
Future Threats

've hit a wall regarding this chapter, 30 min of staring at my screen but nothing which is why this is so short. Sorry about that.


It's been about 3 days since Bruce and Kara's return to their own home and since Cisco's vibe. The funny thing is that even with the threat from the Eye, the diary in the time vault didn't change. It still was talking about my final battle with Zoom and that I won by sacrificing myself and since Barry's diary was gone, leaving just mine, something changed in the future.

Something that we have no idea about, maybe that change is the warning from the Eye, but things are looking confusing. First, Zoom, then his partner, and now Eye. Not to mention the possibility of another strong metahuman popping up in the Central City with the goal to bring destruction.

Right now, it seems like people with metahuman powers just want to live a normal life since the option of abusing their powers is either Toxin or Flash coming in and beating them. Why do I say this? Because while I was swinging yesterday, during the day, I sensed people, stronger than the usual normal people and all they were doing is walking in the city with a happy, peaceful smiles.

All I could think about was that maybe Barry and I created a city where there would be no need for violence. Maybe, just maybe, our presence created a city opposed to Gotham and even safer than Metropolis. Something that I can safely boast about to the two men when I would meet them again.

Anyway to the topic, since Cisco had finished his gauntlet with the help of Jesse and Harry, he and Barry, or sometimes me, would go around the city, closing down all the unstable breaches that were still open, even closing down the stable one inside our lab. Since then we had someone to open the breaches anytime we wanted.

And speaking of that world, Jay died. I would love to say he died from starvation but no, he died from something else. Whatever it was, his body was gone from the metahuman cell, making us think that he fled. But upon looking at the camera, he died very painfully, with his screams being in silent mode, he struggled to keep himself alive before blue lightning surrounded his body, and with that, his body burned to ashes.

Harry informed us that it was because of the drug that he had once made, the velocity drug, a speed drug for the speedsters to get even faster. But it was a failed product, something that Zoom had once used and something "Flash" of his world had asked for as well before his conquest began.

The cure for it was of course the speed of other speedsters and the only side effect would be that he was going to be faster. Something that Zoom or his real name, Hunter approved off. Another thing that I had no idea about was Misty, the water metahuman. Though I had told her to go to S.T.A.R. Labs and that we would protect her, after subduing and sending all the "bad" metahuman into Viktor's prison realm, she wasn't in front of S.T.A.R. Labs.

She probably took that chance for freedom and ran away. Though I think her chances of living in that world are still lower than this one, I hope she does survive and go into hiding for a bit. But with the damage that I had done to Zoom, I think he'll be furious enough to only focus on me and not her. So, I am removing another 10.

Though I am not sure what is the count now after saving Harry's Central City, I would suggest not more than 10k. Rubbing her face from tiredness, I started to thought about the Justice League. Though I was happy that they had expended, that now comes with its own issue.

Something that Bruce and I talked about a little. They were getting sloppy. Not just the founding members but all members. Though there were some exceptions, those were very few. Maybe I will have to visit them at least once.

And speaking of Bruce, that bastard is just... a genius. Since he has his own version of Cisco as a member of the Justice League, the freaking billionaire studied Cisco's powers and came up with a way to block his vibes from his Batcave. Like, how insane is that?!

The reason why I am saying this is because he covered the entirety of S.T.A.R. with that same thing with older Barry's help. Like... seriously, even Eobard Thawne couldn't come up with something like that since his main focus was Barry.

His paranoia is so advanced that I can only accept it... Hell, if given enough time, he could even prepare something against Darkseid and go 1v1. Makes me question and regret my decision when I told him to fully upgrade contingency regarding me to the max level...

Letting go of a sigh, I tried closing my eyes but all I could think about was the future. And if I was being honest, I was scared. For the first time in my life, I was scared of the future instead of the past or the present.

I was scared because in that kind of world, a world filled with danger, how likely it is for my future kids and my wife to get hurt? How can I protect them against Zoom, against his partner that I haven't even seen? Against the so-called Eye. How was I supposed to protect them? the thought of failing was scary.

My sparring with Ryan had opened my eyes, to the fact that I was weak. Dealing with normal or semi-threats such as everyday metahumans or drug dealers or crime families made me realize that I was lacking a real sparing partner, someone that would push me just like Diana did.

"Mike?" A sleepy voice called out next to me, "Yeah, Cait?"

"Are you okay?" She asked, taking my arm from my side and instead placing it under her, her sleepy head now on my chest, her ear placed right on the beating of my heart. "Yeah, love, just thinking. You should sleep." I answered back, giving her a kiss on her head.

"hm, it's in the middle of the night, do thinking in the morning, now sleep." She demanded cutely, half asleep, making me chuckle before I nodded. "Your wish is my command," I replied before fixing the ceiling once again and then closing my eyes.

After almost a minute, "You'll be okay, Mike. We'll be okay." Caitlin whispered, still half asleep. "Of course, my frosty." I gave her another peck on her head before attempting to sleep.