
Introduction 3

PS: The last chapter kinda threw almost all my planning and outline of this fanfic out. But, hopefully, I can salvage some parts of it. Though I will admit that I liked writing the last chapter because of my ocs fight.

In the arrowverse, I can't seem to find any good or satisfactory enemy that Mike or Barry can go against full power other than Zoom. Which is why the introduction of Charles, his butler David, and if you have read the first chapter of my random stories, Charles's father and the thing's that are going to happen is so important


Back with Caitlin, Cisco, Harry, and Jesse.

Because of all the fatigue that had accumulated over weeks and months, Jesse was safely knocked out for over a day, the only time she would wake up from her sleep was for bathroom breaks or eat before going back to sleep.

Though Harry was worried, Caitlin assured him that he was fine. Meanwhile, Cisco was almost finished with his gauntlets, the only reason that he wasn't was because he had hit a wall, stagnating him.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, entering his workshop, startling Cisco before he went back to focus on his work. "Trying to finish this, but I've... faced a wall." The young engineer replied back, scratching his head.

Seeing his struggle, "Move, let me." Harry semi-ordered semi said, making Cisco pause a bit. "What? Why?"

"To pay you back for helping with my daughter, now," He gestured, asking for the screwdriver in Cisco's hand, who hid it protectively, "Nah-uh, this is my job. Why don't you go and take care of Jesse?" Cisco shooed him away with his hand.

Sighing and repressing the urge to rub the bridge of his nose, "Ramo-" "Harry, I am serious. Your daughter needs you as soon as she wakes up. If Caitlin or I stand by her side, we might scare her half to death all over again."

Seeing his serious and stern expression, Harry could only nod with resignation, but also a weird feeling which he pushed down. "Fine." The genius muttered before getting out.

After almost an hour like this, a notification sound went throughout the Cortex, making Harry and Cisco come to the desk, finding a worried Caitlin watching over the alert. "What is it?" Cisco asked her, coming over next to her.

"Someone's trying to hit a bank while the Flash is missing," Caitlin told them, while Cisco came over and started typing on the computer, entering the bank camera and already scouting ahead. Unknowingly, Jesse had also woken up from the alert and was trying her best to listen to the conversation happening outside the room.

"Now what... Do we leave it to the cops? Barry or Mike aren't here yet." Cisco asked turning to Caitlin and then to Harry. Only for their attention to fall on the woman sitting behind the desk, "I'll do it. Until they're back, I'll protect the city." Caitlin spoke, determination oozing off of her.

"You're pregnant Cait, what if your powers-" stopping his question, "Her powers won't affect her pregnancy but the risks in the battles will. I'll do it." Harry volunteered himself, which surprised Cisco a little.

Without speaking another word, Caitlin activated her powers, white and cold vapor coming out of her, shielding and pushing away Cisco and Harry. "I have taken part in wars before, I have killed before." Caitlin's voice echoed in the room, but only it was bone-chillingly icy and cold, even the temperature of the room dropped by a few degrees.

"This is nothing." She told them, exiting the room, leaving an amazed Cisco, dumbfounded Harry, and a startled Jesse behind. Being the first one to recover, Cisco exited the room, "How are you going to reach the bank?!"

Giving him a smirk, "I'll manage." she replied.

Going to the edge of S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin simply looked down at the ground before jumping off of it, both the palms of her hands right in front of her and with her command, beams of ice energy got out of them, freezing the air, transforming it into solid ice for a few seconds, enough for her to slide on top of it.

Showing a degree of control that awestruck Cisco, she slid or "flew" towards her destination, the ice behind her transforming into water.


Coming back to the lab, her powers now deactivated, she let out a sigh once she was Cisco's almost twinkling look but when she saw Jesse awake and in Cortex with her dad as well, whispering to each other.

But upon Caitlin, as now people know her as Frost, entered the room, they turned towards her. Though she didn't miss the tension on Jesse, she opted for ignoring it seeing that Jesse was trying to talk with them.

"I want to... introduce myself." She spoke, stuttering in her speech, and seeing Caitlin's warm smile, only confirmed what her dad had told her regarding them. And that was something huge, because her dad, Harrison Wells, the genius of the century, hated working with people. And that same person had called the doppelganger of Reverb and Killer Frost kind and extremely smart people.

"My name's Jesse Wells," she spoke, waiting for either of them to take over now. "You already know me, but I'm Cisco, she's Caitlin," Cisco spoke, pointing at himself and then at Caitlin with a disarming and calm smile, letting Jesse relax even more.

"Nice to meet you, Jesse," Caitlin told her, making Jesse gulp but she gave them a smile, though forced. "How are you feeling? Any pain?" Caitlin asked her, already turning on her doctor mode. "No, just... I was a bit tired and hungry," she told her, while Harry was still next to her, his arm over her shoulder to comfort her.

"Understatement of the year," Cisco interred with a snort, "That little girl ate everything that I got us." Making Jesse blushed in embarrassment, while the man simply chuckled at her reaction, ignoring Harry's glare.

"If you don't mind, can I do a quick test on you?" Caitlin asked her, only for her to tense. Giving her a gentle smile, "If you aren't comfortable, then don't worry. We can do it another time. But I suggest we do it as soon as possible just in case." The doctor told the teenager, who nodded reluctantly.

But seeing that she wasn't moving from her spot even with Harry's encouragement, Caitlin let out a sigh before telling her, "It's fine, we can do it tomorrow."

Remember that she needed to check up on something else, Caitlin excused herself and got out of the Cortex, while Cisco returned to working on his gauntlet. The father and daughter went back to Caitlin's workshop for Jesse to return for a nap.

Walking in the hallway, Caitlin stopped right in front of a specific wall, and with a scan that was placed on the wall, the secret door opened to the time vault. As soon as she entered it, the lights turned on without her asking.

Directly heading towards the white podium, "Gideon, show me the diary." She spoke and without the AI forming in front of her, the newspaper from the future was laid out in front of her in the air, nothing changed.

"Why won't it change?! I interfered! I showed Frost to the world!" She demanded, her eyes turning rageful before distress took over. "Why won't it change?" Caitlin muttered, her eyes red from tears of fear at what she had seen in her dreams.

With a sense of impending doom, Caitlin started wobbling on her feet, the floor, and the ceiling starting to move, with an extreme headache and nausea. The feeling of her breathing was gone, instead, her mind was racing with her husband's decapitated head rolling to the feet of her and her child, his eyes wide open.

"N-o" Caitlin managed to let out, her eyes falling to the ground as if she was seeing exactly what she had dreamt of. Though she was demanding her body to breathe, it wasn't obeying her. She could feel that she was struggling to even stand still.

So the best-case scenario was to lean on the wall. Except that she had misread the distance between herself and the wall, making her falter and fall headfirst toward it. But before it could happen, multiple alarms and notifications went off and then a muffled feminine voice called out to her.

"...len, Micha-.....ck." she heard and the words quickly made sense. 'Michael, Mike. He's back!' She shouted in her mind, and immediately as if she had gotten control back over her body. She had stopped sweating, and her dizziness and headache were gone with her nausea.

She could breathe again and without even waiting for another second, she ran out of the time vault, heading towards the breach room.


In the breach room, the first one to exit was, of course, Mike with his superhero persona, and before even Toxin could retract and change, Caitlin's body was slammed into Mike's, making him go a step back but nonetheless, he caught his wife.

Instead of the happy reunion that Mike was looking so forward to, he got one with his wife drenched in a sweat, crying in relief in his chest, hugging him tightly, as if she would lose him forever.

"Cait, shhh, I am here, I'm here. Right with you." Mike told her, gently rubbing her back in circles, not minding her drenched dark blue shirt. Behind him, multiple other people got out of the breach, and seeing the crying woman in their leader's arms and the mood, no one spoke.

"Mi-Mike, I'm scared! I'm scared of losing you again! I don't know what to do!" Caitlin told him, surprising him but his gentle comfort was still there.

"Slow down, my frosty queen. What happened?" Mike asked her, seeing Cisco, Jesse, and Harry enter the room as well. Only giving them a nod, he motioned for Justice League members to Cisco, who understood him and motioned for them to follow him, leaving the husband and wife alone.

"I-I- I went back to that place! The place with Caitlin and Frost." She spoke, freezing Mike in his comfort before he tightened her hold on her and resumed gently rubbing her back. "Talk to me, Cait. What happened."

"I, I saw you die, Mike. I saw you die in front of our child." Caitlin told him, sobbing in his arms,

"I saw how everything we did, nothing worked. Nothing worked against Zoom as if he knew it beforehand! I-I saw-" She stuttered, the words not wanting to come out, but they did when Mike told her, "it'll be okay, Cait"

Shaking her head in his chest and then broke the hug to stare at his warm eyes, "I saw myself kill you, Mike. I killed you with my own hands! In front of our own child!" She told him, sobbing back in his chest.

Ignoring the tight hold on his heart, Mike hugged Caitlin, meanwhile, 'Toxin, check up on her and the baby.'

"I promised, didn't I?" Mike asked her, breaking the hug enough for him to cub Caitlin's face in his hands, making her stare back at him, "I promised that I wouldn't leave you two behind." He reminded her, making her nod while sniffling.

"I'll do anything in my power to always come back for you two, okay?" Though she knew that even with those words, the future might not change, just hearing it exit from HIS lips comforted her so much more than anything else in the world.

"So, why don't we restart our reunion, eh?" He asked her, kissing her forehead, "I was looking forward to my frosty's beautiful smile, you know," Chuckling at that, she nodded though because of her laugh, some snots got out of her nose.

Seeing her now blush from embarrassment, Mike laughed, from his handsome napkins appeared, cleaning her nose. "Come on, I want to introduce my beautiful wife to some eavesdropping people," Mike told her.

Though Caitlin showed a confused expression, the people in the hallway immediately all headed towards the Cortex, making Mike sigh.

'Mike, the baby is in danger if this continues,' Toxin finally spoke, making Mike's whole body freeze in cold, 'What do you mean?'

'Caitlin's panic attacks. They are having a severe effect on the baby, Mike.' Toxin replied, his tone much more serious than at any other time.

'Can you-' 'I am already trying my best. But if this continues on, he'll be in danger.' Toxin answered his partner's unfinished question.

'He?' Mike asked in surprise, making Toxin smile a bit, 'Yeah, it's a he.' Taking a pause to breathe in that new information, Mike smiled at Caitlin who was also in thought, feeling Toxin in her body change something inside her. Looking back at Mike for an explanation, "So, Ryan...eh," He spoke, surprising Caitlin before she smiled and nodded, caressing her bump.

"Caitlin," Mike called out to her, using her full name and the seriousness in his tone was enough to tell her that what was happening to...them was something super serious. She could already guess what was the problem.

"From now on, no more traveling between earth without you," Mike told her, with a smile at the end. Hearing that, it felt as if an entire mountain's load was lifted from her shoulder, making her feel so light and visibly, her posture changed.

Giving him a huge smile, she nodded, "Promise?" "Promise."