saying anything. Sending her a gentle smile, "I understand, you can take all the time you need..." She told the teenager, and attempted to stand up, "Dr. Allen, you don't have to, we'll-"

"It's fine, Harry. I can understand where she is coming from." She told him and smiled a little sadly towards Jesse, "There's a spare bed in my workshop. She can use it to rest."

"And I have just finished changing the sheets to the other one." Cisco came back with a white cover and sheet in his hands balled up and tossed to the side, earning a glare from Caitlin. Though he let out one of his goofy smiles with his hands up.

"Thank you," Harry replied, only for the duo to give him and the quiet Jesse a smile with a nod. "Don't worry about it. I'll have some big belly burger ready." Cisco told the man.

As soon as the father and daughter were about to enter the doctor's workshop, "Wait Harry, I just have a question for Jesse." Caitlin called out from the desk, showing the frightened girl that she had no intention of getting up.

When she turned towards the frost metahuman, "Is Mike safe?" hearing the question, Jesse could only show confusion before revelation hit her.

"Yo-you mean Spid-spider-Man?"

Hearing that nickname, Caitlin brightened up, giving her a nod, "Yes, he's my husband. Is he okay?" She asked back more energized.

Seeing the doppelganger of her captor's genuine smile instead of the cruel and twisted one, she was bewildered but simply nodded, making Caitlin's smile turn into a sigh of relief, her shoulder relaxing with that news.

And among those things, she did not miss the way the wife of her hero looked down at gently caressed her stomach, making Jesse's eyes go wide in surprise. Meanwhile, Harry let her daughter absorb this new information.

Though he had informed her that the people here were good people and not their counterparts, she still needed to see all this to believe. And even that would be hard because of her trauma. Though the father wanted his daughter to go back to her fiery and confident self, he knew that it would take time, or even worse, Jesse would be like this for the rest of her life.

After a while, Harry gently nudged his daughter, "why don't you take a rest? I'll be right here with you." He told her gently, making Jesse stare at him for a moment and letting out a smile filled with relief, her previous tense shoulder relaxing a bit, "yeah, I am pretty... tired." She babbled, the exhaustion finally catching up to her.